All Chapters of Alpha Of The Night: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
202 Chapters
Collate your Team III: Second member, Betty
Betty contacted Raul early that morning but got Edna. She was disappointed but Edna explained to her that she was the one in charge of Raul’s calls and everything else. Betty understood and was calm.Then she passed her message to Edna who informed Raul of her coming. Raul was pleased to hear that Betty was coming and made arrangements to meet with the mayor which Edna also took care of. While they were at it, there was a knock on the door. Edna went to get it and saw Hayley standing outside.She greeted her respectfully as always and let her in. Raul knew from her reaction that the one at the door would be of higher authority than he was. So he said nothing and as he saw Hayley, his heart leaped for joy. He quickly composed himself right to receive her and was all smiles.“Hey babe!”  he smiled at her. “Something wrong?” he was amazed to see her there.She gave Edna a nod which meant that she should give them some space
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Collate your Team members
The mayor had called the governor on phone for an urgent meeting between Tom, him, and herself. She was in her room that night all dressed up for bed and was giving both Tom and the governor feedback of the day.She told them of the meetings they had with Betty earlier today. She explained to them how Betty confirmed her readiness to become a part of them. She described to them how excited she was and the promise she made to fight alongside Raulif he helped her to become a werewolf.The governor and Tom were both amazed at how serious Betty sounded to be and was excited for her.“It’s always exciting to welcome a new member to the team,” Tom exclaimed.“How is Hayley doing?” the governor asked him in a small voice.Kara replied. “Oh, she good. Been entertained by the presence of Colleen. The baby’s kicking beautifully.”“That’s good to know.” The governor replied.&ldqu
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Learn your place
“I’m not trying to convince you ma’am but I did not want her to use her powers but she insisted and that’s why we are here,” Raul explained.The mayor understood his fears and left the matter. Then Tom spoke up to change the subject.“What could she have seen about herself that made her faint?”“Well, pregnancy has its cross and especially on females with powers. Hayley is a special female. This pregnancy is really tough on her, I wish there was something I could do to turn this around for her so she doesn’t feel the impact so much.” The witch paused and took a deep breath gazing down at her. “But I’ll try my best to make sure that she is alright.” The witch assured.“But what did she see about herself that made her faint? That was the question.” Kara emphasized.Raul swallowed hard as he did not know what she saw exactly. He could only recall fragments of the
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It is Now or Never
Raul remained in Wizzletown until Hayley was better. He considered taking her with him but for her health status, he agreed to let her remain under the care of her sister. The witch was also there at Kara’s place in case Hayley had any sudden seizures.The mayor welcomed and entertained the witch in her home. She was given a room at the guest quarters close to Raul and they had enough time to bond. The witch made Raul aware of all the priest’s weak points which he may need to defeat him.The witch encouraged and advised Raul; her words gave Raul hope and the strength to prepare him to meet the priest. The witch assured him of her support in defeating the priest at the right time. She made Raul understand that Hayley may not be coming to the mainlands at all until after she had been put to bed.Raul did not like the news but he understood that it was necessary because of her present condition. The witch assured him that the mayor would take good care
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Trouble in the city I
Raul and Hayley had a small wedding using the mayor’s residence the following day. A reverend the mayor had contacted was the celebrant of the service. They had their union celebrated the human way, with the mayor, the governor, Betty, Edna, Tom, and Heather present at the wedding.After the wedding celebration, Raul spent the night with his luna in Hayley’s room before his departure which was scheduled for the next day. They cuddled in bed after one last night of love-making with Hayley almost in tears for missing Raul.“Please don’t make this more difficult than it already is for me.” Raul pleaded.Hayley was in tears, Raul wiped the tears off her face and tried to keep her calm. She sniffed and said between sobs. “I’m going to miss you. I really wish I could come with you.”“It’s a war baby; it’s no place for a pregnant female,” Raul argued.“But May did it when she wa
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Trouble in the city II
“Thank goodness, you’re safe.” Heather hugged her husband. “I was so worried about you.”“We barely escaped so we must lay low now,” Tom advised.“I saw it in the news. It’s everywhere.” Heather was afraid. She felt her heartbeat fast. “The boys are on their way here.”“Why?” Tom was not in support of their coming to see him.“To check up on their father to be sure that he’s alright,” Heather explained.“Oh, I see.” Tom smiled. “But this is not the right time to be making suspicious movements because the boy’s face is now all over the country and people will be looking for him. we need to keep him out of sight until we leave for the mainlands.”The luna hugged her son even tighter in fear of losing her son in the human world she thought was safer than the mainlands. Lucas would not just be furious; he would murd
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New changelings: Betty & Paul
Balaam entered Tom’s house with a dark, huge and tall, good-looking guy. The room was silent as everyone stared in amazement at how well built the guy was. He had the stature of a werewolf even though he obviously wasn’t one.“Hi, Balaam!” Tom greeted him.“Hi everyone.” Balaam greeted and headed towards Raul to hug him. Raul smiled at his very good friend and hugged him. “I saw the news and damn I thought that you guys were set up. How the hell did the government get to be informed so quickly about this?”Raul gazed at Tom who also gazed at him and then back at Tom.“You have come at the right time for answers,” Tom explained. “Apparently this war has been in motion since before you were born and that incident was the right excuse that the government needed to make their move.”   “I can tell you more about that?” the young man added quickly.Every
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The truth comes out
Hayley was all alone in her bedroom while her sister was busy attending to matters of the state and the witch was in her quarters. They all saw the news earlier and were glad that Raul and the others were safe.Hayley thought of Raul and tried to make her thoughts of him not affect her current condition. Suddenly, there was a gush of wind that caused the windows to open and she got up from her bed in fright.“Who’s there?” she asked. For a moment she thought that it was the witch so she waited for a while to see if she would see her but she saw no one. She got out of bed and went to shut the window when a soft voice greeted her from behind.“Hello, Hayley!”She gasped and turned to find the Moon goddess standing there and staring at her. she swallowed hard and genuflected to reverence her presence.“Greeting all-wise and powerful one.”“No please; get up dear. You’re the mother of our lit
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Strategize to win
Yutti had finished the transformation process and returned to his human form. Raul and his friends were amazed at the way Betty and Paul slept all through the transformation process. The luna went in constantly to check upon them.“They’re still sleeping.” She told Raul as she came out from checking upon them.“Is this normal?” Raul asked Yutti.“Well, I haven’t done too many transformations. But the few I have done were at odd times so I wasn’t able to get a record of their behavior during the transformation.” Yuttt replied.“So what do you think is wrong with them?” Kal asked in curiosity.“Do you think that they’re dead?” Heather asked.“They are supposed to be dead because the transformation can only take place when they’re dead or unconscious,” Tom explained.“The first one I did, she did faint but I can’t remember wh
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A recruit
After the meeting was over, Raul picked up his phone to contact Hayley. He missed her a lot and wanted to know how she was doing and also to give her progress reports on their plans so far since they were to leave for the mainlands in two days.“Hi baby!” he lay in bed, relaxed and in a position that would allow him to fantasize about her while he spoke to her.“Hi, honey!” Hayley replied from her end.“What’re you doing?”“I’m in bed; relaxing from jogging. The baby said that he wanted me to jog a little.”“The baby told you that?” Raul sounded surprised.“Yes; the baby speaks to me all the time,” Hayley replied with a wide smile on her face.“Oh wow! Is that normal?” Raul was confused.“Oh, no honey but this baby is special.”  Raul wondered what she meant by that. He had heard that babies were special but h
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