All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
2759 Chapters
Chapter 131
"Lame." I lowered my head, not wanting to look at him anymore. I thought he had something serious to tell me. I did not expect him to just be bored and tease me. Heidi's working efficiency was consistently good. She had been working with me for the past few years. I seldom had to worry about her, and I felt assured working with her.I was feeling a little sleepy now. I yawned after a while of going through the stack of documents that needed to be signed.“Go inside and take a nap. I’ll help you sign them.” Theo put down his documents and took away the stack in my hands.Theo’s office was the same as the one I had in Nectarine Entertainment. There was a small bedroom in the office. However, even if I chose to sleep here, I probably would have a hard time sleeping with all those people coming in and out of the office. “No thanks.” I shook my head and pulled myself together. However, it was like he did not hear what I said. He put down the documents, lifted his hands, and carried
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Chapter 132
“Come over here.” Theo’s expression was back to usual. He comfortably leaned on the chair and waved at me.I walked toward him. He pulled me to sit on his lap, then tidied the hair beside my ear. He pressed his face on the back of my neck and said in a lazy tone, "What do you want to eat? I'll ask Keith to buy it."I lifted my head and looked at the time. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. I did not think that I would sleep for such a long time. That was why my head felt heavy. I said, "I slept too long. I don't feel like eating."He pulled out a drawer and took a bunch of snacks out of it. “Well, then you can have some snacks first. We’ll have dinner at night.” I never knew that a man like him would prepare snacks for me, and they were the snacks that women loved. “I don’t like these. These are all for you,” he said when he saw my confused expression. His tone was slightly stiff.I burst out laughing. I chose a packet of plums, opened it, and ate one. Then, I asked,
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Chapter 133
Her eyes were gleaming and there was a smile plastered across her face. She looked happy. I could not help but get curious. Who was that lucky man who won Heidi's heart?I gazed at the driver's seat. It was a man in his 30s who looked like a well-mannered guy. He appeared decent. It was a shame that he was too far away, so I could not get a good look at him. Theo’s car stopped beside me while I was deep in thought.After I got in the car and looked up again, the white luxury car was gone. “What caught your attention? You were lost in thought just now.” Theo furrowed his brows and helped me fasten my seat belt. "I just saw someone I know." I pulled back a little and decided to not think about it anymore. Soon, we arrived at the city’s most exclusive Western restaurant. After leaving the car key to the valet attendant, Theo held my hand and we went upstairs. Upstairs, President Sherman and his wife were already waiting at the entrance of the private room. There were two oth
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Chapter 134
It was well-known that Grant Corporation was very strict with its entry requirements. Every candidate would have to pass a strict interview and written exam. There were several assessments and obstacles during the process. It was so that the remaining candidates at the end were all the strongest and most dependable. For example, someone like Heidi. People would fight to get into Grant Corporation during the recruitment every year. Once you were employed in Grant Corporation, you would not only be getting a well-paid job but it was also a status symbol. Back then when I got into Grant Corporation, I had to go through those assessments as well. The young lady was looking at Theo with excitement. The look of admiration was clear in her eyes. Theo put down his wine glass at a leisurely pace. Then, he helped me get some stew and spoke gently, “Aren’t you hungry? Have some stew first. It’s good.”I lowered my head to take a sip of the stew. It resolved the awkward situation. Then,
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Chapter 135
“Lazy little pig.” He chuckled, then he carried me to the bathroom. Even though it was shaky, I refused to open my eyes. How rare it was for him to be in a good mood. He did not get angry either. He patiently took off my clothes, then wrapped his arms around me. He stood under the shower and helped me bathe. After showering, he helped me dry my wet body and put some clothes on me. Then, he squeezed the toothpaste and got ready to brush my teeth."I'd better do this myself." I could not pretend anymore. I could not stand being taken care of like this. I had to say something. I took the toothbrush from him.Actually, I was already awake when he was taking off my clothes. I just thought that things would get awkward if I woke up then, so I pretended to be asleep.I stood there brushing my teeth, while he took off his clothes and got ready to take a bath. "You…" I panicked and pointed my toothbrush at him. "Can't you wait for a while?"His dreamy eyes moved slightly, and he wore
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Chapter 136
There was a mild pain piercing my chest. I pursed my lips and did not say anything. Could we really be happy and spend our lives together?"Theo, do you love me?" It took me a while to ask this question. There was no answer to this question. It was not something that could be expressed with words, but it was a question that every woman would struggle with. He was startled for a moment. Then, he lifted his hand to touch my face and asked gently, "Do you love me?" Me?His question caught me off guard. It had been a long time since I thought about this seriously. I had once loved him deeply. I remembered that I fell in love with him at first sight. When I married him, I thought I was the happiest woman in the whole world. After all, not everyone could marry the one they truly loved. After we got married, my love wore out as he would be cold and distant to me from time to time. However, I had been holding on and persevering. Yet, my affection for him in these three years was
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Chapter 137
I could not help but almost swear at him. It was said that it was hateful when a woman was being unreasonable, but it was the same for men.Previously, he would always complain that I was being unreasonable whenever I was unhappy. I was in a good mood today, so I did not kick up a fuss about it with him. However, he was now complaining because I was not angry at him. I put down the bowl of noodles and spoke slowly, "So, do you think that I should be mad at you and make a scene?" "You should be mad at me, but you shouldn’t kick up a fuss.” He looked serious and acted like he had every right to be behaving this way.“Theo Grant, don’t you feel ashamed?” I picked up the pillow behind me and threw it at him. “Fine. I’m angry now. You have to sleep outside.” After I spoke, I covered myself with the blanket to sleep.“No way. Even if one of us is mad, we still have to sleep together.” He shamelessly squeezed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me again.I pursed my lips and ig
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Chapter 138
I finally knew why they had come looking for me.I sat down again. I smiled calmly and said, “Yes, I know it very well. Petra, did you come here today to convince me to divorce Theo so your daughter can be together with him?”I was being straightforward. The expressions made it seem like they were having a hard time. There was even a trace of guilt on Petra’s face. “I’m sorry, Miss Lane. We made a mistake. Please forgive us for pampering our child. But we know that there’s no relationship between you and Mr. Grant. That’s why we decided to come looking for you.”I nodded my head. “I understand. You’ve just found your daughter and wish to grant her all her wishes."But, both of you should know that this is between me and Theo. If you'd like us to divorce, you should’ve looked for him instead. If he agrees, I'll have nothing to say." Both of them looked at each other. Petra then lowered her voice and pleaded with me, “Please forgive us, Miss Lane. We just can’t stand watching Cin
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Chapter 139
Grayson was pulling a long face and spoke in a deep voice, “Miss Lane, we’re just giving some friendly advice. Don’t go too far.”“Am I going too far? Even though you’re powerful and influential, you’re both too old to be pulling tricks like this. Please don’t attempt to turn everything upside down.” Anger surged in my heart, and I heard myself being rude.“Since you’re unwilling to listen to our advice, you may leave. Don’t blame us for playing dirty after this.” The expression on Grayson’s face changed, and he spoke in an authoritative tone. "Fine by me." Even though he looked scary, I had become immune after dealing with Tyler and Theo for so many years. Scary men could no longer scare me. I left the coffee shop right away. I was a little unsure about Grayson’s threat. After all, his network of people was complicated. Still, I did not take the threat to heart.Once I entered the company, Xander called. “Wandy, it’s been a while since we last met. Would you like to join me for
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Chapter 140
If there was nothing urgent, Doctor Lynch would not be reacting this way.“Come down first.” Mason hung up the phone after he said that I could sense that something was wrong. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs without hesitation.Downstairs, Mason was pacing back and forth in front of his car. When he saw me coming out, he came over to give me a hand and said, “Walk slowly, you’re pregnant.”“What happened?” I saw the anxiety and fear in the bottom of his eyes. I could not be bothered about anything else and asked him.He helped me get into the passenger seat and fastened the seat belt for me. Then, he said, "Theo got into a car accident. He's in the hospital now."My heart skipped a beat, and my energy started to drain.“How is he?” I was startled for a moment, then I mustered the courage to ask him.“I have no idea. After I heard the news, I came to pick you up.” Mason looked serious, and he was speeding on the road.I could not help but hold onto the grab handle tightly.
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