All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
2759 Chapters
Chapter 151
“You go ahead, then. I’ve made plans.” I wanted to eat and shop with Cecilia.“Good job! Your husband is in the hospital and you’re still in the mood to dine out with others. Do you even have a conscience?”I was irritated and did not want to talk to him any longer. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now.”“I’ll give you 20 minutes. If you’re not here by then, you’ll bear the consequences.” He lowered his voice threateningly.“I’ll bear it, then.” I was unfazed as I hung up the phone immediately.I was already irritated before. Now, I was annoyed. Another phone call came in and I thought it was Theo once again. When I lifted my phone, it was an unknown number.After a moment of hesitation, I answered the call.“Wandy, I’ve missed you.” A lazy drawl was heard from the other end of the line.I shuddered. Tyler Schuman!There was a tingling sensation on my scalp as I tried to calm myself down. “Anything important?”He had disappeared after the fight last time. I thought he w
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Chapter 152
“Wanda Lane, what do you mean by that?!” Cindy was so angry that her eyes had turned bloodshot. However, she still had to maintain her sophisticated demeanor in front of Theo, so she did not dare rush up to me and slap me.“I meant what I said. I really don’t get it, why do you have to cling to Theo? Don’t you still have Doctor Lynch and Zedd Nichols by your side? Well, I guess Doctor Lynch won’t like an arrogant, spoiled, and unreasonable brat like you.”I looked at Zedd and continued, “As for President Nichols, he’s loyal and faithful to you, only for you to treat him as a bootlicker. You hand him your boot to be licked when it’s necessary and chuck him away when he’s not needed. Your act of keeping him as a backup while you go after a better man is despicable.”I was mad, so I did not filter my words.Zedd, who was at the side, heard my words and his expression changed. “Wanda Lane, watch what you’re saying.”“What double standards you have, President Nichols. I have to watch w
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Chapter 153
Theo raised his eyebrows as his gaze fell on his right hand that was hooked onto a drip. His meaning was clear, he could not eat.I knew he wanted me to feed him once again, but I pretended not to understand him and continued eating without looking at him. I no longer asked him anything either.Soon, I was almost done eating. As I raised my head, I realized that he was staring at the food intently. Like a child, he would swallow his saliva from time to time. Hope and hunger burned in his eyes as he looked at me with doe-eyes.I knew it was all an act, but since I was well fed now and my mood had improved, I gave in. I got him a few pieces of bread and paired them with some dips and sides that he could eat. I then brought the food to his mouth. He was excited as he eagerly opened his mouth and gobbled up the food, nodding in satisfaction as he chewed.Just like that, the entire bread basket was gone after I repeatedly fed the food to his mouth and he opened his mouth to take a bit
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Chapter 154
Theo lifted his head and printed a soft kiss on my lips.…I got up and headed to the washroom.Without saying goodbye, I left the ward since I did not want to be by his side any longer.The moment I opened the door, I saw Cindy squatting by the door. Bashfulness filled her face.I knew when I saw her that she must have seen everything that had just happened. I silently cursed Theo in my heart but I pretended that nothing happened as I breezily walked past her.“You’re shameless, Wanda Lane.” Behind me, Cindy’s loathsome voice rang out.I stopped, turned around, and looked at her. “Yeah, it’s shameful to peek at another couple’s love life. If you have the guts, you should’ve gone in and watched, then. Why were you hiding here?”I paused. “Oh, right, I don’t think he was satisfied just now since my hands can only do so much. If you go in now, both of you can probably continue with the unfinished business!”After I was done, I entered the elevator without giving her a chance to
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Chapter 155
“I only want to protect you. Trust me, Grayson Louis is no saint.”I looked at Tyler and scoffed. “How do you expect me to believe you? In my eyes, all of you are the same, you’re demons from hell.”He sighed. “Whatever you say, then. But you have to go with me now, or they’ll destroy you.”My mood could not get any worse. I looked at him and blurted out, “Can you just leave me alone? I’d rather be destroyed by them than follow you back and be destroyed by you once more. Tyler Schuman, it’s been so many years. Why won’t you let me go? Let’s live our own lives. Wouldn’t that be great? Why do you have to appear once again and want to pull me back into the days filled with darkness?”Tyler looked at me and finally spoke after a long pause, “That’s because we share the same fate. We were both abandoned, so only we can ignite each other’s lives.”A sharp pain overcame my chest. It was as if someone had stabbed me, forcefully wiggled the knife several times, and there was blood everywhe
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Chapter 156
To summarise, he had done everything evil a child was capable of doing—as well as things children should have been incapable of doing—and I had been his target. The only thing in my favor was that he would always remember to call my mother to look for me after one of his pranks.I was probably extremely fortunate to have managed to survive every time.My mother felt very guilty about all of this. She was constantly crying and always hugging me, but she could not do anything about Tyler since she had already accepted the money from the supplier. She could not throw him out.I grew up in a harsh environment under the shadow of Tyler’s torment, which took a toll on both my physical and mental state. It was the root cause of my future illness.When I was 15, Tyler graduated from high school. At that time, he was gaining popularity due to his computer skills. He had taken part in a competition at school and had gotten first place nationwide. I remember he said that he would become the b
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Chapter 157
“Wandy, only you can calm me down. This time, I’m back for you. Let’s relive history together!” Tyler’s voice rang behind my head, his tone dark and empty like a demon announcing a death sentence.I struggled, but I could not wiggle out of his grasp. I was frustrated and snapped, “Tyler Schuman, I’m afraid of you and I hate you, and I’m sure you know that. Why would I ever go back with you?”“It’s okay, I have tons of time. We can start all over again. I can admit that I hurt you when we were younger. But I’ll make it up to you now! I’ll pamper you like a princess, and whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.” His tone was unusually gentle.“I want my mother, will you be able to give that to me? If it wasn’t for you, she wouldn’t have fallen ill and left me so soon.” I was crying as I roared my words.“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry about what happened with Mrs. Lane. I’ll repay all the guilt I have about her to you.” Tyler gritted his teeth, his tone sure and doubtless.“I don’t want wha
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Chapter 158
Theo turned to look at me but did not say anything. His eyes were deep pools, but the emotions in them were unclear.Deliberately ignoring the malice and anger in Tyler’s eyes, I walked up to Theo, held his hand, and said again, “Let’s go, let’s go home.”Theo looked at me for a long time before an attractive smile bloomed on his face. “Okay, whatever you say.”After he was done speaking, he laced his fingers between mine tightly, turned around, and left with me.I reckoned Tyler was not in the mood to get into a fistfight with Theo either since he did not say anything to stop us. He stood where he was and merely watched darkly as we left.After a while, Theo spoke in a tone laced with humor. “Were you worried about me just now?”I blocked his question out instinctively as we approached my car. I instead asked, “I’m driving back. Are you coming with me?”“You’re following me back in my car.” Right after that, he turned to Mason Lynch and said, “You, drive her car back.”I did n
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Chapter 159
Miss Woods thought about it for some time before she shook her head and said, “I gave you the box before this, but I haven't seen it since I came over again. I didn’t even see it when I was tidying up the house. Think carefully. Might you have locked it up upstairs?”“I’ll look for it again.” I was prepared to go upstairs to carefully look through everything once more.I remembered that Miss Woods had mentioned within the box was something Grandmother had wanted to give me. She had asked me to only open it when Theo brought up divorce.I had never thought of using it to save my marriage, so I did not care. I did not even remember where I had kept it after bringing it back.Theo was quiet as he drank water in the living hall. His gaze was a little dark when he glanced at me, but he was always like this, so I did not pay much attention to it and simply went back to my bedroom.I tried looking through the cabinets in my room, but there was nothing. I remembered that I had changed roo
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Chapter 160
Too many matters and too many heartaches had swelled up within my heart. This had nothing to do with the box now, and everything to do with a human’s heart and intentions. Our mindsets were changing now. I could no longer be like I used to be, and his shifting attitude towards me had become habitual.Like most men, when he was faced with my accusation, he felt wronged and helpless but did not want to fight. He wanted to resolve the matter calmly.Theo looked at me and said in a grave voice, “Wanda Lane, I was wrong about the box incident, and I’ll apologize to you once again. We’re husband and wife, and I respect you very much. It has never crossed my mind to treat you like you don’t matter. Let’s not fight anymore, okay?”He did not want to continue with the argument, but when my heart started grieving again over all the injustice I had ever been through, I could no longer hold myself back. “Theo Grant, let’s just part ways! It’s better for everyone like that.”I could admit that
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