All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
2759 Chapters
Chapter 161
The corner of Theo’s lips curled slightly upwards as he stood up and walked over. As he reached out to pull me into his arms, he said, “So don’t make a fuss in the future, or you’ll be the one who ends up exhausted again.” I rolled my eyes at him. He stroked my hair as he said in a deep voice, “I was in the wrong for touching the box without your consent, but I was just curious about what my grandmother left for you.” He paused slightly before continuing. “After opening it, I realized that the items inside were items my grandmother had hoped to use to keep our marriage together. We don’t need any material items to keep our marriage together, and I didn’t want you to think that I hadn’t pushed for the divorce because of the box. That’s why I threw it away. Can you promise me you’ll never bring this up again and that we can live a normal and peaceful life?”It was the first time Theo had ever been so patient, and perhaps even a little humble, when speaking to me about such things.
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Chapter 162
I pursed my lips, my indignation apparent in my voice and my eyes as I said, “Why? We’re all pretending to be pitiful. Did the performance fail because of my acting skills or because of my lines?” I did not get it. Why could Cindy get away with it every time she used this method, but I could not?He smiled as he patted my head and said, “You’re fine the way you are, so why would you need to imitate someone else? How could you still be pitiful when you’ve got me now? There’s no need for you to pretend to be anyone else. All you have to do is be yourself.”His words made me suddenly realize that I should not hide my real personality when facing Theo. It would be best for me to be as sarcastic to him as I liked and argue with him whenever I wanted.Some people were well-suited to scripted acts, but I was not one of them. Feeling listless all of a sudden, I broke away from his embrace and collapsed into sleep. “No, you can’t sleep yet. Your hair hasn't completely dried,” he said a
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Chapter 163
Zedd’s face turned crimson. “Who said I’m going to be an uncle? Wanda Lane, don’t try to buddy up with me.”“Alright, alright. I won’t do that,” I said as I smiled, thinking that Zedd could be rather cute and naive at times. Gazing at his red face, I asked, “Actually, aren’t things quite nice the way they are now? I thought you liked her. Why don’t you confess your feelings?” “Shut up. Do you really think you know me that well? I’m warning you, don’t poke your nose into other people’s business. Is there anything else you want to say to me? If that’s all, forgive me for not having more time to entertain you.” As he said that, he got up and prepared to leave. I said, “Of course there are other matters I want to bring up. You’re friendly with people at Newlight Media, right?” When I finished speaking, I tilted my gaze upwards to look at him. He had obviously not expected me to ask that question. He was visibly stunned for a moment before snapping back to reality. He said, “Yes,
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Chapter 164
“Alright. You head over there first, I’ll come to accompany you once I’ve wrapped up matters here.” I took a card out of my purse and handed it to her. “Treat yourself properly once you get there, and the same goes for the child in your womb too.”“I’ve still got some money with me. Keep your card.” “Don’t bother with niceties when it comes to me. Do you think I don’t know how much money you have left? Didn’t we agree to stay together? I should pay for my share of the house as well. Take it! I have Theo for now, so I’m not in any need of money,” I said as I stuffed the card into her hand. This time, she did not refuse. She laid her head on my shoulder and said, “Wanda, we’ve both got kids now. From today onwards, we will no longer be lonely souls on this planet.” Yes, children brought with them attachment. We would no longer be lonely women with no family or friends. I did not return to the mansion that night. After phoning Theo to let him know I would not be returning, I spen
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Chapter 165
I secretly apologized to Cecilia once again. I had no other choice. If she did not want Mason to know about this, the only thing I could do was to throw her under the bus with some other excuse. “Pfft!” Mason had not learned his lesson from the soy milk earlier. He had begun eating, and this time, he was now choking on a pancake. I was too lazy to hand him any tissues this time around.“Cecilia told you that?” he asked as he dusted pancake crumbs off himself. “She didn’t say it was you, I guessed that myself. So I came to you to get confirmation.” Though I was feeling somewhat sheepish, I forced myself to continue lying through my teeth. Mason had given up on breakfast after the two interruptions to his meal. As he stood up to walk back to his desk, he said, “I strongly suggest you buy some books to read if you’re this bored. Prenatal education is very important. Don’t let this end up affecting the child.” “Dr. Lynch, I swear that I’m just curious. All you have to do is tell
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Chapter 166
He soon noticed me staring and raised his head to look at me, the corners of his lips rising to form a perfect curve as he asked conversationally, “Am I so handsome that you can get full just from looking at me?” “If looks can be filling, I would definitely be satiated looking at you.” I was not stingy with my praises. He seemed to enjoy listening to me say such things, bestowing a rare smile upon me as he said in a low voice, “In that case, would you like to go home and discuss sexual relations with me?” I had not expected him to say something so suggestive in public… Blushing, I lowered my head to gulp down my bowl of oats. “Hahaha!” His prior gloominess vanished into thin air as he laughed unrestrainedly and jauntily. “Hey, do you know what sort of girlfriend Mason’s family wants him to date? Are they particular about needing both their social statuses to match?” I hurriedly asked, taking advantage of his good mood. Mason came from a family of doctors, and he was also
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Chapter 167
I did not say anything. It had always been difficult for women to give birth, yet it was rarely something men could empathize with. They always saw it as something simple, thinking that we just had to carry an extra lump of meat within our stomachs for nine months. Theo had always seemed like a chauvinistic male to me, so I was surprised to hear him say that. I soon fell asleep again with him holding me. It was nearly noon when I woke up. “You’re awake. Are you hungry?” Theo did not seem to have slept. He was half-lounging on the bed, holding me with one arm as he used the other to scroll through his phone. I shook my head. He was truly rearing me the way one would rear a pig, getting me to sleep after eating and stuffing me with food the moment I woke up. Craving the warmth of his arms, I lay still and did not move despite no longer feeling sleepy. He put his phone down and turned around to hold me even tighter. After a long while, he said, “It was nice laying with y
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Chapter 168
“Nothing, I just burnt myself.” I had not expected the pot to be so hot. I quickly faked an air of calm although searing pain was now traveling through my index finger. He picked up my hand and took a look at it. A furious expression took over his face as he asked, “You call this nothing?” It was only then that I saw there was a white scald wound on my index finger, accompanied by the vague smell of burnt flesh. The expression on his face was stony as he dragged me into the living room, found the first-aid kit, and took out the burn ointment to apply onto my finger. He blew air on my finger as he applied it. His actions were gentle, but there was an ugly expression on his face. He did not say a word throughout the entire process. “Um, I didn’t do it on purpose. I accidentally…” I began babbling nervously when I noticed he was angry. He looked up at me, a furious expression on his handsome face and a cold look in his eyes. “Did anyone ask you to touch it? Didn’t you know I had
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Chapter 169
Cindy was a sort of responsibility of Theo’s. He would never be able to completely ignore her for the rest of his life. Now, perhaps because of the child or because of other reasons, he treated me quite well. Cindy’s departure had been the best ending I could have imagined of. I should have been happy. “Alright,” he answered quietly as he tightened his grip on me.Since Theo had nothing to do in the afternoon, he hired several handymen. He said they had come to install the crib. Worried I would find the environment noisy, he shooed me into the third-floor bedroom and closed the door behind me, forbidding me to go downstairs. I indeed did not like being interrupted by strangers, so I decided to ignore them and lounge in bed to read. Pregnancy made one much more susceptible to falling asleep. I had no idea when I fell asleep, but it was five in the afternoon when I woke up again. My book was now on the bedside table, and someone had pulled a thin blanket over me. Theo must have co
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Chapter 170
“Yes.” My nose burned slightly as I quietly answered. “I ordered you dinner, someone will send it over later. Soup is included, and you should drink some of it.” His end of the line seemed to be very quiet, and I could even hear echoes as he spoke. He had probably stepped out to stand in a corridor to speak to me. “Alright. Where are you, and what time will you be back?” I felt a wave of emotions rush over me as I gazed at the flowers, feeling a wave of inexplicable warmth and excitement. “I’m having dinner with the others at the hotel. I’ll try my best to be back soon.” His voice sounded very deep. We were still talking when I heard someone call out, “Theowy, come in.” It was Cindy’s voice. “You should go back! I’ll hang up now.” I did not wait for him to say anything else before I hurriedly hung up. I heaved a huge sigh when the call ended. My heart felt as if someone was pinching it slightly. It hurt and stung a little. At the end of the day, I still greatly minded the a
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