All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
2759 Chapters
Chapter 181
I staggered backward. The pain in my heart made it hard for me to breathe. I had thought of countless possibilities in the last few days and guessed many people. I was even bent on thinking that Grayson did it.Though who knew that the result turned out to be such a huge slap in the face?This was all indeed a conspiracy against me. They were merely going with the flow and glad to see it happen.Not wanting to stay here any longer, I covered my chest and left the building that made me feel suffocated.What happened next was similar to what I thought.The results of the inspection were out. After conducting an investigation into Grant Corporation, they found no irregularities.The death that happened outside of Mid-Nutri Technology was merely a coincidence. There was no direct evidence to prove that it was related to the company. As for the accounts, I was the one doing it in secret and had to bear all the responsibility for it.Therefore, I was expected to bear the penalties and
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Chapter 182
“Okay,” I responded and went into the bathroom. Although Cecilia was about the same age as me, she was always very good at taking care of others. Many times, I would be put in a trance and see her with a motherly glow. I was planning to have a quick bite outside but Cecilia disagreed. She insisted on taking me to the famous burger joint in town.Therefore, we hailed a cab to the busiest commercial building in the city center, which was similar to Grant Corporation in Salt City. Over here, shopping, food, and entertainment were all conveniently located in the building.When we arrived at the F&B area on the fourth floor, Cecilia brought me to have the famous chicken burger that she would not stop praising. It did taste pretty good. However, I did not have much of an appetite lately so I felt full after taking just a few bites.Cecilia’s appetite improved ever since she got pregnant. She finished her food very quickly.“You don’t have morning sickness yet?” I asked, looking at her.
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Chapter 183
After saying that, I looked at the man clad in black, asking, “Where are we going?”I knew Tyler’s character better than anyone. Even if we escaped this time, he would still show up at our doorstep and refuse to let us go. Rather than wait for him to come knocking at our door, it was better to go see what he wanted.“This way, ladies.” The man led us to a cafe on the fourth floor.This place was comparatively quiet compared to the bustling and lively scene downstairs. The renovation was elegantly done, and even the ornaments were intentionally placed. It was clear that the owner was a person of elegance.Cecilia and I exchanged glances with each other, a nervous look in our eyes. We held each other’s hands.The man led us to a private room and made a ‘please’ gesture without even knocking the door.I was about to push the door in when I heard a woman’s voice. “Mr. Tyler, this is your favorite tea. I’ve been saving it for you.”Her voice sounded gentle, yet it did not give the im
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Chapter 184
I knew him all too well. If we pissed him off, he was capable of doing anything.I let go of Cecilia’s hand and said to her, “You go ahead first. I’ll join you later.”“You...” Cecilia looked worriedly at me.I smiled. “I’m okay. Go on!” I gave her a consoling look.Cecilia stood up with some hesitation, her gaze turning sharp and stern. She glared coldly at Tyler. “Touch a single hair on her body and I’ll fight you to death!”Tyler looked calm, not saying a word. His fingers tapped gently on the teacup.Under the man’s guidance, Cecilia left.The elegantly dressed woman from across the table poured me another cup of tea and said, “Drink this cup of black tea, Miss Lane. It’s good for your health.”I looked at her and put on a smile. “Thank you.”Tyler frowned, looking slightly displeased.The woman smiled at me and said no more. Lowering her head, she continued to brew tea.I did not pick up the cup and merely sat there in silence, waiting for Tyler to speak.After a long
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Chapter 185
“The Louises may not be one of the best among the gentry families in Whaldorf City, but they’re definitely ranked on top. It’s not only because they’re rich but also because several generations of their ancestors were officials.“Grayson is the only exception. He enjoyed fighting since childhood, and although he later started an official business when he grew up, he managed to develop his own power and became a resounding figure.“In his youth, Grayson met Petra, a girl in university who came from the countryside. She came to Whaldorf City to study. It was love at first sight, but the Louises disliked Petra because of her birth origin and refused to let Grayson marry her. The hard-headed Petra left Whaldorf City when she was pregnant. It was said that she returned to Salt City to marry an honest man.“Though who would’ve thought that this honest man turned out to be dishonest? He resented the fact that Petra was pregnant before she got married and dumped the child after she was born
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Chapter 186
Seeing that Cecilia was sound asleep, I got up and opened the sliding door to the balcony.Rosella City was famous for its superior air quality, especially in the neighborhood that Cecilia had picked.As it was three floors up, the trees and greenery were all I saw. The air was filled with the fragrance of the earth. In the distance, robins and other unknown birds chirped, adding a bit of liveliness.The phone in the room rang. I quickly answered it in order not to disturb Cecilia’s sleep.“Where are you?” the other party said before I could say anything.The low and cold voice was familiar. I checked the caller in surprise. There was no name but the number was familiar. I could not recall who it was for a moment, hence I wisely chose to remain silent.“Talk.” The other party sounded impatient and raised his voice.I asked, “Dr. Lynch?” It sounded like him but his tone was different. Dr. Lynch had always sounded very gentle.“Why are you the one who answered the call, Wanda?
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Chapter 187
After a pause, she continued, “You don’t have a job now. If you still can’t let go of Theo, then go back and spend the rest of your life with him. Don’t think too much and don’t fuss over everything. If you can let go of him, then get a divorce and we’ll live together. We’ll be away from all of them, okay?”I understood what Cecilia meant by that and knew she was doing it for my own good. However, my heart was still a mess.If I remained in this relationship with Theo, then I would forever live in Cindy’s shadow. I would have to force myself to accept Theo’s love and care for her.However, should I leave just like that? Apart from being reluctant to leave, I felt heartbroken. I did not want my child to grow up without a father like how I had.“You’re not going to give up, are you? Forget it, go and do whatever you want. Just remember to come home when you’re weary one day.” She was helpless yet supportive at the same time.I let out a wry smile without saying a word. I was merely
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Chapter 188
It felt like home?I was puzzled, unsure what he meant by that. He probably had a family of his own after so many years!He leaned his head on the back of the seat and only spoke after a long time, “This is a feeling that only you can give me.”I was uncertain what he meant and wanted to ask him but he had already closed his eyes, obviously not wanting to continue the topic. I had no choice but to let it drop.Initially, I thought he must be playing some sort of new trick on me because he had deliberately planned to sit beside me. Though surprisingly, he did not do anything throughout the two-hour journey. He did not even say a word to me.He merely glanced out the window to look at the scenery with a thoughtful look on his face.I gradually went from being restless to relaxed. I even took a nap. It was only when the conductor announced that we had arrived in Salt City that I woke up.I got up and was about to take my luggage when Tyler snatched it away without a word. He immedi
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Chapter 189
He was very close to me, and he deliberately brought his head closer when he spoke, making the scene look even more ambiguous.I felt uncomfortable and shifted toward the side with a frown. “It’s no better being with you. I still won’t be able to eat all the same.”“You can treat me like air. Don’t worry, I just want to have a good meal with my sister.” As he said those words, he reached out and tucked the loose strands of hair in front of my forehead behind my ear.His dark eyes swept across the street through the window, looking both provocative and ostentatious. His thin lips were pressed together as he smirked.What was he doing?I followed his gaze and looked over. I could see a familiar car from across the road.Theo!After more than ten days of not seeing him, he had lost a lot of weight and his complexion was pale. Even so, it did not affect his otherworldly good looks and noble, cold aura. He still looked as dazzling as ever that no one could look him straight in the ey
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Chapter 190
Tyler did not say a word on the way back. I enjoyed the silence and leaned back on the seat to pretend to take a nap.We quickly arrived and I opened the door car to get out. Tyler placed one hand on the steering wheel and looked at me with a cheeky smile. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”“Nope.” I got out of the car with a sullen expression. Why would I invite him to my house when I could not wait to get away from him?As though he did not hear me, he got out of the car and followed me. “I don’t care if you’re willing to acknowledge it or not but I’m your brother. Our names were once in the same household register and that’s an undeniable fact. As your one and only family member in the world, it’s only right for me to go in and meet your husband.”I darted a glance at him and said, “That doesn’t make us a family. Tyler, you’re the one who has no family members, not me. You can’t impose your own experiences on me, and don’t define me using your pessimistic views.”I understood
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