All Chapters of The dark side of the moon: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
It was him
I was still not ready to believe Ruhee could do any such thing. A large part of my brain was still not ready to accept it no matter how much I tried.I changed into shorts and a pink top with full sleeves after removing the makeup. I stepped out of the room and Damien was still talking to someone on the phone. His face held a serious look with the scowl never leaving his forehead.I went towards him but he pointed his index finger asking me to wait. I gave him a nod.He finally disconnected the call."Did they find Ruhee?" I asked slowly.Damien let out a sigh, "No, there is no sign of her anywhere."I pressed my lips together tightly in a thin line. "I can't believe this. Why would she do that?"Damien put his phone on the table, "We will get the answers soon.""No, if she wanted to kill me she had so many chances. She could have done that successfully and without even any witnesses if sh
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What is the reason for this noise at 3 am?
I stared at the man speechlessly as no words formed in my mouth.  The man I thought I would never find was standing in front of me, with a weird grin on his face.  "Can you give this to him?" he moved the white sheet in front of me.  I did not move from my position.  "Why don't you give the list to Damien yourself?" I gave him a fake smile. "It is fine if he is busy I can come back later." "No!!" I said loudly, "I mean, this is important and he is almost done with his phone call." I glanced towards the glass door, Damien was still talking on the phone.  "Stay here," I ran towards Damien. He gave me a confused look.  I opened my mouth but shut it again, the door was still open and the man could hear everything, "Damien someone wants to see you." "I will call you back," he said to someone.  "Hurry up," I pushed Damien inside the door earning a scowl from h
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What happened to you?
Damien entered with Mark whose face was swollen and bloody, he was limping while holding his left leg with a bloodied hand. His clothes were torn from places and wherever the eyes could see blood was gushing out. But even with that condition, there was no guilt in his eyes as he stared at me.I was amazed at how he was still standing.Silver held Mark's arm roughly earning a small growl from him."Oh, you're going to regret it, 'mark' my words," Silver smiled but then looked around, "sorry."Behind them, Luca was standing with something in his hands. It was not clear because of everyone covering him. I moved a little closer to get a better look and as soon as I did, a gasp escaped my lips. It was Ruhee."Ruhee," I whispered and everyone turned to look at them.She was still in the purple dress but it was no longer the same. It was muddied and dark from all the dirt. "The doctor is almost here," Damien s
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He was behind everything
The door of the room opened and Damien entered with a scowl. "What's going on?""Ruhee was about to tell us something," I answered keeping my eyes on Ruhee. "Where did you go that night after leaving Eleanor to die?" Damien questioned before Ruhee could say anything.She blinked her eyes a few times looking at me, "I was kidnapped. I would never leave her alone."Ruhee kept her eyes on me as if asking if I believed her or not. I gave her a small smile to ease some of her worries, "Tell us everything in detail."She nodded with a shine in her eyes."We were in the party and everything was going on smoothly but I noticed one of the head guards, Mark, acting a little suspiciously.""Suspicious how?" Silver asked, I didn't realize when he entered the room and stood behind me."He was always looking at you," Ruhee paused turning her head towards me, "before the party he suggested your food and drinks
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Needles in my heart
I sat in the room alone as Damien and Silver went to catch the real person behind everything, while Ruhee went to take a bath.After Ruhee revealed it was the Alpha of the blue water pack who was behind everything Damien and Silver left immediately. How could I forget the Alpha with a condescending smile and an arrogant Luna? They were against me but who knew they hated me enough to get me killed? The Luna was trying her best to show everyone how I was not right for their prince.Ruhee came out with a small smile on her pink lips. She was now wearing a peach-colored maxi dress with full sleeves, that had lilies all over it."You okay?" I asked.She nodded."Eat something, you must be hungry," I pointed towards the plate of warm food on the table.Ruhee started eating quickly, even though she was hungry she was eating in a proper way unlike me who finished her food in minutes when I woke up in Damien's place the first day. 
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For the crown
Three days went by and still, there was no news about Alpha Greg. It was like he disappeared into the thin air with no evidence with his Luna. The palace was under a major lockdown and no one was allowed to enter or leave. Damien was always working, trying to find the Alpha, and even when he was finally in the room he was always on the phone. "Did they find anything?" Ruhee asked getting me out of my thoughts. "No, not yet." I walked away from the glass door and sat in front of the fireplace, "Do you think another Alpha is involved in this?" She took a sip of hot chocolate, "It could be possible." "Luca had a doubt on the Alpha of the crescent pack." Ruhee stared into the burning flames, "He sounds like a dangerous man, his doubt could be right." "But Damien said he was not a threat," I repeated the words from my first dinner with Damiens' family. "He took over two packs at such a young age, from what I have hea
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Feels weird
"Where are we going?" I looked at Ruhee, "We have to make a quick stop before reaching our destination."Before leaving I had to make things right for someone else as well. Ruhee was not happy there and she deserved a fresh start in a place where she was not judged by the absence of wolf.Ruhee was not happy with my decision of not becoming the Queen but like a good friend, she understood everything and supported my decision. After our talk about Ruhee I didn't see Damien and maybe it was for good because saying goodbye to him was something I was not prepared for. It should not be that difficult to not miss him. I just didn't have to think about him and soon I would find my new routine. Before going to my new apartment I decided to collect a few of my things and say goodbye to my family. They deserved to know I was alive. "How did they manage to catch Greg anyway?" I asked Ruhee as we continued walking to
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They know
I stopped when my eyes fell on the man sitting on the head chair with a displeased look that was always present on his face. I glanced at Faith who did not say anything about grandpa being in the town. She shook her head and pointed towards the empty chair next to her, without saying anything I sat down silently.Ruhee took a seat in front of me, next to mom."We are pleased to have you back with us, Eleanor," grandpa said in a gruff voice with no signs of happiness on his face. I had never seen the old man smile in my life. He had a balding hairline and light brown eyes that always study the tiny details of the room. Grandpa hated changes and maybe that's why he was still wearing his plaid shirt. "Thank you, grandpa," I gave a tight smile."Be nice," Faith whispered in my ear.I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes, "I am always nice, people around me are the problem."Instead of saying anything, she gave me a
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Time to say goodbye to my old life
The opportunity I was eagerly waiting for was finally there.  No one was at home. Mom and Faith went out to do some work, dad and grandpa went to meet some friends while grandma was gone grocery shopping.  All of them had something to do, I could hear the sour lies hidden perfectly behind their reasons to leave the house.  "What exactly are you planning to do?" Ruhee whispered even though we were alone in the house. "How do you know I am planning to do something?"  "You have that weird smile on your face," she whispered again. I gave her a look. "I need to find some proof." "Proof?" she followed me as I left my room. "Grandma gave us wolfsbane yesterday, it was clear she wanted to confirm if you were a werewolf or not. I want to know what she would have done if you were a werewolf." I didn't know from where I should start but I had a feeling I could find something in grandma's
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Where is the key
I sat in silence as the sound of my cries echoed in the empty room.Adam was dead.The words seem far away from being real. No matter how much I tried I could not stop the tears from flowing. I lost the track of time I spent sitting in my room alone, mourning the death of my friend. What happened to him? The door opened after two knocks and Ruhee entered with concern and sympathy in her eyes. "I heard what happened, I am sorry," she hugged me. I hugged her back instantly, "I just can't believe this.""I know," she brushed the hair away from my face, "if you want to talk, I am here."I wiped the tears away, "I want to be alone for a while."She gave a reluctant nod but respected my decision and left the room silently.I went to wash my face but paused to stare at my reflection. My face was stained with tears and my brown eyes were red and dull from crying. If Damien
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