All Chapters of The Goddess of Wisdom and creation. (A dark gods novel): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
243 Chapters
Everything I want
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers) Five tries. That's how many times we had to rewind time because of Zavier constantly telling Meridith to go back. After the fourth time I realized what I was doing wrong. They were giving me something from Sasha. All that work paid off as I watch my beautiful wife fight me taking away her memories. If it wasn't for the forbidden spells this would've never worked. "Alex." My wife cried as everything finished up. I was teleporting back to the magical realm. "Take her." I told Zavier as I went to put up my books. I didn't need her to get any flashbacks. The fact that she could access my magic was nerve reckoning. I would have to work on that but for now I have I would work on somehow getting to the temple. That was the key. When I got back to the banquet hall Mazaya was on the floor and everything was paused. That's another thing. The forbidden spells allowed me to still move even when Meridith paused time. That's how we got
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Deal you can't refuse
(Magical realm 2 months after Alex left with Mazaya. One day royal realm = one year magical realm) Luther had been at his desk for days. He couldn't find a way to bring his magic back. It had been months since Alexander came and took his magic. It was still gone. After Alexander left everyone waited for over 2 days until they realized he most likely wasn't coming back because of the difference in time. Luther didn't sleep or eat. His life was meaningless without magic. "Do you mind?" A light British voice sounded from the door. "You can see your way out the same way you came in." Luther gritted out. He didn't even look up. Ever since he got his magic taken away he got no true privacy. "Actually I came to talk to you about Mazaya but if you don't have the time. I guess I'll be going." The man said as he turnt to leave. "Wait. What do you know about Mazaya?" Luther was interested now. Luther looked up from his papers and seen a white haired, silver eyed man. As t
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Still fertile
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers.) I realized as I looked around at the now empty banquet hall in the magical realm that I forgot about the time difference. It had to be months after I took my wife back home if I'm not mistaken. It was worth it but I knew I would get grilled into as soon as I walked into the board room. I doubt they would be anywhere but the board room. I was suppose to come right back but I had other plans that ended up taking hours. If only time didn't go so fast here. "He left us there for days. Why can't we take time off to protest his negligence?" Tod was complaining right as I walked in. All my allies were open books. They got right down to business as soon as they got back. If we needed sleep that would be another story. "I'm glad you feel safe enough to try to protest the horrible treatment you get here." I chimed in as I walked forward. Everyone looked at me and Tod cursed under his breath. Perfect timing it seemed like. "You know
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Blown cover
(Temple realm.) "Come in." The temple God said from behind his desk. Klaus and Sasha walked in together. Sasha looked to have been crying and Klaus looked frustrated. "What are you doing here Sasha." The temple God gritted out. Sasha was never suppose to come back after she infiltrated the royal board but now it seemed like she might have blown her cover. He was furious. "My cover has been blown." Sasha sobbed, realizing that she failed her mission and there would be consequences. "I told you this wouldn't work. Alex is getting more powerful. Sasha says he has the second half of the forbidden spells book and I watched Mazaya grab the book of dimensions." Klaus gritted out. Klaus warned the temple God that they had to forcefully take Mazaya out of the palace but he was denied and now it looked like they would lose everything. Mazaya ran and she tried to fight it but everyone knew the power of Alexander and the fact that he had her magic made it critical for them t
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Blown cover part 2
(Temple realm.) "It took you long enough." The God gritted out. "Silas it's nice for you to finally drop by." The Temple God dryly stated. "I'm the God of dimensions. You would think your realm wouldn't be so hard to get through." Silas the God of dimensions gritted out. The temple God just shook his head and relaxed a bit. "Why are you still having Gods and Goddesses go and try to stop Alexander? I thought we came to an agreement the last time I came through?" Silas gritted out. The temple God sighed because he knew this was coming. It was nearly impossible to work against the temple so he had to do it in secret and be discrete about it. "I'm trying my best but if anyone finds out what I'm doing I will lose my position or much worse." The temple God gritted out. Silas looked at him and just smiled. They sat in silence for awhile until Silas decided to break it. "I need Alexander to gain his full power faster. I have dimensions that I need to ope
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Magical courts notice
(Alexander The God is absolute dark powers pov) "We've searched for 3 days and she's nowhere. Why do you keep having us look." Tod complained. For days we've looked for Sasha knowing that if we find her we find the temple. "She couldn't have just disappeared." I gritted out. "You eventually have to wake up Mazaya. Even when she's sleep her stomach will be growing and the wedding Is just waiting on her to wake up. " My mom chimed in. "I know that. I just want to look. This is stressful knowing that the key is hiding somewhere." I yelled as I slammed my hand on the table and pushed everything off. "Relax." Zavier said as he popped up from who knows where. I looked up at him and paused. He was holding the Maid who talked in Mazayas ear about me. "They are back." I excitedly said. This was the next best thing. "Yes and I was able to get her alone. I know how stressed youve been so I thought this would be a nice early wedding gift." He mockingly stated as he thr
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Wedding to attend
(Somewhere hidden) "I just got notice that the wedding is today." Sasha said as she looked out the window in the distance. Klaus had forced her into hiding and hid her location from everyone. She was in the royal realm but hidden. She wanted to go back because the only way for the world to not perish was for her to sacrifice herself but Klaus refused to leave her side. Now he seemed like he was ignoring her because he was just reading documents on the moldy bed. This room was the worst. It had drips in the ceiling and there were bugs crawling all over the floor. Sasha kept having to kill a bug that decided it wanted to crawl on her but Klaus acted like it was fine. The smell was unbearable. It smelt like years old mildew and spoiled meat. It was horrible but Klaus seemed to not care about that either. Sasha was getting annoyed because all Klaus was doing was ignoring her. "I have to go Klaus." She said more sternly. He raised his eyebrow like he was challenging
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"Mazaya hunny. Wake up." Someone with a soft voice whispered letting me know it wasn't Alex. I was to tired and my body still felt funny from last night so unless Alex needed me, I would be sleeping for awhile. "Go away." I groaned as I felt myself doze off instantly. "Mazaya if you don't get up now you won't get your suprise." Someone whispered in my ear. Who ever was talking to me was really close because I could smell flowers and rain. The smell was assaulting my senses and it had me wide awoke. "What kind of Suprise." I asked as I pulled back the covers. Isabella Alex's mom was sitting next to me in a beautiful red dress. Her hair was perfectly made up. She looked like she just came from brunch. I sat up a bit to look outside because there was no sunshine coming into the room. She had the curtains closed so that explained the darkness. "You should teach Alex not to open up the curtains. He almost always blinds me when he wakes me up." I stated as I looked a
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Surprise part 2
"I'm getting married today." I screeched out with a huge smile on my face. This was the best surprise ever. I turnt around towards Isabella and my smile dropped. "Sweety we are going to a royal ball." Isabella stated in the nicest way possible. She didn't even need to say it because she looked apologetic embarrassed. It didn't help with the disappointnent and embarrassment. "Oh." I tried to sound indifferent. But I was anything but that. I got my hopes up for nothing. I looked down at the obvious wedding dress and tried to look on the brought side. If my royal ball dress looked like this that meant my actual wedding dress would be spectacular. "I guess we should go." I stated. I grabbed Isabellas hand and waited for her to teleport out but she just stood there. "Are we waiting for something?" I asked as I looked around. The worker had left along with Chasity. Were we waiting for them. Arthur popped in and smiled when he looked at me. He had on a simple black tuxedo
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An eternity mine
(Alexander The God of absolute dark power pov) I watched as my soon to be bride looked at everything in awe. I made sure everything was done to perfection. Nothing was out of place and I made sure everything would be to her likings. So I wasn't surprised as she walked forward not looking at me but looking at everything around her. When she looked down and seen the sparkles I watched as she started to get even more excited. She was so easy to please. It may seem like she was anything but easy. But when you knew what made her tick and what made her happy there were no limits to what you could accomplish. I looked around at all the reactions of all the guests I invited. I knew there was traitors here but I didn't know who. Alot of the royals here didn't know about Mazaya until recently for a reason. I had to make sure that only my closet allies knew and even that seemed to cause problems because Sasha and Azeki both turned out to be traitors. There were temple Gods im
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