All Chapters of The Goddess of Wisdom and creation. (A dark gods novel): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
243 Chapters
Mixed emotions
My mind was going into turmoil. I couldn't take it anymore. All I felt was hopelessness and loneliness as I looked out the window. Weeks had went by and Alex was nowhere to be seen. I wanted to be free of these restraints but the price to pay was huge. Without hate It would be almost impossible to come back from the world that would be created for me. I should've just given Luther my virginity. My life wouldn't be like this. Luther was easy to control. I was always 100 steps ahead of him. Now I was trying to race to catch up to the royals. Alex was the true master manipulator. He was evil and powerful. I wish my dad was here because I really needed him right now but he was dead. Everything I knew was a lie about the royals. I grew up wanting to be a royal but Christopher helped ease the want. Now I knew that I wouldn't have made it as a royal. I would've been tricked instantly. I was a spoiled child and always wanted my way. The only thing that changed me was Luther. I h
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(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) "Why are you wasting your time? You could just erase her memories with force." Chasity absentmindedly asked me as she twirled around in a chair. After the meeting we went straight to Zaviers room. I haven't been able to open my eyes. The anger in me was brewing. I have been nothing but patient and now it seems like she won't be coming around. "I want the memories of what will happen if she tries to fight my love, so when something happens I don't have to force her memories to be taken away. With her agreeing they will be gone permanently also. And doing a forbidden spell twice is too risky. So the next time I'll show her what happens if she doesn't accept fate. It will make my life easier." I said as I rubbed my head. "She's never going to give in. Sasha and Victos did forbidden spells and it didn't work. Everything she said was with honestly so I don't see it working in your favor." Aries stated causing me to groan. All th
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Arena part 2
(Alexander God of Absolute dark Powers pov) I definitely did not think it would take over a week to find the arena. When the buff Guy told me to run I think he meant teleport because it was nowhere near the small town. If we could even call it that, It was basically one street with I'm guessing fighters and than everything around it was grass.. Without Azeki helping locate the arena, it was nearly impossible but that was to be expected because by arena they basically meant underground fighting ring. I was still getting use to Mazayas magic so locating something I never saw was not as easy as it would've been for her or Azeki. Soon I would master it all. If it wasn't for all of the obvious contenders we probably would've never found it. "We really are going to fight? When we just had to go through a cave to a underground fighting ring? This has to be illegal." Tod said making me question bringing him. He was a team player when we were in the comfort of our realm.
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Arena part 3
(Alexander The God of Absolute dark Power pov) "Rewind time now." I gritted out. "I can't. It won't work." Meridith cried out. My rage had boiled over. "It won't work" I yelled. The power in me was humming and I could feel myself losing my cool. "You have to fight Alex. The day resets after the last fighter wins or dies. You have to go now. The only way to bring Aries back is to beat the champion the day he died. Go now." Zavier said as he pushed me forward. Without much thought I ran to the sign up. "If you are here to sign up you are in luck. We were just about to close down. Name and hand please." The registration lady said causing my anger to grow even more. Aries just cost me so much if I lose that's it. "Name and hand sir." The lady said again. "Alexander The God of absolute dark power." Zavier said as he walked up next to me. "Um sorry sir but you are too late to register. This young man will be the last one." The lady said. "No. Sorry miss that's
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(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) As the announcer came forward and I smiled. "I plan on fighting the champion." I declared causing the announcer to wince. "The champion isn't ready right now." The announcer said as he wince. "The champion isn't ready right now? I don't care if it's not ready it either fights or it forfeits and I win." I demanded not caring about anything right now. I will fight him and I will bring back Aries so I can kill him myself for being such an idiot. "We can't sir. You have to fight him to win." The man cried out. "Well bring him down because my friend died today and I would hate to see what would happen when I went on a ramage for an eternity because I couldn't bring my friend back from the dead because you guys decided to cheat me." I yelled the threat with so much force that the guy actually peed him pants. Before I could finish our friendly chat multiple people came at me. I took every single one of their power
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Fake Royal
My mind was in dispair right now. I was hysterical and I didn't know what to do. Alex had been gone for almost a month. I wanted to walk around the garden and spend time with snowy. I wanted my freedom and if forgetting everything was what would make it happen. I would do it. Alex wasn't letting me leave no matter what so I had to compromise. I cold find a solution afterwards. I prayed he would come back but it's been a month and he hasn't been back once. I need him. I need to be free. I'm losing my mind. I can hardly sleep and I'm lonely. And whenever I feel dispair it eats away at me. I'm completely alone. What if he never comes back and just leaves me here? I need him and want to hold him. I had been crying non stop for weeks, every time any bad emotion showed up. Happiness and any other good emotion made this situation worse because as soon as the emotions were gone, reality would hit me. Whoever used magic on me has helped Alex out more than they've helped me out and
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New Mazaya
(Alexander The God of Absolute dark power pov) I watched as my naive wife realized alittle to late that I had full control over her magic. If I would've never went to any of the forbidden realms I would've never known that I actually became two Gods in one. I basically became the God of Wisdom and creation the moment my naive butterfly gave herself up to me. It was too late for her to walk away now. She would be mines forever.. I had my magic flowing and the spell was going through her. I watched as she tried to fight it even though it would be futile. She already accepted it and that's all that was needed. I decided to let her know what I knew since she wouldn't remember this and nobody would be able to speak of it. As I sat next to her I rubbed her hair out her face. Her hair was always wild and it was hard to tame down without using magic. I conjured her up some new clothes and made her clean remembering that she had been in bed for some months now. Zavier walk
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I felt like I had been sleep for days. My head hurt and I couldn't think for anything. What was going on? I grabbed the pillow next to me and froze. I opened up my eyes but the brightness caused my head ache to get 100 times worse. Forcing me to close them instantly. What happened to have me in this state? As I finally opened up my eyes my confusion grew. I looked around and my confusion turnt to annoyance. After taking a shower and grabbing my clothes my annoyance heightened. He promised me he wouldn't spell me anymore. He thought just because I lost my magic I wouldn't know when I was forced to sleep longer. He could've woke me up before he headed out but he never did. I at least expected a, see you later note but like always Alex just left me to an empty bed. You know what fine two could play that game. After an hour of getting ready and making sure I was perfect, I decided to face the music that would be coming out of Alex's lying mouth. It was always I'm sorry and it w
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"Of course I want to be with you baby, I got in an argument with my father to keep the engagement going." Alex vowed as he kissed my head. "Don't lie on me to make yourself look better boy. I am happy to have you as a daughter-in-law sweetheart. Now how about we get some more food in here." Alex's father said causing me to turn red in embarrassment. I just threw almost everyone's food. "It's fine." Alex whispered in my ear as he teleported us back to our spots. I went to go to my chair but before I could even take a step forward, Alex was pulling me down to sit on him. "We need more food and make sure my wife has her own plate." Alex ordered the server. "Hey she didn't throw my plate. Why did you take it?" Zavier complained as Alex cleared the table. "We are starting breakfast on a better note. Now tell me who was talking about you." Alex ordered causing me to bury my face more into his chest. "Everybody's laughing at me" I whined. "They aren't." Alex lied. "Sp
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Lexus unbreakable laws
(Alexander The God of Absolute powers POV) As I watched my lovely wife walk away with the pet that she has grown so fond of, I felt a sense of accomplishment. "You just heard what she plans on doing right?" Tod groaned out. I did and if my wife wants to throw tantrums so she can get dozens of pets that will distract her, I will be happy to oblige. "Everyone meeting room now." I ordered as she was finally out of view. The room was buzzing with excitement as I entered and took my seat. I knew that it would be like this. "Fuck I kinda got scared at first." Todd was saying to Zavier. "I think we all did. Not going to lie when she told you not to talk to her or look at her ever again I started to question my abilities." Zavier stated. I think everyone started to question alot. I felt defeated when she said that. All that work for nothing. But than like the spoiled teenager she was she threw a tantrum causing me to smile. "What's up with her attitude? Its wor
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