All Chapters of The Goddess of Wisdom and creation. (A dark gods novel): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
243 Chapters
Hide part 2
"Im on your side stop fighting." A God said as they dragged me away. It was hard to trust that they were on my side, when they had their arm wrapped around me and were covering my mouth. Zavier had warned me about this day. I should've locked myself in the bathroom. Now I was being picked up and thrown on a Gods shoulders. If I could talk I would've been screaming and yelling. He started jogging causing panic to take ahold of me. Was he about it kidnap me?After running down a few halls we finally stopped for a second. I was being held upsidedown so this was not pleasant and I just wanted to be let down. He paused for a second longer before we were going into a room. I was helpless. Before I could pounder on the situation I was in, he was putting me down. It took a second to get my bearings in tack but when I did I noticed it was the white haired guy with purple eyes. What was he doing here? "Don't scream. I'm ally. I'm a hidden temple God." The God stated as he gave me
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Hide part 3
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers Pov) "Please Alex stop. Well help you find her." Chasity cried out over Zaviers dying body. A few Gods were trying to heal him but their efforts would be futile. He crossed a line that he would not be coming back from. I looked around at all dying royals in my office who really thought it was best to cross me. Blood was splattered all over the floors and my desk. Books had Fallen off of the bookshelves and we're painted a crimson red now. I look up at Chasity who seemed to be talking to Zavier quietly and forced her to stand. When she turnt to me she tried to hold back a sob. "Where did you guys hide her?" I asked as I tried another location spell and still nothing. I blocked her from leaving but that didn't mean she wasn't hiding well. "We didn't hide her Alex. We just didn't want you to mess up everything you worked so hard for." She pleaded with her eyes. If only she realized I didn't care about that right now. I jus
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Hide part 4
(The magical realm as the God of Good fortunes oaths broke.) Luther was in a meeting with the high table members about the royals needing to take Christopher. Christopher had been gone for Weeks now. Luther needed Christopher for his plan. Nothing was going how he needed it now that Christopher was gone. His powers weren't as strong as before for some reason. Stuff was coming up missing. Gods and Goddesses were rebeling. It was like his world was crashing. "Has anyone found him yet?" He gritted out. He was still at the top of the world but without getting fortune daily it was like he had to work 25 times harder just to get a goal that should've been easier. "No we looked everywhere." A God whispered. He couldn't make out who it was that spoke because it was so quiet. Since Christopher left everyone talked quiet or tried to be invisible. This was unacceptable. Right as he went to say something pain ripped through him. His wrist started to burn confirming that someone's
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Hide part 5
I had been running for days and it was exhausting. The magic helped but the longer I waited for help the more hopeless I felt. There was a few times I almost got caught but luckily I was able to find a way to hide safely. I could not sleep or relax because it was too risky. Even though Gods don't need to sleep or to relax it still helps the mind and soul. Right now I was a mess. I've been freaking out for hours, maybe more. "You don't look to good." Someone said from behind me. I shouldn't really say someone because the British accent gave him away. Instant hope filled me. He was back. I turnt around and smiled. "Klaus you came back." I sobbed. It felt good to see a friendly face "I didn't think seeing me would make you cry." He stated as he came to sit down next to me. It was good to see someone. I felt lonely so without much thought I was laying my head on him. "You know I also didn't think seeing me would make you so clingy." He tried to joke but he obviousl
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Lost than found
All I could hear was my feet pounding against the floor. I didn't know where I would go or how I would escape. I just knew that I had to keep running. I made turn after turn praying that I could lose anyone that may be following me. I couldn't look behind me incase they were following and I lost ground. I couldn't open up a door because I needed to keep the little magic I had hidden. I would run until I felt safe which was probably the dumbest plan in the history of plans but I couldn't do much without my ability to teleport. "Mazaya baby why are you running from me?." Alexs voice could be heard from somewhere behind me. Turmoil hit me full force. I couldn't escape. He was playing mind games right now. He had the ability to teleport and he knew where I was. He could've had Meridith rewind time but he wanted to get a thrill out of this. He liked watching me struggle and squirm. "Please." I breathlessly said as I went to round a corner but was stopped dead in my tracks w
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(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) As soon as I got into the board room I sat down. It seemed like Zavier let everyone know there would be a meeting, so everyone went silent. I had an air of authority to me that even without showing my true form could make Gods bow and go silent. And now that I had killed a few Gods because of Zaviers plan most royals were silent. Luckily the casualties weren't important and could be replaced by another royal. "So first is to you Sasha. Next time you do something like that I will kill you. I don't care if it was the plan or not. You better tell whoever ordersed it no, otherwise you will be one of the few casualties next time." I gritted out specifically to Zavier and Sasha. Sashe Went pale and whimpered because she seen me snap because Mazaya was missing and she left instantly. "Now explain yourself." I ordered Zavier. "You told me you were leaving it to me. So I went to the magical realm with a dozen or so other roya
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Unknown Part 2
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) I tapped into my full powers knowing I would need every ounce of it. I could feel everything around me instantly. It was like I was connected to the land. "Over there."I yelled as the black flying creature came full force at us. It was faster than any creature I've ever seen. With all my might I threw fire at it. It screamed a deafening scream. "The noise. Rewind time now Meridith. Now." Zavier screamed causing Meridith to instantly rewind time. "What was that about? I killed it." I asked annoyed that he just made us go back in time again. "You killed all of us besides you because you made it call it's friends. Crap we are dead." Zavier said making me close my eyes in frustration. "Put a protection spell on Meridith because you are the only one who can't die and without access to a portal we wouldn't be able to get Mazaya to reset. Meridith is the most important." Aries said making me glad that I brought him. I wou
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Unknown Part 3
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) I hated how my sister never seen how special she was. She helped so much with Mazaya that she was beyond valuable. "You are a lot of help. Just tell us when they are close." I praised her as I gave her a kiss on the head. "Ugh why do you always have to ruin a moment by being all mushy." She whined causing me to smile. "Okay enough of the brother and sister love. I don't plan on being food. So let's go." Tod said as he walked forward. "Yes lead the way so when something attacks you, we can prepare." Aries joked making Todd stop and give Aries a push forward. "You are the soldier. Go clear the area." Tod ordered causing Aries to stop. With a swipe of his hand, Aries had Todd flying through the air and landing right in front of the temple, he used so much force that he had him sliding through the sand. Zavier was dying laughing. along with everyone else, while I may have chuckled alittle. I was more interested in o
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(Alexander The God of Absolute dark powers Pov) As we started to walk forward. You could hear the echo of our feet. I did a spell to silence it because I refused to have everyone die because of our loud shoes. As we rounded the corner my heart dropped. There were thousands of Tiny scorpions. "They can kill everyone but Alex. They are magical scorpions. Death is instant and fire angers them." Zavier stated causing everyone to groan. At least he could see the future other wise I could see half of us dying from scorpions and Tod running with thousands of them chasing him. If only Tod's body matched his braveness. We wouldn't have had to learn the hard way that he's a chicken. He may be a dark God but he likes to bind people to make them do his biding. "Maybe we should start calling you Theodore it fits your personality. Tod gives Gods false hope." I joked causing Tod to glare at me and everyone else to die laughing. Chasity was conjuring up a spell as we were laughing.
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Traitor in our midst
(Alexander The God of absolute dark powers pov) Azeki actually laughed and pulled out a knife. "I'm here to protect Mazaya and nothing else." Azeki said as he ran towards Meridith. Zavier Instantly jumped in front of Meridith saving her life as Azeki went to stab her. "Fuck." Zavier cried out. Meridith instantly rewinded time. Before I could go to kill Azeki permanently, Aries beat me to him by knocking him out cold. "You can't kill him. It would be disastrous." Aries stated something I already knew. We were taught which Gods were important and which Gods we could kill with no severe consequences. My dad taught all my closest allies when we were little how to kill without anyone knowing. We all knew what we were and We didn't have to pretend unless it was around a royal who was born in the magical realm like Azeki. I told my dad I didn't trust him but he did. As I was sitting there thinking about this traitor, I didn't even notice all the new power and magic swirling
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