All Chapters of Twin Moon: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
107 Chapters
Chapter 61 - More To See
Zelena. Trevor lifted his hand to my father’s neck, and with zero hesitation, sliced a knife through his throat. My father’s blood spurted out of the gaping wound, covering Aurora from head to toe. I screamed a sound that I didn’t know I was capable of. My chest throbbed with a stabbing pain. Selene’s arms wrapped around me, as I dropped to the ground onto my knees. Why would she make me watch this, what could I possibly learn from watching my father die. Selene’s hand brushed through my long hair as I sobbed uncontrollably. She whispered gentle shooshing sounds as she held onto me. Aurora did nothing. She sat quietly in the chair, her eyes glued to our father as the life left his face. She did not cry, she did not scream or beg. She simply did nothing. After a minute, Trevor let Micha’s body drop to the ground and lay in the pool of blood covering the floor. Trevor stepped forward and put both hands on the arms of the chair. He leaned forward, forcing Aurora to lean
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Chapter 62 - The Girl
Aurora. One second he was sitting there beside me, looking at me, and the next he was gone. I watched him run from the car and embrace the small woman in the driveway. They held each other for what felt like forever. She had her back to me so I couldn’t see her face, but I could see Gunner’s. His eyes sparkled as he stared at her, his mouth flashed a full toothy grin. He never looked that way around me, he never looked at me like the way he did her. The more I watched, the more I burned. He picked her up and spun her around through the air. Her long hair covered her face, but I can only assume she looked as sickly happy as Gunner did. There was so much joy and happiness. I admit I felt envious. As she wrapped her legs around him, they just about consumed each other's faces. I felt myself growl before I knew it was coming. I hate her. I don’t know her, but I know I don’t like her. This must be Zee. His elusive Mate. I’m excited to kill her, and
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Chapter 63 - A Ghost
Aurora. “You stupid fucking cunt” he spat in my face. I stood and watched wide eyed as the ten year old me cried out and tried to pry his hand from my hair. But it was apparently pointless. I was small and weak, and he was large. A little on the fat side but still somewhat well built. He had dark curly hair and tanned-ish skin. Who is he?  “Daddy stop” the little me yelled. Daddy? I don’t have a father, or a mother, why would I call him that. Also, he looks nothing like me. There's no way this is my father. And if he is, how could I not remember him.  “M
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Chapter 64 - I know that Man
Aurora. What the fuck. What just happened, how did she age so quickly. I don’t know what is going on, but I don’t like it. I want out. I looked around the basement, it was still the same, a few extra piles of crap, but otherwise unchanged. I walked forward and looked down at Zee more closely. This can’t be right. The Zee I saw before, in the driveway, she was different. I saw her, she had not a single mark or blemish on her porcelain skin. This one however, is covered in dark bruises, open wounds and aging scars. There is no possible way this is the same girl. No one can heal scar tissue. Something strange is going on here. As I gazed down at her unconscious body, I noticed it, an item that I am very familiar with, something that I could never forget about. It was a shock collar. The same kind of one that the hunters used to use on me during my training. How did her father get one though? I know all about this device. Pasha used to tell me all about it as he used it on me. A device
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Chapter 65 - Three Days
Aurora. I know that man. I've seen his face in my dreams, thousands of times before. But they were just dreams, this is, whatever this is. Why would he be here, does that mean he is real. I don’t even know if this ghost walk thing is real, so perhaps I am just dreaming. He looks like I remember. Black hair, pale skin, golden eyes. In my dreams he would smile at me and tell me he loves me. In my dreams, I called him Daddy. But they were just that, dreams. I don’t have a father, I never actually saw this man for real. He was just a piece of my childish imagination, trying to give me something to cling too when life with the hunters felt too hard. The man and woman embraced each other, pressing their heads together. He ran his fingers over her face and through her hair. She grabbed his face and kissed him, passionately. “Come back to me” she whispered breathlessly. The baby in her arms cooed and stirred a little. The man grabbed her by the back of the ne
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Chapter 66 - The Witch
Aurora. The sound of crunching snow under heavy boots echoed through the trees, and hunters slowly began to emerge from the trees. They encircled the beast, trapping it in. Two figures stepped forward and I recognised the both of them immediately. One was an officer, I don’t know his name, but I heard them call him the General. He was a regular at my lessons. He never participated, but he came to watch all the time. The General would stand there and shout orders and yell at the men, he was one of the higher ups in the organisation. The other man was a younger and stronger looking Hank, Zee’s father from the basement. What would he be doing out here with hunters. As the two men stood side by side, it became abundantly clear. They were brothers, maybe twins. They looked just like one another, the General was maybe a little shorter than Hank, but their faces were the same. Hank laughed wickedly and kicked the dog in the stomach. He grunted and whimpered, but remained where he w
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Chapter 67 - Trust Me
Zelena. Lunaya and Alyse fussed over Aurora, who only seemed to grow more angry from the added attention. She threw their hands away from her, which stopped their insistent “are you okay?” and “are you hurt?” cooing and questioning. “Get off me” she growled and shot to her feet. She shot up from the couch and slowly backed away from everyone else in the room. “Aurora, sweetheart, it’s okay” Lunaya said softly and stepped toward her with her hands out. Aurora growled and flashed her teeth. “My name is Whiskey” she snarled through her clenched teeth. Gunner stepped forward, in line with Lunaya. “Whiskey, you’re safe here. You can trust me” he told her. Her eyes sort of glazed over and her body visibly became less tense. How did he do that, from just talking to her, I've never seen that before. Gunner stepped forward again and held his hand out for her to take. She hesitated, staring intently at him, then reached out and took his hand. It's good I suppose, that she has someone t
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Chapter 68 - We Had Twins
Zelena. “Gross” Nat scoffed, “And here I was thinking you'd want to meet your...” Nat started but Gunner quickly cut her off, “We’re coming” he said with a wide smile. His skin smelt strongly of desire and excitement. I didn’t want to let him go yet, but the vibration of pure joy coursing through him was strong. It made me excited too, the thought that he was as eager to meet them as I was to introduce him. Even if I still haven’t told him that there are two babies. He is going to flip. At least I hope he will. “Come on then, I've got stuff to do you know” she jeered playfully and walked back to the nursery. I laughed and pushed his chest back so that I could crawl out of his arms. Then we marched quickly up the stairs and to the door of the nursery. I jumped in front of him before he could go through it, and stopped him with a hand on his chest. He looked down at me with a quirked brow. “What’s wrong?” he asked, “Try not to freak out” I said slowly. His eyes went wide, and
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Chapter 69 - Away
Zelena. A little while later, it was time to feed the twins. Gunner sat on the floor with B. on his lap, holding a bottle up to his mouth, while I sat right in front of him, doing the same with G. We laughed at the little snorting sounds they both made as they drank hungrily from the bottles. I was filling Gunner in on Nat and Alpha Lace, and how she was helping with the pack while I was still pregnant. And that she was itching to get back to Howlers, and to him. I teased that she could be having her own pup soon, which Gunner refused to hear. He said it was gross and that he didn’t want to talk about his little sister's sex life. It only made me laugh how silly was being about it. Weres have sex, a lot of sex, even his sister. I was laughing and teasing him, when B. made a grotesque snorted rumbling sound when the nipple of the bottle fell out of his mouth. I laughed along with Gunner as he manoeuvred it back inside B’s wide open mouth.
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Chapter 70 - Only You
Zelena. “Where are you going?” he asked as he stepped in front of the door.  “Away” I answered and tried to push past him.  “Hold the fuck up, what just happened?” he snapped,  “I won't leave, not without my kids, if that’s what you were thinking” I said angrily.
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