All Chapters of ADRIAN: The Alba Lycan Series: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
124 Chapters
Silence enveloped them until they got to a two story building apartment, Amelia and Adam got out of the car and Adam guided her towards the entrance of the apartment."Hello Mr Adam" the doorman greeted him and Adam responded with a nod. Adam pressed on the elevator button and it opened up, he guided Amelia into the elevator and it closed behind them.The ride to the first floor was quiet then when the elevator door opened they walked out and walked straight to the first door of their right, Adam put I hus key and the door unlocked and they both walked in."Welcome to my home Amelia, make yourself comfortable" Adam said as he noticed the tension in her body. "Amelia, no need to be nervous,we can do whatever you are comfortable with," Adam added, lifting his hands to her cheek, caressing them gently.Amelia leaned Into his hands unconsciously, as a soft sigh left her lips, she looked him in the eye and whispered under her breath, "please kiss me".Adam looked into her eyes, "if I start
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Amelia tossed and turned on the bed she was laying on, then she got out of bed immediately trying to figure out where she was, she looked around hoping it would jug her memories, then she saw the clothing scattered around the room and the events from last night came rushing back , she had sex with Adam. And it was amazing and she never felt so desired in her life, he made her feel like she was important unlike how Stephen made her feel Amelia thought as the door of the bedroom opened up and Adam walked in with a tray of food in his hands is gaze feel on her and he saw that she had woken up and a smile made its way to his face“Good morning Amelia, did you sleep well?” Adam asked as Amelia looked up at him with a shy smile.“Yes thank you, what about you?” Amelia asked as she watched him walk over to the bed, placing the tray of food on the table.“I slept well Amelia, thanks for asking,” Adam answered his gaze meeting hers as he took his seat beside her.“I didn’t know what you would
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When the elevator door opened up Adam guided her out of the apartment complex and towards his car, the car ride was silent, Amelia asked Adam to drop her at the entrance of the forest leading to the castle in order to avoid any unwanted attention.“It was nice meeting you Adam till we meet again” Amelia said receiving a smile from Adam.“And you too Amelia, enjoy your day” Adam said as he drove away leaving Amelia standing at the entrance of the forest. Amelia watched Adam’s car disappear before walking into the castle.Three days later, Amelia contacted Adam that it was time to initiate their plan, so Adam brought six of his most trusted men to the location Amelia told him to meet her. After they arrived Amelia walked out of the trees, she was dressed in her uniform greeting Adam with a smile“Welcome, go through here the guards have already left but you have thirty minutes to get her out of here before the guards or her mate come back. Can you work in that time limit?” Amelia asked.
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Stephen walked down the part leading to the castle which also led to Serena’s cottage hoping to find Adrian because he hasn’t seen him after he left training midway saying he wanted to check up on Serena because he has a bad feeling. Stephen thought he was exaggerating but he still went to look for her anyway, Stephen had waited back at the training center waiting for Adrian to come back but he never did so he came looking for him at their home instead.“Serena, Serena,” Stephen called out but got no answer so he tried opening the door it opened up by itself which was strange because it was meant to be locked if they weren’t home but when he walked into the cottage it was empty.“Serena, are you in there, have you seen Adrian, have been looking for him” Stephen called out but still got no response then he decided to check the different rooms in the cottage hoping to see one of them but he found no one.This whole situation was definitely strange, Stephen thought, as he recited a spel
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Belle took off his shirt so she could dress his wounds, they were some stab wounds that were slightly deeper than she expected so she had to sew it up. When she was satisfied and all the cuts were taken care of, she wanted to examine his blood to find what he was poisoned with when she clumsily hit the bed Adrian was laying on and a dart fell from his pocket.She bent down to pick it up and examined it carefully. A small amount of purple liquid was still present in the dart. So she took it over to the microscope to view the substance and the way it appeared looked very familiar, so she went back to her notes flipping through when she came to stop on the suspected substance, it was wolfsbane but this particular one didn't look quite normal.Then she went back to her station to try and create an antidote for the poison in his system before it does more harm, she took a drop of the substance left in the dart and placed it a centrifuge to break it down so she could be able to view the v
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Adrian father got closer to the young woman tapping her on the hand gently “Hello, how did you get here, who did this to you?” Adrian Father asked but the woman couldn’t form a coherent sentence due to the pain. “What is your name?” Adrian’s father questioned, hoping she was able to answer his simple question because she had a lot of blood and could be delirious at the moment.“Amanda, that’s my name” she said wincing in pain when Adrian’s father picked her up in his arms carefully.“Amanda, you are going to be alright , we are going to take care of you, I just need one thing from you please stay still” Adrian father said as Amanda over him staying still in his arms.“Adrian, go get you mother and tell her to meet me at the pack infirmary, tell her we found an injured mage”, Adrian nodded and ran back to the pack immediately going to get his mother, “mum, mum,” Adrian called out from a distance as he got closer to their home, hearing his voice his mother came rushing out a concerned ex
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Serena always had the will fight ever since her pack knew what she was, she always had to fight but now fear controlled her like nothing else; it kept her quiet and hopeless as her gaze scanned the dark cell, her only source of light was a small lamp at a corner in the room but it was already dying out. "Who had betrayed us",Serena thought as her mind went back to the intense pain she felt when that witch stabbed Adrian in the heart, Adrian isn't dead he couldn't be he promised to stay with her forever, they were meant to have their happy ending after all this was done and all their enemies were either dead or locked away but now everything is ruined. Serena sighed as she tried to make herself comfortable so she could think of a way she could escape, she might have an idea who attacked the castle and invaded their home but the funniest thing was that they knew Adrian was not present while she was alone at home, which means someone in the region was a mole and Ella and Stephen were i
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"You should know when to shut up bitch, no one cares to hear your lies just shut up" George half yelled."aww did I hurt your feelings George, are you mad, will you hit me again" Serena said while continuing to goad George whose anger kept growing. "Stop with all this childish acts girl, it won’t work on any of us, George leave, when you've calmed down you can come back in'' Mr mage said briefly."But-" George was about to argue when Mr mage glared at him causing him to turn and walk towards the door with his hands clenched at his side. "Bye, bye George see you late" Serena smiled evilly watching walk off."You are quite annoying when you want to be, did you know that?" Mr Mage said, still filling through his book."I have been told it's a gift and I should embrace it, Mr mage"."Can you stop calling me that, it's also quite annoying""Hmm that was my best one or would you like your mageness of Duke mage, or-" but she was caught off guard when the Mage glared at her, "I'm trying to
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Mr mage laughed like what Serena said was a joke or something, "you think I don't know that, it's hard locking up an incubus demon for a long period of time especially mine". Mr Mage said laughing but stopped when he heard the sound of the door. "We will continue our discussion later but if you tell anyone especially that dipshit of a partner of mine what I am, I will kill you even if that lycan mate of yours comes after me" with that said Mr mage turned to face the person who was trying to get into the dungeon.When the door finally opened up, George walked in holding a tray of food, he had a smile on his face as he took his seat beside the door putting the tray on his lap."Seriously George, even you can't be this childish, if you think you can torture me with food you have got to be the stupidest man on earth" Serena said smiling at Goerge who glared at her."Why are you here George, I'm not done with her, so can you leave till I call you in" Mr mage said on a dismissive tone maki
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Adrian groaned as he tried to moved on the surface he was, but he felt a several sharp pains throughout is body, he opened up his eyes and was staring up at the moving fan, his gaze went around the room trying to find out where he was, then the door opened up and a woman dressed in a lab coat came in he had seen her before but he couldn’t remember were, why does it feel like his body got ran over by a bus then immediately memories from when he was attacked came rushing back and he got up instantly.“i see you are awake, you barely made it so thank your stars” belle sad giving him a sad smile, “I found you severely injured in the forest near your cottage when I was gathering herbs, if I hadn’t found you soon you would have die” the doctor said as Adrian finally remembered who she was, she was the doctor that Stephen had introduced us too when he came here to get treated.“where is Serena, everything seems foggy, have you seen her, why isn’t she here” Adrian asked as his gaze scanned the
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