All Chapters of ADRIAN: The Alba Lycan Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
124 Chapters
"Good", then silence envelope them as they both continued walking towards the barrack. When they got there Stephen called a few names telling them to appear in his office immediately. Few minutes later the people he had called into his office were the two guards on duty that day, the lady that fought with Serena a few months ago and the maid that brought our meals to the cottage."I'm sure you all know that one of the queen's guest is missing and the other one was severely injured but the funny thing is they were able to get into the castle without being noticed, don't you find that odd" Stephen said as none of them showed any signs of guilt. Adrian was only able to recognise the lady her name was Amelia, she fought Serena and lost she might have had a motive but he started with the maid first, he let Shadow take control but his eyes didn't change colour. Using his mind control abilities he began to ask the young girl questions which she answered truthfully, "The maid is free to g
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A gasp left Amelia lips as she stared at Stephen in shock, "now you know why the queen and I care so much, if you think I care for her because of some crush you thought wrong, now tell me who told you to let those men in and why"."They never told me the name of their employer, I just met their leader at a bar, we got talking and he just started asking me things about her and him, which I answered because I was too drunk""Then what next after you answered his questions" Stephen said, further tightening his hold on her face to force her to continue talking."He told me they were runways from the lycan kingdom and their leader was looking for them, so I-" Amelia said as she tried to look away from Stephen but he held her head in place."What did you do Amelia?" Stephen asked in a menacing toneWith a glare directed at him Amelia began to speak again, "I told them that I could get them into the castle without being noticed so they could come get their fugitives". "So you gave a complete
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"The only thing I overheard one of the men saying was that Mount Zero was at that point but he was called away before I could listen to more of his conversation with the person on the other end". Amelia managed to say as her voice became raspy due to the screaming she had been doing.Stephen looked over at Adrian after Amelia was done talking, he saw rage, anger and pain in is eyes, "so you heard nothing else, how do we know you are not lying" Stephen said as he moved his gaze back to her watching her closely"Because no one is stupid enough to lie again after going through what he put me through, I swear on my life that's all i heard" Amelia said but she hesitated then awareness shined in her eyes"He also mentioned a man's name and it was very familiar, the name he mentioned was Throne" Amelia added but then she gave out a loud scream, her body began to convulse and she started foaming in the mouth before her body went completely still.Stephen and Adrian both looked at each other in
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“you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when the skies are blue” Serena kept repeating the song over and over again on the top of her voice, loud enough for the whole castle to hear, she didn’t stop singing even when the door opened up and Mr mage walked in annoyance was written all over his face.“Are you five, because you are acting like a spoiled five year old right now, your singing is making the guards go crazy, yes you have a lovely voice but please you need to stop singing that song” Mr mage. “Tell me your name and I will stop singing,” Serena asked as she gave him a small smile.“You are doing all this just to know my name,” Mr Mage asked, giving Serena a surprised look.“nope not really,I’m just bored and I was hoping if I made a lot of noise you or George will come over, but I prefer you too George, he is too stupid to make good conversation, so tell me your name” Serena said with a smile directed at Mr mage.“i’m not going to put up with this charade so st
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Serena stared at the black door leading outside the dungeon, it's been five days now since she as been locked up in here and the only people that have come in here were Adam. When he wanted to sneak in food that he bought outside the castle for her or when he just wanted to talk to someone about his burdens, and boy did he have a lot, daddy dearest has made him do a lot of bad shit, we also talk about his little sister too, she is really a lovely girl.Serena hoped he could get her back and away from Thorne. Also some other guard has been coming if Adam has something to do but he has never spoken a word to me ever since he started coming to check up on her, Serena has tried talking to him but he never even said hello. George hasn’t been here also, Serena wondered why, should she try singing?. Maybe it will make Adam come down here and talk to her, Serena thought as she sighed softly.Thorne hasn’t been here since the first day they put her in here, not that she was complaining, she
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"Who are you?"Amanda asked as she realised Serena wasn't the one talking but someone else."From his expression, I'm sure your master already knows who I am. Throne it's been a while, you should have left my daughter alone, coming after her was a big mistake" Tiara growled as she glared at Throne."How, you are dead, how is this possible"Throne rushed out fear evident in his eyes."If you know what is good for you let her go, or your death will come sooner than later," Tiara said as she held back her anger, killing him will only make things worse for her in the spirit world and she didn’t want that.“So you are this hybrid witch mother, I have heard a lot about you but from what. I’m see now, all the fuss was for nothing” Amanda said with a smirk on her face, Amanda turned to face Thorne who had no trace of amusement on his face, which made her worried, she has never seen her master react this way before, she was about to speak up and calm his worries when he turned to face her yelling
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The guards keep rushing at them, they were coming at them like a never ending wave of water, “is it me or do they keep increasing” the demon said as got on his knees as punched the ground causing a giant earthquake but it was directed at the guards instead, most of them fell to the ground but got back up again after a few minutes of disorientation. “I would have ended this charade once and for all but I used up a lot of magic before and now I’m getting recharged but I know a spell you can use” Tiara said as she took his spell book out of his pouch, flipping through the page as fast as she could, the demon was still holding the guards back. When she found the spell she handed it over to him, it was a spell that lets the ground open up swallowing those in that affected area into the ground, “You can use this, it will give us a better chance to escape but you have to be focused of else this whole building is falling on everyone” Tiara said as the demon took the book out of her hand with
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A few hours later after Stephen had Adrian had left for Mount Zero……Ella was in a meadow made of ice, the trees, the flowers even the sky was made of eyes, she looked around wondering where she was. She tried walking around but she still came back to the place she found herself when she woke up, then a very familiar voice called out to her, she turned to see if it was actually the person she was thinking of.Ella turned to see Tiara her fraternal twin standing a few feet away from her with a smile on her face.“Tiara is that really you” Ella asked as tears clouded her eyes, “no you died, I must be dreaming, you look so real” Ella added as she ran to her wrapping her hands around her but she ran right through her.“You don’t know how much I want to hug you right now Ella but I can't because we are at the bridge between life and death, I have to tell you something so I’m taking this risk” Tiara said as she turned to face Ella. “Tiara, I could have gone with you that day, I would have b
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Somewhere on Mount Zero few minutes after Adrian and Stephen had arrived……“So where is this secret entrance you were talking about before we left?'' Stephen said as watching Adrian who was on his knees trying to catch his breath. “Why do we have to use that damn gem to transport here, I will never get used to travelling by magic, I’m a lycan, we don't do magic” Adrian said as he finally caught his breath getting to his feet.“If we took normal transport, it would take forever, this is faster and more efficient, so you better get used to it” Stephen said as he scanned their surroundings.“This mountain gives me the creeps”. “Welcome to the club” Adrian said as he began walking up the hill to a small hump on the bottom of the mountain.He began to move his hands around like a flowing river then the hump started to form into a gateway, Stephen stared at him in shock.“Did you just fucking do magic” Stephen half yelled. “Keep your mouth shut or I will shut it for you” Adrian looked arou
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“Shut up, don’t say another word” the older guard said glaring at the younger guard, then his gaze went back to Stephen and Adrian, Adrian’s gaze never left the older guard. “it's been a while Captain, I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I will never forget you Ronald” Adrian said as his eyes began to change color from gray to white, a growl leaving his mouth, white fur began to sprout from different parts of his body, his bones began to move out of place, his lycan Shadow was taking over. “oh shit, the fucker is a white lycan”the younger guard said as Stephen saw fear in the older guard’s eyes.“Prisoner 555, they made me do it, I didn’t mean to, please don’t kill me I have a family” Captain Ronald rushed out looking up at Adrian in his lycan form.Adrian took up most of the space in the room as Stephen stared at him with wide eyes “Remind me to never piss you off” Stephen added as Shadow took small steps towards the two guards.“You don’t get to beg me now Ronald, I begged you as
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