All Chapters of The Blind Wolf Princess: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
203 Chapters
Chapter 111 | Revenge
Lux The scent of cherries and leather is overwhelming. I sit up as I try to figure out where I am. All I know is that I’m with Apollo.His voice sounds soothing when he says, “You’re awake.”I nod and I feel the mattress underneath me, it’s much softer than the cot that I’ve been on since I’ve been captured. Did Apollo rescue me from that hell hole?He brushes my hair from my face and says, “It’s okay, Lux. They won’t hurt you anymore.”I ask in disbelief, “You rescued me?”He hesitates before answering me. I know just from his hesitation that I haven’t been rescued the way I was hoping to be. He asks, “Do you remember agreeing to mark me?”I feel frozen. I vaguely remember agreeing to marking him because he was the best option out of everyone. I nod slowly and he says, “I know that everything with us is&helli
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Chapter 112 | We'll Save You
SilasIt’s hard to be patient whenever I’m ready to go and find my girl.But Genevieve is weak from the journey that she took. It was a really long way for a fairy to fly and it is taking her time to recover from it.I get it and I’m sympathetic towards it, but every minute that passes I can’t help but wonder if Lux will get moved and then the one lead, we’ve had to find her is gone.I work on packing a bag, not knowing what else to do. I just need to keep myself busy. I’ve already packed my bag, I grabbed another bag and filled it with some things for Lux, and I’m working on a bag full of food and water. Who knows if she’s been fed properly while she’s been gone?I jump when I hear Nadia’s voice, “Goddess, your energy is difficult to be around.”My eyebrows furrow in confusion and she sighs, “Silas, sit down. Take a breath. We’ll find Lu
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Chapter 113 | Perfect Puzzle
Apollo Hearing Michael’s screams brought me a lot more pleasure than I care to admit. After everything he did to me and Lux… It was quite satisfying to hurt him back.Brute and Scarface lead me to an area to wash up and I’m grateful. I don’t want Lux to smell the blood on me.When I get done Zara comes to see me and tells me, “Nice work. Now get her to mark you as soon as she feels her wolf. Don’t give her the time to second guess her decision.”I nod in understanding, and I hear her tell the men, “Get me Stefan.”I pause and say, “Wait.”She smirks at me, “What? You want to kill him too?”I shake my head no and ask, “Spare him, please.”Her eyes widen from my request then asks, “Why should I?”I respond, “He hasn’t done anything against you, has he? Why does he deserve death?&
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Chapter 114 | Birthright
Apollo Searing burning pain. That’s how I woke up. It took everything within me not to cry out from the horrendous pain.I force myself out of bed as I try my hardest not to wake Lux up. She needs to rest and I don't want her to worry about me.I stumble into the hall as my canines elongate and tears prickle my eyes making me feel blind as I fall to my knees and I let out a loud groan.I hear footsteps and Zara’s alarmed voice as she asks, “What’s happening?”More footsteps and Stefan exclaims, “He’s shifting! Lux marking him must’ve brought his wolf back!”Zara screams, “Take him outside now!”Brute and Scarface grab my arms and drag me outside.I don't fight or help, I'm in too much pain to do anything.My arms are insanely itchy as patches of fur began to sprout along my body, my neck and face began to elongate slowly and painfull
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Chapter 115 | This Is The Place
SilasI run as fast as I can behind Kai and Genevieve. Genevieve shrunk down into her fairy form and sat on top of Kai’s wolf, Loki’s head. All I can see it the bright light she emits as she sits on his head and guides him.It's a peculiar site to see, but at the same time it really makes me think how well the moon goddess matched the two of them. Even if Genevieve isn't "one of us" she will make a fantastic Luna Queen just because of how well she and Kai work together. It takes 8 hours to get to the destination and as Loki walks up there I watch in amazement as Genevieve grows to her normal human height. She gets off of Loki’s back and I see that her eyebrows are furrowed in confusion.Kai shifts back and walks to her and asks, “What’s wrong?”She sighs, “I don’t know… something seems off. But this is the place.”She walks over to the door that leads int
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Chapter 116 | Submission
Lux The drive feels like it takes forever. Every minute that ticks by seems like even longer than the last. Apollo attempts to make conversation with me but due to his change in voice and scent I feel uncomfortable by his presence so I keep the chitchat to a minimum. He eventually talks to Stefan, but after bringing up Ellie, Stefan shuts down and it leaves the car ride silent. I play with my hands nervously, I’m unable to relax with Apollo sitting beside me. His scent no longer calms me and instead I feel fearful of him, and I regret my decision to mark him. Now that he’s shifted how long will it be before he demands for me to let him mark me? I remember how horrible I felt as the mark faded from my neck with no explanation. How is his mark still there? It should be fading by now. How is he still this monster? Will he forever be in this form? The man who’s driving says, “Are you ready, princess or should I cal
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Chapter 117 | Here Goes Nothing
LuxAnxiety is eating me alive as we walk towards the border. Will my brother let me have my birthright? What happens if he refuses? Right now it's just Zara and her two men along with Apollo and Stefan, but if things go wrong... how many other people could attempt to take my brother down?The smells get more familiar the closer we get to the border. I want to relax knowing that I'm finally back home, but fear overrides me causing me to stay tense. I feel the moment we cross the border and instantly I can hear and smell wolves coming near us.They growl at first because of Apollo and Apollo growls back at them and I smack his chest as I say, "Shush, we're on their land. You'd act the same way if roles with reversed."One of the wolves shift and the man questions, “Princess Lux?”I nod and say in a clear voice, “I need to see my father. I am here to take my role as Luna Queen.”
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Chapter 118 | Unexpected
Kai I go to the ballroom where I was told they put Lux.I don't know what kind of situation I'm walking into, but it doesn't matter. I've got Genevieve on my arm and I'm going to get my sister back. Life will finally return to normal. When I enter the room, my eyes immediately go to the beast that sounds exasperated as he snaps at some woman with red hair. I clear my throat, and everyone looks at me and I hear Lux’s soft voice, “Kai?”Before I can respond to her, a short man exclaims as he points, “A fairy!”The taller man takes a step towards Genevieve with his arms reached out to touch her and I step in front of her, guarding her body with mine as I growl out, “MINE!”The man stops in his tracks and holds his hands up in surrender. The red-haired woman says, “A werewolf with a fairy… how peculiar.”I don't like the way they're looking at her so I ask gruffly, &
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Chapter 119 | Magic
Kai It all happens so quickly. The rejection, the screaming and laughing, and then those people trying to take my mate.What surprises me most is the fact that neither Silas nor I were prepared for this, but Stefan was. He jumped into action, shifting into his wolf as he went for the man who grabbed Genevieve. He ripped into the man’s arm making Genevieve fall out of his arms and roll onto the floor.Her eyes are opened, terrified, but she doesn’t say anything or move.I want to run to her first, but I know I have bigger fish to fry as the other two people haven’t been taken down yet. Silas runs after the other man, and I don’t see the woman.I look around the grand ballroom and I’m cursing the men who put everyone in here. This would be a lot easier if we were in an office and there was no room to move.She can’t be that hard to find, we’re in an open room and she has flaming red hair.
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Chapter 120 | With Time
Lux My hand stung after I slapped Apollo. I ignored the stinging as I waited through the silence for him to respond to me. He says, “I still love you, Lux. You know that I would never intentionally-”I cut him off by scoffing at his lies, “You love my title. You were one of the ones pushing me for my birthright.”He snaps at me, “Because I want you to be safe! We were in unknown place; I was doing whatever I could to help keep you safe. Do you know how hard it was to hear your screams and know there was nothing I could do to help?!”I breathe out as I debate what I should do. I don't trust him, I'm beginning to wonder if he could've been one of the ones behind all of this. Stefan says, “My Luna, he had nothing to do with any of this. It all started with Michael.”Michael… where is he anyways? I haven't seen or heard about him in like two days. 
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