All Chapters of The Blind Wolf Princess: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
203 Chapters
Chapter 101 | Have It Your Way
LuxI don’t know how long I’ve been here. All I know is that I’m the only one in the room I’m in, it’s cold, and I’m only in my underwear.My arms and legs are bound to the walls and my arms are aching from being stretched out like this. I’ve been awake for at least 24 hours and no one has come to check on me. I wonder who has captured me. I would've thought that hunters would be keeping a closer eye on a Gemstone Wolf, trying to make sure that I am in good condition.Wherever I am smells… clean. Too clean, it smells like the room has been coated in bleach. The scent of bleach was so strong it originally made me want to gag, but now I've gotten used to it.I know I was covered in blood when I was captured, and I try not to think about the fact that someone must’ve bathed me since I don’t stink. I hope that they at least had a woman do it so that I could keep a little bit of my d
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Chapter 102 | The Dilemma
GenevieveI have to save her.I don’t know how I’m going to accomplish that, but I’ll figure it out.When Kai and his family left, I chose not to come with because I didn’t think I could leave home for that long. After getting in an argument with one of our officials, I decided to come anyways. It was a long journey, but I knew that whenever it was time to come home, I wouldn’t have to fly so that made it worth it.As I was flying and getting close to the Dark Moon Pack, I noticed a rather large group not far from them. I made sure to be careful while I checked this group out… I have to be careful approaching anyone. It’s not easy to hide what I am, and you never know what someone’s intentions might be.I noticed the hunters, all of them armed with guns that either had bullets laced with wolfsbane or darts that were laced with something I'm not sure what, but it was definitely meant
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Chapter 103 | It Would Be A Shame
LuxBeing stuck in this cell is incredibly dreary.They seem to be playing like a “good cop, bad cop” type of game. Michael was the bad cop and Stefan was the good cop. Stefan took away my shackles and showed me where the cot was in this cell. He insisted that with every meal I was given a warm drink and water.The meals were subpar, most of the time it was a bland oatmeal. The water tasted bad and the warm drink I got was normally warm water with honey and lemon. It’s better than nothing, I guess.Every time that Michael came into the room, he would do his best to intimidate me. He would threaten me and has hit me once. He’s told me that he prefers to give me the injections, he doesn’t want to ruin my ‘pretty face’.The only time he hit me in the face is because I told him that he was such a playboy that not even his mate wanted to be with him. Apparently, bringing up Nadia touches a nerve
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Chapter 104 | What To Do
Genevieve I don’t know what happened. I left; I went to a nearby fairy community. It’s the only thing I could think to do but they were a lot less advanced than my community, so it didn’t help me much with the task of getting in touch with someone. When I came back, I saw a man bringing Apollo inside and his hands were tied behind his back and he got pushed inside and then they disappeared. It looked like Apollo was being taken as a prisoner, so I don't think that he's actually a part of all of this but honestly who really knows. It was originally his plan to kill Kai that's why he got his wolf taken from him in the first place. The werewolf world is so confusing, and I still know so little about it. It's been two weeks since Lux was taken, and I haven't been able to figure out how to get inside without getting caught. I'm starting to contemplate if I should just try to find my way home so that way maybe I can lead Kai or Silas or som
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Chapter 105 | Loyalty
Lux Michael broke 2 of Apollo’s ribs, has dislocated his shoulder, and cut off one of his toes.Apollo tries hard not to scream; he constantly reassures me that he’s okay and for me not to give in.I hate that he has to go through this. I don’t know what to do. I can’t agree to Michael’s terms. He seems to get more desperate for me to agree to what he wants. I don't know why he seems so desperate though, it's more than him just being impatient. It's like he's scared for what might happen if I never agree. I hear the door open, and I hear Apollo groan and he asks, “What do you want?”I’m surprised to hear Stefan’s voice. It’s been a couple of days since he’s made an appearance. He says, “It doesn’t have to be this hard. Why don’t you encourage her to give in?”I huff, “How about you talk like I’m still in the
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Chapter 106 | Electric
ApolloI got put into a room away from Lux. I look around the room and it looks like a huge living room or game room.I see Michael sitting on a recliner and looks at me and Stefan with disgust as he grumbles, “What did you bring him in here for?”I’m not sure why he seems so upset with me. It’s not my fault that our pack fell and on top of that I haven’t done anything that directly affects him. All I did was save Kai’s life when he called the order for him to be killed. But that wasn’t even Michael’s order to make.Stefan lets me go and walks over to sit on a loveseat in the room. I look at the two of them surprised that I’m allowed to move around without one of them near me. A part of me is tempted to try to run and get help. Although, it’s still weird even just walking now since Michael cut off one of my toes.The door behind me opens and I turn to see that woman Zara wal
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Chapter 107 | Piffenplum
GenevieveI’m at the point where I have to leave. I have to find help and I need to get back to a normal society so that I can properly refuel. I’ve been living off of the resources in the forest, but it is not giving me the nutrients I need to thrive.I know we haven't spoken much, moon goddess, but if you could please keep Lux safe and keep her here then I would appreciate it!The only way I felt comfortable with leaving is if I could find a way to make a discreet trail to find my way back. I looked around and found some piffenplum and I know I can use it to mark a trail. Piffenplum is a purple flower that I can crush and mix with water to help make a purple liquid. I can mark it on the trees, and it will stain it so I can find my way back.It should also be discreet enough that the wolves and hunters shouldn’t notice it.I’m careful as I leave making sure to be discreet so there’s no chance of anyon
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Chapter 108 | A Lead
Apollo   I was grateful that Lux asked for me. I was even more grateful that Zara allowed me to come and see her. I sit on the floor beside her, but she is unconscious. They left me alone with her and I don’t know how long I’ll get to stay here. I pull Lux towards me, and I braid her hair as she rests. I’ve heard her screams and based off of the sensors that have been placed on her, I would bet they’re electrocuting her. I don’t understand why though, I don’t know why they need her so bad. There are more hunters than the ones I’ve seen and if Michael and Stefan can lead them to the Royal Pack then what do they need Lux for? The whole thing gives me a massive headache. But I'm grateful I'm here with Lux. I stay here rubbing her head and my eyes begin to feel heavy and before I know it, I’ve fallen asleep.   I don’t know how long I slept for but I woke up due to a bright light. Lux doesn’t move
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Chapter 109 | Unhinged
Kodi Lux’s manic laugh concerns me.I’m able to hear and feel everything going on but Lux can’t feel me. I can’t press forward. I can’t take control. It hurts knowing that I can’t protect Lux.She is taking every single electric shock and it’s taking a toll on her. But I think she scared her captors by her hysteric laughing. I don't think that was her intent, I just think the amount of times she's been shocked has caused her to become a bit... unhinged.They haven’t come near her in a while. The longer she is alone, the more her actions scare me. I wish I could speak to her and reassure her that everything will be okay. We'll get through this... but she thinks she's all alone and that is causing things to get worse.It's been so long since she's been able to feel me, for all she knows they've killed me off with all the poison injected in her body. I've had to work hard t
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Chapter 110 | What About Me?
Lux “Lux Marie Hale, you will fight for your birthright as Luna Queen.”I pull at my hair and a few strands get pulled out as I yell back, “NO!”Another electric shock makes me cry out. Those damn bastards. How much longer will they torture me? Can't they see that I won't break?Another person screaming in my face, “YOU WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR BIRTHRIGHT!”“NEVER!”I will not break, I will not break, I will not break."DO IT!" He screams as spit gets sprayed across my face. I cry out, "NO!"I fall to the floor because a hand collided with my face. My jaw drops in shock, I can't believe he just slapped me. I hear one man snap at the other, “We aren’t allowed to hit her!”I rub my cheek still feeling surprised that one of them hit me, tears well up in my eyes as my cheek stings. The one who slapped me says, “I know, I’m sorry
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