All Chapters of The Blind Wolf Princess: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
203 Chapters
Chapter 81 | Where I Belong
Lux I walk back to Apollo’s room, and he sighs in relief upon seeing me. I know it's the mate bond that is causing him to worry, but it racks me with guilt knowing that I won't stay with him. I touch the wall as I feel my way back to where I was and sit beside him, but this time I am careful not to touch him.No false hope. I came here for answers and that is it.Before he can say anything I decide to jump straight to the point, “Tell me about Michael.”He’s confused as he asks, “What about him?”“How about… how was he able to get enough wolfsbane to paralyze a werewolf?” No reason to beat around the bush. Either Michael had somehow gotten that wolfsbane on his own or Apollo helped provide it.Apollo answers nonchalantly, “We keep a stash of wolfsbane in my office in case of emergencies. There are times you have to subdue a wolf or times you may need it in
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Chapter 82 | Take Me To Them
Kai   Whenever we got to the packhouse it was hard to see Lux walk off to go check on Apollo. Apollo… the man who originally intended on assassinating me. The man that I am responsible for deciding his fate. I went into Lux’s room and decided that I would wait on her. I don’t know how long it took before she came into the room because I fell asleep. But whenever she did, she curled up beside me on the bed. I ask, “Are you okay?” It takes a minute for her to answer me, but I notice the tears silently going down her face, her eyes are red rimmed, and she keeps sniffling. Her hands are near her chest by her heart as if she’s trying to somehow take away her pain. What could cause her to be so upset? It dawns on me, and I murmur, “You rejected him, didn’t you?”She nods slowly, and I wrap my arms around her in a tight hug as I reassure her, “It’s okay, Lux, I’m here for you, sis.”We stay like this for ho
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Chapter 83 | Always There
Lux As I woke up the first thing that I noticed is how sticky my face felt. It confused me for a moment, but then I felt the pain of heartbreak crashing through my being all over again. I wasn't expecting it to hurt so bad... I'm not sure what I was expecting to go through with rejecting my mate, but I didn't anticipate this much pain not after everything he put me through.I struggled to breathe as I process what I’ve been through and I remember Kai was in here comforting me. I pat around on my bed in search of my brother knowing that he would be able to calm me down, but he’s not here. I sniff the air and realize that his scent is faint like he's been gone for a few hours.I get out of bed and stumble towards me door as I go to find him. I need someone with me, this all-consuming pain is too much for me to bear on my own.My hands tremble as I touch his door and try to knock as I open it. When I open the door t
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Chapter 84 | One Tangled Mess
Silas It’s hard waiting for the supplies get here. I haven’t told Damon about the possibility of him being healed. I don’t want him to get his hopes up.I haven’t seen Genevieve since last night and I couldn’t help but wonder when she would show up again. King Archer and Queen Rieka seemed thrilled that Kai has met his mate even if she is a fairy.I stand at the balcony looking over the garden and I see Lux sitting down there all by herself. My eyebrows knit together as I observe her, she has seemed off all day. I know she’s very shaken up from everything that has happened with Apollo, but it is weird seeing her so depressed. I’m racking my brain trying to figure out if there’s anything I can do to help her.A feminine voice makes me jump in surprise, “How are you doing, Silas?”I look and see Charlotte standing in front of me, she is wearing an olive-green dre
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Chapter 85 | A Strong Feeling
Kai I could feel Genevieve’s anxiety rolling off her in heavy waves. I know she is putting a lot of pressure on herself to get this right.She doesn’t want to disappoint anyone or have anyone think less of her because she isn’t able to heal Damon.We all walk in in pairs of two. My parents leading us, Genevieve holds on tightly to my sisters’ arm, and Silas and I are behind them. Silas is in deep thought, and I know it has to do with the feelings he has for my sister.I’m curious to see what will happen with them now that neither of them are mated. But I can feel a shift inside my sister that concerns me.She seems more fearful, more on edge, and I wonder what else might have happened that we may be unaware of.We walk into the hospital room, and I noticed that my parents upgraded Damon’s room. It’s now like a suite and is at least two floors away from
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Chapter 86 | Moral Dilemma
KaiI watch as Genevieve walks around Damon and touches different areas of his body like his legs, his back, and his head. Her eyebrows knit together as she continues to silently examine him.He looks at me curiously as if silently asking me if I know what she's doing, but if I'm being honest I have no clue. All of this fairy stuff is new for me and I have no clue how it is all supposed to work.She walks over to the bag that the nurses brought to Damon's room and it's full of all of the supplies she asked for. She continues to try to work and makes a weird concoction before sighing sadly and looking over at me with a curious yet indecisive look on her face.She says, "We'll be back, Damon.""Okay..." He responds obviously confused by the situation. She walks out of his room with me and asks in a low voice, "Where can we speak that's private?"I take her to a room that's empty and I ask, "Is everything okay?"She asks, "H
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Chapter 87 | Through The Motions
LuxMy mom's arm is wrapped tightly around my shoulders as she leads me to the elevator so that she can take me to Apollo's room. I feel tense at the thought of seeing him, but he deserves to hear this from me and not some random stranger. My mom means well as she keeps telling me things like, ‘You don’t have to do this’ ‘Will it be too hard on you?’ ‘Your father or I could handle this.’I refuse… he loved me. He knows me. He deserves to hear this news from someone he knows. The moment we walk in the room his scent is overwhelming, but it makes me heart break all over again. I hear his soft growl as he asks, “What do you want?”I ignore his warning growl and I walk closer, but my mom had let go of me and remained still behind me. She didn’t want to overstep, but she was uneasy about the fact that Apollo growled at me like that.As I get closer to him a growl sli
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Chapter 88 | The Ritual
LuxIt’s time.We have to strip Apollo of his wolf.Guilt is eating me away and I hear Kodi say: Want me to take over?Her offer is tempting, I’m not sure I’ll be able to go through with it. Would she be able to?She reassures me: I can handle it.I nod to myself as I give her control and go into the depths of my own mind, blissfully unaware of what’s going on.KodiLux always trusted me. I appreciated it about her and as she gave me control, I tried my best to behave like her. She doesn’t want her family to worry any more than they already are. Kai holds onto our arm as he leads us out to the front of the packhouse. I can hear the murmurs of others and I know that this has attracted a bit of a crowd.Lux’s grandfather, Carter, the previous Alpha King, comes over and wraps his arms around us as he says, “I’m so sorry, swee
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Chapter 89 | Hope
KaiI’ve never felt more grateful for the bond that Silas and Lux have together than I do right now. I wanted my mate and she needed to get Apollo’s wolf essence before trying to finish her concoction.The separation ritual seemed to take more energy out of the women because my mom and grandma both fell against their mates once it was done while Lux fell to the ground. It took me a moment to notice her and by the time I did, Silas already had her in his arms as he took her inside the house.Genevieve and I rush back to the pack hospital and she looks at me here and there and I can tell she’s trying to make sure I don’t overexert myself after seeing the way the women in my family fell. But I nod at her as I silently assure her that I’m okay.We get up to Damon’s room and Genevieve gets to work on her concoction. Both Damon and I watch her silently.As I watch her, I can see the nervousness on her
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Chapter 90 | No Longer Weak
LuxWhen I awoke, I couldn’t help but feel guilt running through me over what we did to Apollo and his wolf. Even Kodi feels numb and saddened by what happened. It’s not what we wanted. It’s not what was meant to happen. He was my mate for goddess sake!He was my mate.He was my mate!!!!But he locked me up, threw away the key, he stripped me of all my freedom, he planned to kill my own brother, and all because he had this unquenchable thirst for keeping me safe and for power.For power. Isn’t that all it ever comes down to? What anyone ever does? What anyone ever wants? It’s all for power.It’s always been my fear. Always been my freaking fear that whenever I would get mated to someone they wouldn’t care that much about me, they would care about the title that I held. They would care about that and the fact I was blind because they think that me being blind makes me weak.The
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