All Chapters of War of Threes: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
135 Chapters
Chapter 81 - Diego
“STOP!” Karamea screams, her luna tone rolling through the air.  Instantly, everyone stops moving. It’s only then that I register the increased power that I feel, not just for her through our bond, but also the increase in my own power.             What the hell happened?             I look at her and see that she’s covered in blood.  “KARE!”  I run to her to see where she’s hurt.            “I’m fine, Diego.  It’s not my blood.”  I follow her eyes and only then do I see Ivan’s body.  I look back at her.  I had seen Ivan kill Jordy.  If she killed Ivan, then we are…fuck, we’re now the alpha and luna of three packs.  All three of the packs that are here.             I look at h
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Chapter 82 - Isaac
Today I am being discharged from the hospital.  Mathias had beaten the absolute shit out of me when I got back, not even listening to what I had to say.  I am honestly lucky to be alive.  Mathias has come to visit me a few times since.  He has never apologized, just asked me to tell him what happened. I fed him the bullshit story Arya and I came up with.  He was like a police interrogator, asking me to tell him the story over and over again, looking for inconsistencies.  I’m not sure why he was doing it and not Gamma Blake.  I never found out the answer to that. Whatever I said seemed to at least appease Mathias and he let me come back to my previous position as a general. We had a meeting later today to discuss the new camps that had been set up at the Shadow, M**i, and New Moon pack territories. I needed to get to my rooms and shower and change before that time.  I smelled like the hospital and dirty dog. 
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Chapter 83 - Arya
The ride back to Diana Pack is long and monotonous.  It’s a blessing to be back and away from other people.  They are all well meaning and worried about me, but I need to be alone. That includes being away from Devin and Xander.  I love them both.  More than anything in this world.  But looking at them just reminds me of my failure.  My failure to give them a pup. It’s like a gift from the Goddess that Zak needed them to come help with the planning of the rescue.  Finally, I could be alone and binge on ice cream and chocolate syrup while bawling my eyes out.  That is, until Lauren decided that she needed to stay with me. I love my mother-in-law.  I swear, I really, really do.  But, I have a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Half-Baked calling my name and it wants to spend some alone time with me. That is, until she showed up with four pints of Ben and Jerry’s and two bottles of my favorite Riesling. 
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Chapter 84 - Brandon
Zak and I have refused to let Charlie out of our sight since we’ve gotten back.  The combination of just missing our mate and pups and Arya’s miscarriage has us feeling over-protective and, frankly, needy.  But, we’re driving her insane. “Oh my Goddess!  If you two don’t get out from under my feet, I’m going to start kicking your assess.  Get the fuck out of the bathroom so I can pee in peace, BOTH OF YOU!”  She is red-faced and wild eyed and she honestly looks really cute with her baby bump and wide-footed stance. “But Red – “ I start. “Brandon Nathaniel Snow, I swear to the Goddess on high, if you don’t get out of this bathroom right this second, I won’t do that thing with my tongue until these pups find their own mates!” I don’t want to say that I ran out of the bathroom, but I was not in there much longer and I pull Zak along with me.  “Come on.  I’m pretty sure if she’s threatening me with the tongue thing, it g
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Chapter 85 - Gael
Two days after we return is the day before our wedding.  I should be spending it at a stag party, drinking and partying with my friends.  But, instead, I’m in another Alpha Council meeting, talking about how we will are going to get the families away from Mathias.            I’m not mad.  This needs to be done.  But it shows me how much this cabrón (asshole) has affected our lives.  Not only did he bring us to war and having to deal with uprooting our packs and families, but he also is interfering with some of the happiest times of our lives and times that we should be with and supporting each other.  Charlie is pregnant and Brandon and Zak had to just leave her to fight Mathias’s men and will have to do so again soon.  Arya just had a miscarriage and surgery.  Though she is physical healthy, it’s easy to see how this experience has taken its
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Chapter 86 - Xander
“So, what’s the problem?” I ask.             “We can’t be gay!” Gregory bursts out.  “It’s abhorrent!  It’s disgusting! It’s – “ “It’s what the Mother ordained.” I interrupt.  That stops him.  He stares at me with a mixture of pain, fear, and hope.  “Look, man.  I know that Mathias and Ivan and their packs fucked with your heads about being gay.  But as you can see from our group, it’s not a bad thing.  Mathias has a lot of hate for gay men, but Mother Selene does not.  Who are you going to side with?” Finally, Gregory and Jamal look at each other.  There is so much longing in their eyes that it makes them almost hard to look at. “Oh, get up and go to your mate, you dumbass!”  Karamea literally pushes Gregory out of his seat.  He stumbles, finally breaking eye contact with Jamal to look back at Karamea.  “Really?”  He is
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Author's Note
Hey friends - I had a couple of people ask for a reminder of who some of the characters are.  Here is a quick outline of who everyone is, as well as a reminder of where we are currently in the prophecy count.Packs and Wolves Artemis Pack – Alpha – Zak Loup, Luna – Charlie Loup, Beta – Brandon Snow (Zak, Charlie, and Brandon mates), Gamma – Devin Loach, Delta – Xander Hawthorne, Arya Vegter (former delta of Blue Crescent Pack) (Devin, Xander, and Arya mates) Clara Loup (former Luna, Zak’s mom), Jared Loup (former alpha, Zak’s dad, deceased), Allistar (former delta, Charlie’s dad), Danielle (Charlie’s mom), Richard Loach (former gamma, Devin’s dad), Lauren Loach (Devin’s mom), Carl Snow (former beta, Brandon’s dad) (Richard, Lauren, and Carl mates), Christine Snow (Brandon’s mom, deceased), Candice Snow (Brandon’s sister, deceased), Lucill
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Chapter 87 - Meredith
Today is my wedding day.  With all of the craziness that is going on in our world right now, Hakeem and Gael have been my light in the darkness.  I love them more than I ever thought possible.  I am so excited that we will all share the same last name, along with the matebond.  And I have a special surprise for them later. Carmen, Arya, Charlie, Sandra, Lily, Bhakti, Karamea, and Patrice are in the room with me as I get my hair and make-up done.  Charlie insisted that I have them done professionally and I have been sitting here for what feels like hours as I’ve been primped and prodded to have my nails painted, hair removed from almost my entire body, a soothing massage, hair done, and make-up applied. Luckily, I’m not the only one.  All of the girls were part of the process, even though we’ve only elected to have Zak, Kristoff, and Carmen up at the altar with us.  Zak will be giving me away as the alpha
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Chapter 88 - Gael
Mi cielo has always been beautiful.  There was never a time in her life that she wasn’t.  But she’s never looked so ethereal.  So stunning.  All I want to do is look at her like this for the rest of my life. As she comes to a stop in front of us, all I feel in my own mind and through the matebond is pure and utter joy. “Please sit,” Declan tells everyone.  It is only then that I notice that everyone had stood when Meredith had exited the packhouse.  I had been so memorized by her beauty that I didn’t even realize. “Dear pack members, family, and friends, on behalf of our alpha, luna, and beta, I want to welcome you here, tonight.”  Declan’s voice is loud and warm as he looks out on the hundreds of wolves that are seated in a circle around the altar. “Though they have already mated in the eyes of our Goddess and a full trio, they wish to combine their bloodlines, taking our alpha’s last name.  In the sig
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Chapter 89 - Scenes from the Reception
While the pictures are being taken and Gael and Hakeem head upstairs to get their surprise, the reception begins.  Outside, under the stars with the moon shining down, the omegas and wedding planners have set up a dancefloor, buffet tables, and tables for the hundreds of wolves to sit and eat.  Champagne and alcohol flow freely and the hors d’oeuvres are delicious.  The trios are spread throughout the reception.______________________________________Devin  Arya has been the happiest we’ve seen her in over a week.  Her eyes sparkle, her face glows.    She’s been getting better since her talk with my mom and I can’t help but wonder what they talked about.  I haven’t asked.  All I can do is thank my mother profusely.  Our Arya is coming back to us. “Dance with me,” she says, pulling me and Xander onto the dance floor.
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