All Chapters of War of Threes: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
135 Chapters
Chapter 90 - Gael
A genuine smile lights up Meredith’s face.  “Open them!  It’s not like they’re going to bite you.”  I look at Hakeem, both of our faces puzzled.  I turn back to the envelope that Meredith gave me.  Slowly, I wedge my finger under the flap, breaking the seal.  Hakeem undoes the bow.  We open our “surprises” at the same time that Meredith uses the remote to turn off the music that is playing loudly throughout the room. I stare at the contents of the envelope without fully comprehending what I am seeing.  My mouth is open, my eyes wide.  After a few seconds, I glance over at Hakeem and see the same expression on his face. I look down and what I see in my hands finally comes into focus.  A sonogram.  It’s a sonogram.  Two little beans seem to float in a black and white striated space. I look over to what Hakeem is holding in his hands and see a positive pregnancy test resting in the necklace box.
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Chapter 91 - Hakeem
We are gone for about another 45 minutes before we get a mindlink from Kristoff. Where are you guys?  The caterer is ready to serve dinner, but they won’t do that without you here.I am balls deep inside of Merry, fucking her from behind.  Gael is behind me and railing me as hard as he can.Cinco minutos mas, amigo.  Estamos en medio de algo en este momento. (Five more minutes, friend.  We’re in the middle of something right now.)  Even Gael’s mindlink voice is husky and winded as he pumps in and out of my ass.I don’t want to know!  I. Don’t. Want. To. Know!  Just get down here fast.  Kristoff’s voice is fast and high pitched, almost panicky in his attempt to get out of the conversation as fast as possible. I would laugh, but Gael thrusts into me deeply and all I can do is moan at the feeling.  Merry’s moan echoes mine.  Her pussy
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Chapter 92 - Brandon
The next morning, while the happy throuple are sleeping in, Zak, Diego, Karamea, Liam, Sandra, and I make our ways to the dungeons. There are several members of the former Cancer, Lycaon, and Mene packs, along with the previous members of the M**i packs and rouges that had actively fought against us and we had imprisoned them, at least until the war is over. There were only 10 cells and about 30 wolves between the four packs and rogues to house.  They are a little cramped for space, but it is what it is.  There are four wolves in particular that we would really like to bring to our side.  Two are extremely skilled warriors that we needed five warriors to bring down.  One would be an excellent addition to our spy and scouting teams.  The final one is a rouge female who has obviously been abused by the wolves that she was with.  She’s refusing to leave them.  We’re hoping that speaking to two she-wolves will help her come with us. Th
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Chapter 93 - Karamea
The guards lead the she-wolf into the second interrogation room with us.  We have them remove her cuffs, but they insist on having at least one guard stay in the room with us.  Not that they don’t think that we can take her down, but we are two of their lunas.  They want to keep us safe.“Good morning, Naomi.  How are you doing today?” I can see the dark circles under her eyes and I know from the guard’s reports that the two male wolves, William and Adam, that are in the cell with her aren’t giving her her full share of the rations.  We’ve tried to separate her from them, but she refuses to eat and they cause a huge disturbance in the cells and attack the other wolves that were housed with them. Naomi was also sexually attacked by the males that we put her with.Well…they tried to attack her.  It didn’t go well for them.  One is still in the pack hospital, cuffed to his bed
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Chapter 94 - Liam
About a minute after Clive is taken out of the room, while we’re still trying to figure out what’s going on with Brandon, we hear a howl from the interrogation room down the hall. “Something’s wrong!” My voice is tense and I run as fast as I can out the door.  Within seconds, we are standing in front of the second interrogation room. “Get her out of here and get some help!”  Karamea’s yell turns into a growl as she shifts, but I don’t see what’s going on in the room.  All I see is that the guard is carrying a she-wolf out of the room.  A she-wolf with long black hair and paling skin.  Sandra. Her shirt is covered in blood and she’s struggling to breathe. “Give her to me,” I order the guard.  I take her in my arms and lay her on the floor, ripping off my shirt and attempting to staunch the bleeding.  Her stomach is ripped to shreds, organs nearly falling out of her body.  Her eyes are begging me to do something.&
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Chapter 95 - Xander
After the fiascos with Clive and Naomi, we decided to have all the interrogations with the prisoners cuffed at wrists and ankles to a bolted down table with their alpha or Zak in the room to control them and at least two guards.  We can’t afford to have more people hurt.  And we still have two more wolves, plus William and Adam to talk to know.Clive is in the pack hospital, still knocked out from Brandon’s punch this morning.  We have Naomi in a solitary confinement cell until it’s decided what to do with her.  Liam and Bhakti want to execute her.  She technically killed their pregnant mate and luna-to-be.But Sandra and Karamea are fighting for her life.  Had she not been scared and Karamea’s untrained gift pulling on her emotions, none of that would have happened.  We hadn’t had a chance to sit down and talk about what would happen to Naomi, but I think a lot of that is going to depend on how things go
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Chapter 96 - Arya
The news that Julian is attempting to bring Mathias and his allies to their side is not good.  Not good at all.  But we can’t worry about that right now.  We’ve got to get the families from Mathias’ pack.  We’ve got a job to do.  Time enough to worry about the western borders when we get back. “New objective, everyone.  Get the wolves we’re there for out as fast as you possibly can.  Kill any of Mathias’ men that you have to.  We’re not looking for stealth now.  We’re looking to get in and out, but also hurt Mathias,” Zak announces to everyone as we are loading into the vehicles that evening.  Several of us will be riding to the outskirts of Mathias’ borders today, about 24 hours of riding in the car.  Yay.  I can already feel my brain melting from boredom.  The warriors nod their affirmation and continue packing up the vehicles.  We’re almost ready to go. Zak pulls me and my mates aside.&n
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Chapter 97 - Devin
We stopped at the border of Georgia and Florida, not wanting to be close enough that the pack would be able to pick up our scents or hear us.  We’re technically just inside Blue Crescent territory, but Arya said that they don’t really patrol out here because it is too close to a human town.  It puts us about an hour and half away from Mathias’s pack.  And 90 minutes from whatever he is burning.  Whoever he is burning. Luckily, we have eight four-wheelers with us, which go up to 60 mph.  Riding two per vehicle, 16 of us can go through the woods to get to the Blue Crescent pack buildings.  The straight shot through the woods will put us there nearly an hour before the APCs because of the twists in turns of the roads.  We quickly get Donovan, his crew of four wolves and eight of our strongest wolves and hop on the four-wheelers.  Arya rides with Xander, telling him where to go through the woods.  The closer we get to
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Chapter 98 - Zak
I stand beside the body of Isaac, set on one of the couches in the packhouse.  Also in the room are Brandon, Arya, Devin, and Xander. The rest of the wolves are tending the fire, trying to calm the wolves from the three other packs who lost their mates today, and making another search of the territory for any sign of Mathias and his goons.  I have no idea how they made it so that Lacey didn’t feel what they were doing to Isaac.  Not until his death.  It happened at some point while we were in the air.  Charlie called us and let us know that Lacey collapsed, screaming in agony before she passed out.  She had been distraught since she woke, screaming that Isaac was dead and that her pup would never meet its father.  They had to sedate her and keep her in the hospital, hooked up to monitors to ensure that the baby’s health wasn’t compromised. I have never seen anything like what they’d done to Isaac.  Not only had they beaten the
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Chapter 99 - Liam
This was…the worst, most fucked up thing that I have ever seen. Wolves are fiercely protective of their own and what they claim as theirs, so war isn’t unheard of.  Though war has never been brought upon my pack in my lifetime until now, we have been allies to others who have brought us into their war.  We have trained all our lives.  And some of us are military vets who have been a part of conflict.  In Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. My grandfather is a Vietnam vet.  My father was a part of Desert Storm.  I was lucky that I wasn’t deployed to any places where I needed to fight during my time in the Marines, but I understand the discipline needed to fight.  And we have trained our pack in that vision. Seems that Gael and his bloodline have trained their wolves in the same way.  And that’s how we’re training all of the wolves in our alliances now. But no matter where I’ve gone, no matter what I’ve seen i
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