All Chapters of War of Threes: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
135 Chapters
Chapter 110 - Diego
I know that I should be concentrating on warrior training, looking at the new wolves and seeing where they fit in within our existing units, but I just can’t.  With the full moon tonight, my sex drive has ramped up from it’s usual 8 to beyond the 10-point meter.  Ever see those cartoon boiler readers that show where the damn thing just explodes because everything is so hot?  That’s my fucking dick right now.  I’ve been trying to hide my constant hard on by doing the boxer waistband trick, but that doesn’t work so well when you have an alpha’s length and girth.  I need fucking duct tape to keep this shit down. I had to go change into my tightest pair of shorts and a long, loose t-shirt to keep it from poking someone’s eye out.  All I can think about are my two mates.  I want them so bad.  It’s almost like when we were first mated, that’s how much I need them. I know that Lily is at work and Kare is with the girls, but I
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Chapter 111 - Devin
Were tonight anything but a ceremony for our Mother, nothing would have stopped me from sweeping Arya and Xander into our bedroom and fucking the both of them until they couldn’t walk for days. The appointment with Dr. Hazel today went about as well as could be expected.  Arya had completely healed after her surgery and Dr. Hazel cleared her for any and all sexual activities.  Good news for all of us.  We’ve been doing other things in the bedroom, but Xander and I have both insisted that even anal is off-limits.  We wanted to make sure that she was completely healed and in no risk of pain or further complications.Though this was for her good and the good of any future pup, it was particularly frustrating for all involved.  An oral orgasm is great, but it’s nothing compared to being inside your mate.The trickier piece of this whole thing was figuring out Arya’s fertile periods.  They aren’t tied
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Chapter 112 - Xander
Arya’s little speech has my cock twitching inside of her and my balls tightening, threatening to make me cum.  The look in her eyes, the steel in her voice, and the grip of her ass around my cock is so dominating and hot. “Fucking hell,” I whisper.  I grab her hips and feel Devin grab her ass cheeks, opening them further for me.  We both begin moving our hips in time with each other. We start off slow, her ass and pussy still gripping us tightly. Arya’s head leans back on my shoulder and her arms pull Devin into her so that we are all tightly wrapped in each other. As she begins to loosen up, Arya moves her hips as well, grinding herself onto our cocks.  The feeling is exquisite and spurs us on. I push Arya’s hair to the side and begin sucking on my matemark on the left side of her neck.  Devin moves to the right side and sucks on his own matemark. Arya screams wordlessly and her body clamps down tightly on us
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Chapter 113 - Gael
The next afternoon, the Alpha Council meets together to discuss what we are going to do about Julian and Mathias.  We have Naomi here.  She’s extremely tense.  Makes sense.  Her son hasn’t arrived yet.  She’s probably out of her mind with worry.  But, lshe has agreed to tell us anything she can about Julian.“Ok, Naomi.  We need to know everything that you can tell us about Julian and your pack.  How many warriors do you have?  How many noncombatants?  Where exactly is your pack?  How long do you think it will take Julian to attack?  Anything and everything that you can tell us will be helpful.”  Xander and Hakeem are set up beside each other, Hakeem with his laptop hooked up to the projector and Xander with a notebook and pen.  Brandon has his own laptop open and he’s preparing to help Hakeem and Xander. Naomi walks up to the projection screen looking at the
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Chapter 114 - Arya
I stay in the Alpha Council while my mates go to complete their task.  This way, I can take notes and report back to them later tonight. After a few minutes, we turn our attention back to Naomi.  She has a thoughtful look on her face.  “Is this how you run things around here?  No squabbling?  No power plays?” “Yes,” responds Zak, a knowing look on his face. We hear this every time that a new person comes into our fold.  They don’t get how well we work together.  How we just want what is best for all, not what is best for us. She studies us in silence for a few minutes and we allow it, smiling back at her. Finally, she nods.  “As soon as Nathan is here, I want us to break ties with the Meteoric Rise Pack.  I want to join one of the packs here.” Zak’s smile widens.  “Do you know which one?”  I see his eyes briefly flick to Sandra and I think he knows which one Naomi is going to pick.
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Chapter 115 - Charlie
Five weeks later, we’ve moved into new cabins that have been built along the Georgia/Alabama border.  The main part of the Artemis Pack is just outside of Jasper, Georgia, though we were spread out so that there was no more than 10 miles between the outer houses of packs.  It made it so that we could cover the whole area, but also had some space to ourselves.  Though we had enjoyed our time on Diana Pack’s territory and I missed walking across the hall to see my friends, wolves aren’t meant to be that cooped up.  We are meant to be with our packs, our family, but beyond that, we typically stay away from others, like our wolf parts.  The only thing that kept us together for so long was that so many of us found family within the other packs.  In fact, so many of our pack members have told me how much they missed the hustle and bustle that was the Diana Pack that all of the other lunas and I decided to throw a welcome party at our pack next week.&n
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Chapter 116 - Brandon
I dumbly nod my head at my mate.  I have no doubt in the world that Charlie, even though she is nearly a foot shorter than me, could rip off my balls and feed them to me if she wanted to.  This chick can get scary.  If it weren’t for the current situation, I’d be kind of turned on. As it is, I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Lily. Charlie grabs the phone from my hand and puts it on speaker. After two rings, Lily answers, obviously laughing at something one of her mates said.  “Hey Brandon, what’s up?” “It’s Charlie.  Contractions are three and a half minutes apart and nearly one minute long.” Lily’s voice is suddenly all business.  “Have you lost the mucus plug?” “Not that I could see.”  Just then, Charlie’s eyes widen in surprise.  I look down and see that her pants have suddenly darkened with fluid.  “But my water just broke.”  “Get to the hospital.  I’ll
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Chapter 117 - Xander
We are woken up from around 12:30 by a text message.  All three of us were on the 11-7 patrol shift last night and we were exhausted.  I roll over and slap at my phone.Of course, it promptly falls in the floor.“Fuuucccckkk!” I whine out.I roll so that I’m half hanging off the bed, my legs still tangled in the sheet and someone else’s legs.  I put one hand on the floor and start searching for the phone.  I groan again when I realize that it’s gone under the bed.As I reach for it, I lose my balance and fall to the floor.“What the fuck are you doing, Xan?” Arya asks, her voice muffled by the pillow that she has face planted into.“My phone,” I mumble, rubbing my head and reaching under the bed to grab it.  When I open it, I see I have a text message from Karamea.“Oh, shit!” I say, suddenly alert.“What is it?” Dev calls, bo
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Chapter 118 - Brandon
“Mike, get four warriors and move everyone to the basement of the hospital.  Keep them safe!  Especially your new luna and beta,” Zak orders. “Yes, alpha,” Mike says. “Charlie, do you think that you can keep this forcefield up?” I ask her.  I’m looking for signs of fatigue, sweat beading on her face, weariness in her posture.  None of it is there.  It’s almost as if her fury at the attack is fueling her power. “Yes!” she answers fiercely.  “I just don’t know what will happen if you move me.” Suddenly, Meredith walks into the room.  “It’ll be fine.  Selene has told me that anyone who gets their gifts during this attack is going automatically get full control over them.  They’ll still need to practice to learn everything they can do with it, but it won’t strain them like it did us when we first started.  She’ll be able to keep the forcefield up as long as you need her to.  She’ll just need food to k
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Chapter 119 - Liam
I’m in the council area with Meredith, Gael, Hakeem, Diego, Bhakti, Karamea, and Sandra.  We’re hearing from our scouts about their latest raid on Julian’s pack through a teleconference.“You know we took out the McKinney and Conroe stations over the last two weeks.  Nothing seemed weird until we completed our attack on the Amarillo station.  There is no one here.” The general, Harley, says.“What do you mean?” I ask. “Just what he says, Liam.  The station is completely empty,” Harley’s lieutenant general, Joanie, replies.“It looks like they had cleared out in a hurry, too.”  Harley’s voice is as perplexed as all of the faces around me are.“Did you catch their scent?  See any sign of where they could have gone?” Hakeem asks.“They definitely headed south, our thought is to the main packhouse, based on what the
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