All Chapters of War of Threes: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
135 Chapters
Chapter 120 - Naomi
I hear his howl.  The howl I’d heard at the beginning of so many battles.  The howl I’d heard prior to hunts, for game and for punishments.  The howl I’d heard when he first realized that I was his mate.  The howl that I hear in my nightmares and I’m sure that Nathan hears as well. Julian. He’s here. At first, my fear threatens to overtake me.  I let it wash over me, breathing through it.  One of the things that we found out about Gael’s gift is that the more it is used, the more lasting the effects are.  Since the first time that he used it on me at the Alpha Council meeting, Sandra set me up with a therapist and one for Nathan.  Between twice weekly visits to the therapist and two to three visits per week with Gael, both of us are better able to control our fear. As the fear passes, a fierce sense of protectiveness for Nathan and my new pack and friends crashes over me.  And anger.  So much anger.
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Chapter 121 - Zak
Julian makes his way through the battle to us, slicing at any wolf that comes close to him.  I feel the twinges of pain as pack members die, their link severing to our pack.  The pain will be stronger later, when my adrenaline has died down.  It’s purposefully like this during a battle so that I know that pack members are in trouble, but it doesn’t distract me from what I am facing myself.  My mates will both feel the same twinges, as our pack is tied to them just as much as it’s tied to me.  Hopefully, Charlie’s adrenaline is up as high as mine since she just finished childbirth and she is keeping the forcefield up.  Otherwise, she’ll feel it more.I can tell by the slight intakes of breath and flinches that the other alphas and their mates are feeling the same twinges I am.But Julian seems to be basking in it.  I know that he has to feel some of his pack dying.  I’ve seen them die.  But
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Chapter 122- Gael
I’m using all of my Goddess gift to frighten the enemy wolves on my side away from Julian and Zak.  At the same time, I’m reinforcing our allies’ courage and determination to protect our packs and keep us safe.  Many of the wolves are using the forcefield to kind of bounce the enemy off of.  The harder they bounce, the harder and farther they fall.  Many wolves are being telekinetically thrown or are stumbling over unseen obstacles.  Some enemies suddenly find their bones snapping when they cross a certain boundary, while others forget why they are there and stop moving in the middle of the battlefield. I hear Julian taunting Zak and I can feel my friend’s anger rise.  Unfortunately, there’s not much I can do to help him since I’m controlling moving targets on my side.  I’ve got to keep my focus out here.  Zak’s got to take care of himself. Suddenly, I hear Julian’s threat.  “Gladly.  And after I kill you and your mal
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Chapter 123 - Devin
We leave Julian to Zak, Brandon, Hakeem, and Gael.  I have no doubt that they can handle him and that we will be minus one douchebag by the end of this battle.We make our way through the battle, still fighting back-to-back as we go.  Though many of our wolves fight in a more close-knit triangle form than the back-to-back group that we used to fight in, we continue the back-to-back formation.  As wolves have gotten their powers, it’s easier to fight with room between them.  But Xander, Arya, and I don’t really have the most offensive powers.  Granted, our powers are pretty awesome.  I mean being able to calm others, heal anyone, and plan out battles is fucking amazing.  But they don’t necessarily help when a large, burly wolf is barreling its way to you, attempting to slash your guts out.Similarly, Liam doesn’t know his augmented gift and Diego still hasn’t figured out what his regular Goddess gift is.
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Chapter 124 - Arya
While Xander, Devin, and Liam are figuring out what to do, I run over to the injured wolf.  I should have realized something was wrong the second that I got to his side.  There was no one else around.  I couldn’t figure out which wolf attacked him and there’s no way that a wolf would have left him alive.  They would have finished him before moving on.  It’s almost like he was dropped out of thin air.  I also should have seen how close the wolf was to a large storage shed at the edge of the woods. I should have realized it was a trap.  But I was too focused on the wolf that needed healing.  I should have known that Mathias would use an injured wolf as bait to try and reel me in.  But I didn’t. I rush to the wolf, hearing him gargling on his own blood.  His eyes are wide, filled with the knowledge that he is going to suffocate on his own blood. “Hold on, I’m gonna help you.” I say as I kneel beside him.  I
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Chapter 125 - Devin
When we turned around and saw that Arya wasn’t there, Xander and I nearly had a heart attack.  We had only looked away for a second.  She should have still been there, healing that wolf. Instead, the wolf is dead, Arya is gone, and two large wolves are stepping out from behind the storage shed next to the dead wolf.  It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. “Mathias,” Xander growls out, his voice venomous. “I’ll kill him,” I threaten, my voice just as deadly. “Not if I get there first,” Xander responds, stalking toward the two wolves that were definitely there as a distraction.  They won’t last long. Xander takes the wolf on the right, I take the one of the left. My wolf smirks at me.  “You the twink that mated that hot ass black chick?  Wouldn’t mind using her to get my dick wet.” A malevolent grin spreads across my face.  “Oh, I’ll help you get your dick wet.” He looks a
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Chapter 126 - Brandon
After linking Xander and Devin, we shift and run into the forest to aid our allies.  We leave Naomi behind, taking control of her pack.  She has mindlinked them all, ordering them to stop fighting.  Most of them have stopped, but because she hasn’t officially taken control of the pack and had them swear fealty to her, they don’t have to listen.  And not all of them do.  There are some who thrived under Julian’s rule and are pissed.  They are only a small group, but they are made up of some of the fiercest warriors that Julian had.  And they have gone into the forest to help support Mathias. The good thing is that Jeb’s warriors had been absorbed into Julian’s, so by killing him, we took control of two-thirds of the warriors.  And they were also pissed.  They never wanted to be a part of this, let alone have their pack taken over by the “Bloody Rogue Prince,” their pet name for Julian.  They had been pissed that Jeb ha
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Chapter 127 - Zak
Brandon and Hakeem stay with Devin, Arya, and Xander’s body while Gael and I slowly make our way to where the battle just stopped.  There are a few skirmishes here and there, but nothing that our wolves can’t handle.  Some wolves from the Blue Crescent Pack don’t like that they have a new alpha or that she’s a female or that she is…was mated to two males. Fuck ‘em.  I don’t care what they like.  Now that they’ve stopped fighting our people, they can go rogue or we can imprison them or we can kill them.  It honestly doesn’t matter to me.  This ache in my soul won’t go away.  I’m missing my friend, my brother. Zak?  Brandon?  What happened? Charlie asks through the mindlink.  We had kept our connection open throughout the battle, so Charlie knew everything that had we had shown her.  But the severing of Xander’s bond with us had cost us a lot of energy and having the link open constantly was too draining.&
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Chapter 128 - Brandon
I stand behind Arya, Devin, and Xander’s mom’s chairs.  Zak is to my left, directly behind Devin, and Charlie is seated directly behind Arya.  They are holding Jared and Christine, bundled up against the night chill.  All of our friends and family are gathered around us: Lauren, Clara, Meredith, and the other she-wolves around Arya and Xander’s mom, and Richard, Carl, and the other alphas around Devin. The pyres are set up in front of us.  Arya and Devin have barely spoken since we found them.  We still don’t know exactly what happened, only that Arya is Luna and Xander is gone.  They sit, dried eyed, just staring at the wooden bed where their mate lays. The family members of the deceased are all dressed in white in their mourning, but Devin and Arya are both dressed in a deep forest green.  One of the few things that Arya said was that her family dressed in the favorite color of the one who passed on.  It was a way to honor th
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Chapter 129 - Arya
“You told me I would be safe here!  That Mathias would have no control over my life if I joined the Artemis Pack!” I scream at the Goddess, spit flying and my face heating with my rage.  I jump off of the pyre and take large strides toward Selene.  “Does this look fucking safe to you?”  I fling my hands back toward our mate’s lifeless body on the pyre.“Arya, I – “ Mother Selene starts, but I’m not done.By now, I have crossed the distance between us and am face to face with the Goddess inhabiting Declan’s body.  “First, you take away my family and force me into that den of assholes, homophobes, and rapists.  Then you put me in a situation where I had to reject my mates and allow my ‘packmates’ to beat the fuck out of me.  But then you tell me that I’m safe and that Mathias won’t hurt me again.”I step into the Goddess’s inhabi
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