All Chapters of Rejected Billionaire: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
195 Chapters
Chapter 111 Kelan's Mistake
(Kelan) Kelan Benedict couldn’t get on the elevator fast enough. What the hell was Katie doing alive? His man had never failed! Fuck! He had not failed this time! He had confirmed the job as complete! As soon as the doors closed, he pulled out his phone and pulled up the photo sent to him. There was the tell-tale blue car next to some other black car. Katie was in the passage seat of the other car, with that same pink scarf she had just be wearing in the office! It made no sense! Had she somehow gotten the upper hand? Kelan chuckled darkly to himself. He knew firsthand Katie wasn’t that capable. Still, there she was… except- Kelan zoomed in as close as the image could get before blurring beyond recognition. Atop the pink scarf flowed light BROWN hair! Katie had blonde! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! If that had not been Katie in the car who else?! He reached his car and drove to the temple, calling his contact, but no answer. “Pick up DAMN IT!” “Please leave a message for --- BEEP” “CONF
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Chapter 112 A phone call with Benedict Senior
Kelan made his way back to the trolly and stared out at the icy world and the car descended, his heart dropping with it. If Kerrigan was dead, his father might just kill him too if Kelan wasn’t able to secure Dragon Corporation in the aftermath. He tried dialing the number again, but it never connected. Either his contact was dead or had discovered something about Kerrigan after he had done the job and had gone to ground for a while. Kelan suspected the latter, knowing how deadly and efficient the man was. That begged the question, what did he know, that Kelan should have known? When the trolly reached the bottom, he hurried to his car, bracing against the frigid wind. He would never get use to the cold here. Even now, when his home would be experiencing the first hints of spring, this miserable mountain hell was icy and covered in snow. When he reached his car, he cranked the heat and dialed his father. “What do you need Kelan?” “Hello to you too father.” “Are you in trouble or ne
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Chapter 113 Natalie
By Thursday, Natalie was ready to pull out her hair as well as call in the kingdom’s armies to search for Kerrigan. Breanne had stayed with her for now, but if one more vice president had to be told to take a hike, she didn’t know what would become of Dragon Corporation. “You are sure she is ok?” “Yes.” “This isn’t like her. She doesn’t just disappear.” “She is fine. She needed a vacation. Can’t you take some of these meetings? She trusts you.” “Not without written directives from Kerrigan!” “Write out what you need. Send it to her in an email.” Breanne said as if it was no big deal. “I check her email! She is not here to give them to!” Breanne gave her a condescending look. “You know as well as I that Kerrigan is more capable than that. If you send her the email, she can check it.” “But her laptop is here. All of the encryption data is on it!” Natalie explained. “That is not an issue. Dragoon guard have your en
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Chapter 114: Do you think Natalie suspects?
*** Jinstain, Bayan Province – Kerrigan Lokir ***Kerrigan lay in bed as the screen went dark. “Gah, Reilynn, take this away please.”Reilynn slipped forward from the shadows and closed the laptop, setting it on the desk along the wall. “You did well, my lady.”“Yeah, well I feel like crap still. I hate lying to her.” She tried to sit up straight in bed but the stitches on her side pulled and her shoulder screamed when she tried to put weight on it. “hells fire.”Evalynn was at her other side and helped her sit up and pushed a pillow behind her. “Miss, it’s only been a week. Your wounds are doing well, but the assassin struck true. It will take time to heal properly.”“Do you think Natalie suspected anything?”“No. What little bruising is on your face was easy enough to conceal with the foundation. The camera angle prevented us from hav
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Chapter 115: Kelan confronts Zadok
***Targu Province, Kelan Benedict***Kelan fumed as he sat in his car staring up at Dragon Corporation. Kerrigan had refused to meet with him all week and now her guards were going to kick him out of the building? Fine. Nuclear options were available. He made his way back to Zadok’s office atop the temple mountain fortress. When he arrived, he was surprised that Zadok had actually placed a guard at this door. Perhaps his previous visit had finally prompted him to use some common sense.“I need to see the Prima. Tell him its urgent.”The guard disappeared inside. Well, clearly Zadok had only hired a doorman, not a true guard then. A moment later he reappeared, “The Prima is waiting.”“Good.” Kelan went in, trying to check his impatient nerves. He found Zadok sitting at his desk reviewing a stack of papers. Kelan tried to appear jovial and friendly. “Zadok, Good man. How are you today?”“Wha
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Chapter 116: A walk in the park
*** Jinstain, Bayan Province - Kerrigan Lokir ***Saturday morning dawned clear and bright. Kerrigan woke to Evelynn rummaging through the closet. “What are you doing?”“Hmm? Oh, sorry. I thought we might get you out in the park today and was looking for a good disguise. However, I discovered that it seems Conor still has quite a few suits in here. He does look rather sharp in these tan suits don’t you think?”“Hadn’t noticed. Mind shutting the curtain, that sun is brutal.”“Hadn’t noticed? Kerrigan. Fine. Be that way. Well if you don’t want to go to the park today then fine, I will go with Parker and Conor by myself. I am sure Reilynn and Gabriella will not hold it against you to much for keeping them here on such a nice day.”“Park? As in not the loop around the pond?”“That is right. Mr. Brantley and Mr. Townson have agreed to escort you to a park ne
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Chapter 117: Consider Thier Lives
Conor helped unlock Kerrigan’s chair and they continued their stroll through the park, with Conor gently guiding her wheelchair.“Why here Conor?” she asked softly.“I hope that you will not be in that chair for long. I hope that one day you will be able to stroll this path on your own, and will know of its beauty for what it is.”“Why?”“Because, Miss Lokir. While things may seem uncertain right now, I realize that soon enough you will return to your desk and continue your pursuit of business. This is what you and I do. However, I have seen you in Jinstain before. My staff have already mapped some of your intentions for Jinstain. I am not saying for you to stay out of my town, but I am asking for you to see if for its true potential. See it for what and who it was ment for. These people mean far more than millions of dragon coins in my own coffers. I just hope you can see a glimpse of that before you make t
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Chapter 118: Chat with Natalie.
 Kerrigan watched as Conor climbed into an SUV with Parker and drove off. Evelynn come up behind her then, “Well, that seemed to go well. Did you two have a good chat?”“A very enlightening one, that is for sure. He is more than he seems.” Kerrigan replied softly.“I’ll say.” Evelynn smirked. “Of all the places you could be for your recovery, I have to thank you for bringing us here. At least the ‘scenery’ is rather improved over what we had in Velyki.”Kerrigan cracked a small smile. “Perhaps it is at that. Well, I suppose it is time to take me back. I need to check in with Natalie anyway.”“Are you not giving that poor girl the weekend off?”“I promised her I would check in. she seems to think the sky will fall if I don’t call her.”“Fine, but you need to tell her to rest some. I know she is use to you being there to deal
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chapter 119: Lawsuit
Monday morning, Kerrigan had Evelynn braid her hair in two rows that crossed just above her ears and connected into a single braid down her back.“Mr. Nuri sent word that Conor is coming in to meet his whole team this morning. he invited you to join.” Evelynn was telling her.“Well, we cannot be late then.” Kerrigan said.“It is just down the hall. Thankfully you only have to roll down three doors. Its amazing not having to take the trolly car down the mountain every morning.”Kerrigan grimaced remembering those cold descends down from the temple. She definitely did not miss that commute. She only really missed her violin she had left in her room.When Evelynn declared her ready, they situated a blanket across her legs again, and wheeled out into the hall where Reilynn joined them and followed toward the conference room. Through the glass walls Kerrigan saw Conor set down his briefcase and take off his tan suit j
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Chapter 120: Eibhlin
(Conor’s POV)Conor tried to get back to Vokrizin on Tuesday but that morning had brought massive storms. He called Colonel Eli and learned that a small team had stayed the night and were the only ones there Tuesday. Thankfully, the weather cleared by evening and Wednesday when he came in, everyone seemed to be in good spirits.Conor found Colonel Eli and ask, “Do you think we will be able to take miss Lokir to the community center today?”“The weather is cleared out nicely. From what my people say, storm damage is minimal, just some flooding that is mostly in the lower city so I don’t think it will be an issue. If anything, it might be a good day to go. I bet my niece will be there organizing the kids to clean the place up after the rains while any reporters and such will be focused on the docks to notice us heading that way.”“Good deal. If you would, go ahead and send a team. I will go find miss Lokir and meet
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