All Chapters of Rejected Billionaire: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
195 Chapters
Chapter 131: Unleash Wealth
Monday morning the whole team assembled bright and early at the Vokrizen conference room. “Thank you all for coming in early today. I want to spend some time going over some things with you and finalize the announcement for Tuesday morning.” Kerrigan stood, “Conor and I chatted some, and agreed that I will make the announcement. This will officially end my time in hiding, which I think is fitting and also give a clear sign to my whole company that I am alive and well.” Mr. Nuri breathed deeply. “If that is what you two feel is best.” “We do, but we need to make sure some things are in place. Anna, how goes the land agreements?” Conor asked. “Harden group has agreed to our initial proposal of 1.5 million dragons, though they are reluctant. The Gala and the press they get from it was helpful though.” Anna stated, looking at her notes. “Did we have to give up any of our buildings to make it happen?” Conor asked. “Right now, Dragon
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Chapter 132: Cynthia's call
*** Jessica’s POV   Jessica looking across the table at Nyman. “I am glad we were able to get lunch together.” “Of course! I would do anything for you!” Nyman said, holding her hand across the table. Jessica jumped a bit when her phone suddenly rang. “Sorry I thought I turned that off.” “It’s ok, it could be important.” Jessica looked down to see her mother calling,  “Mom?” she answered. “You will not believe who dared show his face at the mall today.” “What? Who?” “That bastard, Brantley. He had some harlet with him. I told you he was no good.” “Mom, leave the poor man alone. He signed the divorce. He is allowed to move on. I have.” She smiled at Nyman, who mouthed, ‘Conor?’ She nodded at him. “That bastard tried to ruin us and ruin you! You are lucky Nyman was willing to take you in. Jess, I don’t want him to ever work in this town again. I told him as much. You should ask Nyman to ma
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Chapter 133: The Announcement
Jinstain, Jessica’s POV Tuesday morning Jessica awoke to a brilliant sunrise over the ocean. She slid out of bed and found a robe, donning the silky fabric as she wondered through the room. Nyman was in the kitchen and walked out a moment later with a cup of coffee for her. They stood at the balcony watching the waves crash across the sandy beach below. Jessica rested her head on his shoulder. “This is nice. I never got to do anything like this before.” “I thought your family had vacations on the islands.” “Sure, family vacations, but I didn’t exactly get to bring a guy along on those. Once Conor was in the picture, we spent all our money on his shop and then dealing with the aftermath.” “Ah. Well, why don’t you go get dressed for a swim and we will test the hot tub out.” Nyman said with a grin. “I don’t really need to get dressed for that.” she whispered. “but, give me a minute and I will meet you there.” Jessica went to the b
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***EDIT**** Season 2 is now complete, and I am starting on the new material with an end for the series in mind! Not sure if I will make it to the "end" next section but I am consiously working toward my end point now.***** I have transitioned back to The Rejected Billionaire from my other project "The huntress - Luna Eileen". Currently, 6/26/2022 I have 34k written on "Season 2 or Part 2" of Rejected Billionaire and am working on some fun ideas for this new season. I want to make sure to have a good chuck written before I start uploading and also gives me a chance to work through some plot issues. just wanted to let you all know that progress is being made on this and that I am planning to update it again! I also worked with my editor on some of the first 11 free chapters and there are some cool changes and improvements going into those chapters. Hopefully, it will improve the overall tale. Sorry it is taking me longer than expected to write this new section but I want to have a la
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So many of you are asking me to post early. I think this is doable but dont be mad when I only have half what I planned to release. Right now what I have prepared for you is standing at 40k so about 20-25 chapters. I know I know, I am a slow writer. But this new section has a lot of fun things going on, and a lot of details I needed to agonize over. So if you have stuck around this long, thank you! this is being posted on 6/27 and I do hope to be sharing chapters in about two weeks, likely around July 8th. What still needs to be done? Well, today I am finishing the Gala, which is my big endpoint for this section. Then its back to rereading and beta reading to make sure I didnt miss any critical scenes for this section, and then a hard attempt at an edit. I do my best to keep things interesting and leave you small hints. This section draws on a ton of small things from part one. So, be patient with me. it takes seconds to read what it took me months to write, I get that. But I pro
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Dear Readers, The long wait is finally over. I really hope this new section holds you over for a time while I plan and write the next section. This has been a long time coming and I hope I meet your expectations with it. there will be approx 30-35 chapters in this new section. I am still fleshing out a few but for the most part, things are going according to plan. Chapter numbers will be starting over from 1 for this section. Please remember to like, comment, leave reviews and share the link with friends. The simple truth is that I like most authors are not making a liveable income from what we write. so I do have to maintain full time employment while trying to invent new worlds, create interesting and compelling story lines, edit, revise and torture myself over what my audience might want. Your reviews and sharing of the link to help me reach new readers is more helpful than you will ever know. Books like "The Huntress - Luna Eileen" are on pause right now because it is simp
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Part 2 - Chapter 1 : Lunch on High Street
Kerrigan stepped away from the podium and wrapped her arm in Conor’s. She couldn’t help but smile as he tipped his fedora to cover his face while the press desperately tried to snap pictures of them. Let them speculate on who he was. It would throw all sorts of fun gossip into the media for days, giving both Dragon Corporation and Vokrizin free exposure. “Well, I think that went well.” She commented to Conor as she took his arm. “You did quite well. I think that should stir the town up for a while,” Conor chuckled. He glanced over at her and asked, “shall we get some lunch?” “Are you buying?” “After you saved me from having to face the media, I suppose I could treat you to lunch. Your choice. Anywhere you would like to go.” Conor offered cheerfully. Kerrigan thought about it, “I honestly am not all that familiar with the finer establishments in town. I spent so much of the past few weeks having food brought in.” “Well, there is a bar I know of on High Street that is supposed to
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Part 2 - Chapter 2: CODE BLACK!
Conor spun and jumped back just as a large black vehicle slammed into the curb and stopped inches from Conor, nearly pinning him to the low brick wall surrounding the outdoor eating area. “What the hell mates?” Conor yelled, slamming his hands on the hood. Five men in masks jumped out, each brandishing daggers. “Shit,” Conor said, backing to where Kerrigan and Reilynn were. “Out the back?” Kerrigan asked, just as the door to the store slammed shut and the lock click into place. “Guess that is not an option,” Conor said, grabbing a fork and butter knife off a table. Kerrigan reached down and pulled a small blade from her boot. “Back to back?” Reilynn stepped forward as the first attacker ran up, “Triad, I am the point.” She pulled two extendable batons and flicked them to full length. “We push to the road; Parker will be here momentarily. He will form the quad.” The attackers were hindered by their vehicle blocking the narrow entrance in the brick, so two hopped over the wall wh
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Part 2 - Chapter 3: Meeting Mr. Nuri
Kerrigan and Conor arrived at Vokrizin twenty minutes later. Kerrigan noticed that there were even more guards at the front and throughout the halls than even when she had first arrived. Apparently, Eli was not taking chances and had called everyone up from their time off for duty. When they arrived at the conference room, Mr. Nuri was there with Jared. They had several document packets laid out for each of them. “Please come in and sit. I was heartened to hear you both are ok. I am sorry about Reilynn.” “Thank you for your concern, Mr. Nuri. Now, what is this all about?” Kerrigan asked. Mr. Nuri had a stern look when he clicked on a recording of the news and let the announcer talk about the changes at Dragon Corporation. When the newscast was over, he simply said, “It looks like Prima Zadok and Mr. Benedict have been busy.” “That bastard. I would bet anything that it was him that tried to have us killed today. If I am gone, he and Zadok will have free reign of Dragon Corporation!
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Part 2 - Chapter 4: Facing New Realities
As they were about to leave, Conor turned back to Mr. Nuri, “Oh, can you please have Miss. Brooks get in touch with commander Eli about finding Kerrigan and her guards a house? Perhaps one of those gated communities.” “Of course. I will make sure she has a few agents start working on that right away.” Kerrigan stopped as she realized something, “Mr. Nuri, I am not sure how much control I will have over Dragon Corporation funds after this morning.” she said a bit sheepishly. “Never fear about that. Real Estate is one asset that the Dovajun’s coffers never mind adding to the horde.” Mr. Nuri said with a smile. Just outside the door, Conor turned to Kerrigan, “I know neither of us wants to work with Kelan, but perhaps it is best to do so for now. We don’t know to what extent the board will trust him, and I suspect that many of your key staff are not loyal to him. It might be best to just play along for now. Let's get through the Gala for Celia’s blessing. After that, we will have som
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