All Chapters of Rejected Billionaire: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
195 Chapters
Part 2 - Chapter 25: Replacing Anna
The next morning, Conor found Kerrigan already waiting in the conference room with Faolan laying at her feet under the table. “Thank you for being here. I think it will be good to have your input as I try to find Anna’s replacement.” He took a seat beside her and pet Faolan between the ears before flipping open a notepad. “Of course! Besides, if we can find a good agent, perhaps I can borrow them for some of my own projects with Dragon Corporation once that whole mess is settled,” Kerrigan said. “And any you don’t pick, I might just poach,” She said teasingly. Conor shook his head, “I never know if you are my friend or my biggest competition.” Kerrigan smiled at him, “Perhaps friendly competition? Iron sharpens iron after all. Think of me as being the one you test your mettle against. I promise you this, I have no intention of harming you or Vokrizin, even if Dragon Corporation is your competition.” Conor smiled back in acknowledgment and waited patiently for Mr. Nuri, Jarad, and
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Part 2 - Chapter 26: Surprises
Then Moss’s voice rose several levels, “Hin Sil Oblivion! Oblaan Fin Lo!” His hand flicked and a small knife flew at Parker, another at Evelynn. Parker slid to the side, slapping at the spinning dagger. It embedded itself in the wall a hairs breath from where his ear had been. Evelynn tried to spring for Kerrigan but the dagger tossed at her had pinned her shirt collar to the wall and the blade sunk deep into the drywall behind her. As the assassin drew more daggers, Faolan darted under the table and bit the man’s leg as he took aim at Kerrigan. Moss let out a howl of pain and the blade flew wide. Conor heard a scream to his left and spun toward Kerrigan only to see Jarad fall backward out of his chair clutching his chest, a small blade sticking out. The assassin pulled another blade, doing his best to stabilize himself with Faolan tearing into his leg. As he pulled back for a toss, Conor grabbed the table and shoved all his weight against it, sliding it across the floor into the
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Part 2 - Chapter 27: VALTAS
Conor heard the door close softly and turned as he heard Kerrigan’s soft voice behind him. “Why?” The word was barely a whisper as her legs shook and lost all strength. Conor caught her in his arms, startled at her sudden distress. He carefully lowered them both into an oversized chair, pulling Kerrigan into his lap, “What do you mean, Eibhlin?” She looked up at Conor with pleading eyes. “Why are people always trying to kill me?!” Kerrigan curled up against his chest, pulling her knees up as the tears flowed, “I try to help people, I try to make their lives better. I thought my staff loved me and what I was doing for them and the people of Targu, but people keep trying to kill me!” Conor had never been this close to Kerrigan before. She fit perfectly on his lap, like she was made for him. It was difficult to focus on what she was saying when all he wanted to do was kiss her tears away and hold her close. As her words finally registered, he fought a wave of rising anger at the thou
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Part 2 - Chapter 28: What happened?
Evelynn poked her head in the door, and lifted and eyebrow at Kerrigan as she straightened herself. “When you are ready, Colonel Eli has some news. Take your time though.” She winked at Kerrigan before closing the door again. “Right, well. We should go see what that is all about,” Kerrigan said, not making eye contact with Conor. Conor was a bit speechless as Kerrigan left the room, unsure how to take her sudden departure after such a passionate kiss. Her lingering scent of apple blossom and cinnamon taunted him as he stood to follow. How was he supposed to think straight after a kiss like that? Parker waited for him in the hall while Evelynn walked ahead with Kerrigan to the private conference room. As Conor stepped into the hall, Parker looked him over. “You ok, man? You look like someone smacked you and you haven’t figured out why. It’s not like this is the first time someone has attacked you.” Conor chuckled, breaking the tension, “Smacked? No. But yeah, still processing what
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Part 2 - Chapter 29: Kerrigan's Temper
Evelynn escorted Kerrigan to where Reilynn was staying. As the elevator doors closed, she turned to Kerrigan, “Well? How was he?” “What? He? What are you talking about?” Kerrigan said, her cheeks flushing deep red. “Kerrigan, you realize that office has a glass window to the hall right? I am not blind.” Kerrigan stared at Evelynn with a mortified expression. “Girl, come on! We all knew it was coming! Hell, I expected you to hop on that train months ago.” “Anna…” Kerrigan tried weakly. “Is gone. Out of the picture. In another province and if what I hear her say is true, she is done for good. She knew she wasn’t the right fit for him. but you best be sure to snag him quick, cause a man like that isn’t going to sit in the friend zone for long. Someone is bound to make a move. That ex wife of his is as likely as any to try to warm his bed again now that she knows what she gave up!” “Did you really see?” Kerrigan said, still fixaded on the fact others might have seen them. “Oh, don
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Part 2 - Chapter 30: Reilynn
Reilynn POV Reilynn awoke the next morning stiff and sore. She looked around the strange room and flipped on a light next to her bed. This wasn’t the barrack floor of Dreadnaught Law firm. She found herself in a large four poster bed in a sparsely furnished room. Cool wood flooring greeted bare feet as she sat up with a wince. Her side still ached but in the last three weeks, it had healed remarkably well. The stitches had come out yesterday and now she just had to maintain a skin tape across the wound. She still berated herself for missing that knife but hoped this wouldn’t dampen the teams opinion of her or her combat effectiveness. She reached for the heavy blackout curtains and tugged one open, squinting as the morning light streamed in. green grass and forest greeted her, and small birds chirped as they flitted about from bush to bush. She could get used to this. The city was fine, and she could manage there but this… this was solitude. She tried to stand but the pain in he
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Part 2 - Chapter 31: Conor Undercover CEO
Thursday morning Conor walked into the AperturePhoto Tower. Peter had managed to secure a six-story building and was renting out two of the floors. The main lobby had a large registration desk with metal detectors and scan in terminals for all employees. Peter had gone all out when designing this place, and the air of professionalism was evident in every detail. Conor wondered how he should approach today’s interaction being that he was not known here. Peter had said the designers kept to themselves. He decided to ask for the new manager and go from there. He had decided to let Parker have the morning off from being his private shadow. After all, Aperture Photo’s security was covered by Colonel Eli’s personnel. Parker nodded as Conor passed the front door. “I will be right next door. there is a good coffee shop I have been meaning to try. Text when you are done.” Conor walked up to the reception desk where a man clacked away at a keyboard. “Janitorial interviews are in the lobby
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Part 2 - chapter 32: I need a new Manager
Conor simply strode through the room, taking in the various design projects. On the far end of the floor, there was a small photo studiowheree various designers came over with a bundle of random items, handed them off to the camera guy and started rattling off a long list of requirements they had for the various elements. Conor paused to watch the dynamics when one of the designers came over to him and handed him a bag “This apple needs to be at a certain angle and this coin will need both sides done. Make sure Carlos remembers I need it to pop so use the black background.” “I don’t actually work here,” Conor tried to insist. “Oh, I thought you were one of the new interns. Peter is always sending in new people to see if they have any talent. Well, will you give these to Carlos anyway? I have a massive project to finish.” Conor shrugged. He was here to learn the business so why not? He took the items and waited patiently for the man he assumed was Carlos to finish his current shoot
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Part 2- Chapter 33: Interviews
Conor looked into the room where two men were conducting interviews. Overall the process seemed quick, and they shuffled through papers between candidates. Conor glanced at Parker, “Any idea what they are looking for? Its just a janitor position right?” “Yes and no. Mainly they are looking for security clearance. Since everything is under Vokrizin, Colonel Eli has insisted that even janitors be able to pass background and security checks. Also, these people clean up from some high level meetings and discression is paramount. If a new ad leaks or new book idea is shared, Aperture and Vokrizin could be on the hook for major liabilities.” Parker explained. Conor nodded as he realized the magnitude of even the most mundane jobs here. When he saw the middle age gentleman enter, Conor opened the side door and sat next to the interviewers, sliding his badge over to them. One was about to question him, but seeing the gold rim on the card and Parker standing at the door, he chose to close h
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Part 2 - Chapter 34: Visiting Mr. Dries
Saturday turned out to be a beautiful, cloudless day. The Gala was set for six pm that evening at the Chamber of Commerce banquet hall, and Kerrigan had sent word that she would not be available until five. Conor agreed with Parker that they would pick the girls up and planned to be there a few minutes early but that still left most of the day free for Conor to stress. This event would be one the most defining moments of his new business and truly represented Vokrizin’s first step into the limelight. Parker finally came to get him after lunch and drive him to visit the barber. Conor had been maintaining his hair regularly, but tonight was of utmost importance. “Ah, Mr. Brantley! I was hoping you would stop in to see me!” came the excited shout of the proprietor of the solan, Anthony Gavin. “Indeed, Anthony. Tonight is my Gala for Celia’s Blessing.” “My invitation arrived last week! I have been waiting with great anticipation for you to grace my shop ever since! Tonight, the world
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