All Chapters of Rejected Billionaire: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
195 Chapters
Part 2 - Chapter 35: Celia's Blessing Gala
Conor paced the banquet hall, his nerves getting the better of him. suddenly a small form darted from the entrance and wrapped around his leg. “Mr. Conor!!” “Hannah? What are you doing here?” Conor asked, bewildered, looking around for a parent. Instead, he spotted her older brother dressed up and looking sharp in a formal suit. Her parents waited patiently at the side. Conor looked back at Hannah and saw that she too was dressed in a black dress. Such clothes were far outside their price range, Conor knew. “Eibhlin helped me get this!” Hannah said excitedly, pointing to her dress. “Eibhlin, hu? Well I am glad you could make it then. Do you have a table?” Hannah beamed as she pointed to a long table along the far wall that was starting to fill with kids and their parents. Conor stared in amazement as he began to recognize many of the kids from the community center. Everyone was staring around wide-eyed as if this was the most impressive thing they had ever been to. Conor wondere
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Part 2 - Chapter 36: "Does that feel like a dream?"
To the side Peter and Cara each stood by a microphone. As Kerrigan and Lindsey struck up the tune, Conor was lost in the music as Cara and Peter began a duet. “I’m right here beside you,” Peter began. “And I’ll stay there as long as you let me,” Cara sang. Conor had no idea she had such an amazing voice. Peter for his part harmonized perfectly with his tenor. Conor watched as Kerrigan matched tempo and skill with Lindsey Starlight, and marveled at her ability. The Craftmaster had made her promise to practice and perform for him, and she was delivering in spades. As the song ended, Conor stood and clapped, the rest of the audience following suit. Kerrigan and Lindsey bowed and then hugged each other. Kerrigan took a microphone and said “It has been a dream for a long time to play with Lindsey! What a dream come true. Well As Lindsey said, the community center has touched many lives in strange powerful ways. While you enjoy this meal, a few of the current kids want to put on a small
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Hello lovely readers. I know, you all hate me for releasing in sections, but I am trying to make it better for you all. Good news is I am done with season 3. This will be a shorter season, with around 21 chapters, and will end book 1. So what are my plans for Rejected Billionaire? There will for sure be other books in this series but they will be prewritten before I ever bother publishing them. so yea, I will "Complete" this book at the end of this season. I am still brainstorming the next books but that will come later. I plan to go back and finish The huntress Luna Eileen soon. This book has been sitting in limbo due to low readership. the end is planned and several major events already outlined, so I just need to finish rejected Billionaire and refocus on it to get it complete. That is a one and done book so it will be good to have it complete. Then write an ending for Civilian Dragon Lord, book 1. Dragon lord was my practice book, my first ever attempt at writing a novel. But
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Season 3 Chapter 1
Rejected Billionaire Part 3 Chapter 1 Kelan Benedict POV A loud bang snapped Kelan out of the dream. A page stuck to his face as he sat up with a yawn. He blinked trying to clear the sleep from his eyes only to find his dreaded nemesis glaring at him. “Brought you a coffee,” Natalie quipped, setting a paper cup in front of him. “It’s not poison is it?” Kelan asked wearily. He wouldn’t put it past the woman to try something like that. “Not this time. You have a meeting on the 6th floor with the cosmetics division that started at 7:30.” “What time is it?” he asked, swiping the page off his face and running his fingers through his hair trying to tame the cowlick at the back of his head. “7:45. They sent me to find you when didn’t show up on time,” Natalie said with a smirk. “Shit. Woman, why didn’t you find me sooner?” Kelan growled, jumping to his feet and trying to tug the wrinkles out of his suit. “I am not your aid, remember? I work for Miss Lokir, even if she is not here.”
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S3 Chapter 2: Dragon Corporation
Conor sat on his bed staring at the ring. He had almost forgotten about it when the letter had come from Mr. Nuri all those months ago. A Year? Longer? As he considered he realized it would be two years this fall since Mr. Nuri had first knocked on his door! He swirled the dragon crest between his fingers before flipping it over and glancing at the inside band. Tiny letters were engraved there in two rows. Sovereign is the Dragon Blessed Conor scratched his head, wondering about the words. He wondered if he might ask Mr. Nuri or even Johnathan about it. He tried to slide the ring on his right hand, thinking it might fit his pinky, but ended up having to move it to his right middle finger to get it to come close to fitting. Suddenly it glowed, rays of red, blue, and green emanating from its surface. The dragon began to move, wings unfurrowing, the dark metal of the tail coming to life and sweeping around his finger. The light subsided and Conor looked in amazement and wonder as the
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S3 Ch3: Harden Construction's Proposal
Kerrigan stared blankly as Conor left, trying to process her own emotions. Conor had left in such a rush, that she had not even had the chance to get the words out she so wanted to say. She wanted to ask him to come with her. Perhaps if he was with her, not only would they be able to better solve Dragon Corporation’s issues, but she could avoid Kelan’s advances. She had to admit to herself that while those were all valid reasons, she really just wanted him with her. Kerrigan desperately hoped that the shock of her identity would not shake Conor up too much. After all, he had not minded that she was originally the head of Dragon Corporation, which to many was a lofty enough title to command serious respect, if not fear. He himself was Deinmaar to Celia, so that title had not bothered him either. “Miss Lokir, I hate to intrude, but you do have another meeting,” came miss Rose’s quiet voice from where she still sat next to Mr. Nuri. “Who?” she asked, not remembering what was supposed t
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S3 Ch 4: The counter
Kerrigan turned to Conor, “What do you think?” “I like him. and if we can use Harden for the residential projects I have planned and any other expansions then it would be a win-win. What do you think?” “I think 20% is low. The numbers I have seen, 40 million is a good ask on his part and is in line with their expenditures, but under Benedict terms 100% was controlled by the Benedict group, and Benedict projects were done at cost, zero profit,” Kerrigan explained. “I think it would be a deal for him if Golan took 60% in ownership, with an option for them to buy back 20%. Split the other 40% between Vokrizin and Dragon Corporation.” “This is very dependent on us being able to keep them busy with new projects,” Conor said. “True, but with a new building for Golan National, a new tower for Vokrizin, and residential projects, not to mention you could expand into hospitality with a hotel or two, and there would be plenty of work for them in the coming years,” Kerrigan said, the possibil
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S3 Ch5: Neighborhood trouble
Reilynn stepped out of the house with Faolon at her side. Every evening she had taken to walking Faolan as part of her therapy. They strode around the sprawling property, heading for the creek that flowed through part of the estate. Each day she was closer to her old self, but she still enjoyed walking with Faolan. Kerrigan was safely in the house, and Evelynn and Gabriella were inside as well, so Reilynn could just be at peace here in this pocket of serene wilderness. The Gala had been a test in fortitude as she fought the pain of having that dress tug at her side, but on the whole, it had proven that she was well on the mend. It wouldn’t be long before she could return to active duty. She took in the evening sounds of birds chirping as they began to find their evening roost. To her displeasure, the sound of kids roughhousing with each other reached her over the natural sounds of dusk. While kids were fine, what alerted her was the fact the sound was coming from the creek, far into
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S3 Ch 6: Lady, I Dont work here!
The next morning, Kerrigan was on the roof of Vokrizin training with Reilynn and Evelynn when Colonel Eli emerged. “I hear you ladies want to go to the community center?” Kerrigan stopped her bout and gave a respectful nod to the Colonel, “Yes sir, I actually need to talk to you about that. I have some plans that will require some of your men and their expertise.” Kerrigan quickly explained what she had in mind. Colonel Eli frowned, “You want my men to do what? Gymnastics with these kids?” Kerrigan stood open-mouthed as she tried to reply to her own words. “Well, I mean, I would like them to train them in how to do certain acrobatics…” she said lamely. The Colonel quirked an eyebrow. “It's for the opening Gala for Celia’s Blessing. Plus it would show the kids new uses for all their energy. Perhaps your men can be just an advisory role in how to be safe?” Kerrigan hedged. The Colonel let out a long breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. “If the Deinmaar commands, I suppose I
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S3 Ch 7: Pay up
Kerrigan groaned. Another decent meal ruined but crazy people. She pulled out some of Mr. Nuri’s cards and handed one to the staff person. “After Conor’s order is remade, I am sure our lawyer would like to hear all about this. Should this lovely human being wish to press charges she can first call Dreadnaught law firm and explain how she will be paying to replace Conor’s suit… How much was this suit?” She eyed Conor’s suit, knowing full well what it cost as she had been there that day when Mr. Dies had set it aside in favor of the color-matching set she wanted for the Gala. “Maybe 4000 dragons?” Conor winced, “This one was 5000. Mr. Dries is going to kill me himself if he finds out I let one of his custom suits get ruined like this.” The lady on the ground spluttered in indignation, “I knew you were living off her pocket change! Wait…” Her face went ghostly white. “Did you say that was a Dries suit? Zelgan Dries, the most famous tailor in Jinstain?” Kerrigan smirked, “Even if Conor
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