All Chapters of Omega and the vampire prince: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
149 Chapters
A curse being a werewolf
17 Years ago...The large man gave a deep laugh, Claire was at this point so fed up with that voice she'd rather just drive the silver stake through her own heart, but she had to finish it here, the Fey queen had her people build this tomb, and she being the last one standing, couldn't let the efforts of everyone who fell here be in vain.It was the only way Claire could stop someone who can't die, stabbing him in his heart only turns him into a corpse, but take the stake out he awakens into a mummified state, blood is then needed to restore his strength but for Vlad Dracul, the Lord of all vampires, that is not a hard feat.Then the four rings forged by the witch Elaine, to be carried by the two kings of vampires. They use the strength in their stones to hide this tomb from everyone, the two rings of Sol covers it in the sun, the two rings of Luna, blankets it in the dark, The Luna rings also there to help a twin venom force a wolf, but no more twin bloods remain,
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You will take us there
Skyler grabbed her magnefying glass again and was over the map, the first thing she saw was the pyramids, if looked at from the very top the pyramid was a square shape, but take away the left and right triangle, the top and bottom would be in the shape of an hourglass... Was this what the contact talked about? Or was it just false hope!?She scanned the dessert again and sure enough, very faintly she found another hourglass shape, she looked at it very closely, the quality of the photo was good enough to allow her to conclude that this wasn't a pixel misform of the dunes, there was something there, just like the pyramids she saw a clear indication of human construction, not natural formation. Skyler's eyes grew, this is it! It's another tomb! Right there! She placed the magnefying glass down right on top of it and grabbed the photo Frank gave her, but matching the two she saw no ruins there at all, the date on the photo showed that the satellite took this photo in th
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Claire Veerah
"Miss..."Skyler groaned, slowly opening her eyes."Miss"Her vision blurred, but she saw the two shapes in front of her, instinctively she backed away but hit a wall with the back of her head."What the fuck!?" She yelled and instead of feeling the pain in her head, she grabbed her neck, and sure enough she felt that pain as well, the two prick wounds healed yes, but soft patches of skin confirmed it."Meekah has alot of self control miss Stander, if I bit you I would have drained you dry""Are you for real!? Does this mean I'll become a vampire!?""No, only when our blood mixes with yours do you turn, but if you want to stay human, you will take us to that tomb" Skyler swallowed still rubbing the two marks on her neck."We can turn you of course, it would mean keeping a closer eye on you, bitten by a vampire means you become enslaved forever, so you have no free will. But we'll keep you human miss Stander, vampires canno
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Rescue plan
Claire fell on her bed, the heat was unbearable, even a cold beer only did that much to cool her down. Plans ran through her head, as long as there are vampires everywhere her movement are also limited, sure she can pick one or two off here and there, but by now they all know of Skyler, Claire keeps their communication under close eye.She looked over to her almanac, there is a full moon tonight, its the one night she can beat them at everything they throw, at the cost of being discovered, unlike vampires she doesn't necessarily blend in as a werewolf. The only thing Claire thinks she can do is save Skyler tonight, but she needed close contacts to help her disappear, its worth a shot, for better or worse she had to get Skyler away from those two, otherwise she'll have bigger problems to deal with if she doesn't.Claire sat up and took her phone, dialled a number then placed it on speaker."Jason hello""Hey Jason it's Claire""Claire! I take it yo
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The elders
In the large room there was a round table, for obvious respective reasons, enough to hold more that twenty seats, though the room was wide the tension made it feel small.Raphael sat down on one chair, Ray next to him, on the complete opposite side Asena had her seat, but Tala had to remain standing, she was not a leader."They will start arriving shortly, I suggest no greetings to those you know, no speaking out of terms" Raphael said looking at those with him.Duke, Jane and Leopold stood behind Raphael against a wall, Ray could clearly see they where there to protect him.The first to arrive was Lilith, she gave the room a scan but upon seeing the familiar faces she just blinked and headed over, taking a seat next to Raphael.Farah arrived after, her seat next to Asena. Tala could see the pattern here, wolves one side, vampires on the other, still divided even if they are willing to be in the same room together.She felt bubbles in her stomach when s
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The only option left
Asena smiled "Yes, I am high alpha now""How?""Its hard to explain to a vampire, say it like this I've lived long enough, us wolves have enemies on all sides right? We are mindless beasts under the moon""Age? You say live long enough and high alpha might be achieved?""In a manner of speaking, I also found a new respect for the wolf and the moon, you'd be surprised that looking at the moon is one thing, but chasing it is a different story""Explain?""Try basking in moonlight for a week, it has to be that, I found a way to it"The entire room wasn't following her."I ran, a werewolf is faster than you might think, run from one side of the planet to another, where you can of course, and insure you follow the moon""You lie" Fitzgerald said."Yes, I'm sorry, it's a lie""How dare you!?" Raphael said."There are loads of secrets you vampires keep from us as well Raphael, why should I share my ultimate achievement with you?"
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Told you it was here
"So!? Whatcha running from!?" Jason called over the coms."I'm not sure you'll believe me if I told you" Skyler said trying to forget it as much as possible."I've seen alot of fuckedup shit in my life missy, trust me, I doubt you'll surprise me!"She decided to tell him half the truth "From the US government""What!?""Apparently two secret service agents wants to drag me into some bad shit, and Claire managed to get me out of it"Jason chuckled "Yeah, Claire Claire, is she still as beautiful as always?"Skyler nodded "She's a tough cookie""I know, that's why I like her so much, it's just sad that our worlds are very far apart, otherwise I'd marry her I swear"Skyler smiled and looked out the window, with the now pink sky she could see they were well over the dessert, she didn't even notice, in her mind they should be leaving the continent, not going deeper in."So, miss Stander, where are these tombs at?" Jason asked and Skyler we
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The one who blessed the rings
There was a separate room large enough to hold a crowd, but those who came together stuck together. Chunks of raw bite sized meat was on a long table for the wolves, and champagne glasses with blood for the vampires.Tala stood watching this entire affair, in all her chaotic life she never saw this level of perfect considering the lot of them here are all monsters in their own way, she blinked and looked at another table, there atleast where normal food for the wizards and sorceresses."What's wrong Flufftail? I thought you would have cleaned this table by now?" She heard a voice, her own voice."Alpha"Reaching over she took a toothpick with three blocks of meat and slipped it into her mouth "You're doing well""Am not! Didn't you hear what just happened in there?""Are you sad?"Tala folded her arms "No, no I'm not" she said sarcastically."Well, its not a final verdict just yet, you heard those elders right? See ya" Tala watched
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"Fuck! How do we get out now!?" Skyler yelled but Jason was only smiling, he drew his gun on her again."You see my dear, I heard another thing we need to awaken our master is fresh human blood, and that's where you come in""You bastard! You promised to let me out safely!"Jason only flicked the pistol indicating she should start walking, she followed his command, but at this point Skyler wasn't sad anymore, she was angry, in the past two days she has never been taken for a fool this much, even Claire was tricked, she started thinking of ways to save herself, because if she was going to die here, she'd rather die trying to save herself. As they came around the first corner Jason stopped her."What!?" She hissed."Look you idiot, aren't those holes in the wall a bit obvious?" Skyler saw he was right, and only in three sections with gaps in between before the next corner."I'm sure someone wanted to make sure no one gets in here" Jason had the torch low
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The Queen of vampires
They taunted they threatened, but all was empty, Claire effortlessly faught off the vampires that came for Skyler, as a werewolf under the full moon there were few who could rival her. She kicked the heap of vampire remains then smiled, but suddenly another landed in front of her, when he rose she saw it was Vlad himself and her ears sagged."We meet again my dear Claire, missed me?""How!? How did you escape!?""Well, lets just say Jason wasn't all the man you thought he was"Claire leapt at him, she clawed but struck only smoke, his laugh that haunted her nightmares echoed all around her again."I know fare well I cant beat you now Claire, but in due time, I will grow stronger until I'm at my full power again, for now I will leave you, next time we meet we settle our score once and for all"Silence fell again, Claire heard her heart pound in her chest, this is bad, she knew Vlad won't be tricked to a tomb the same way as before, she had no way of defe
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