All Chapters of Omega and the vampire prince: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
149 Chapters
Noble trickery
Villa took off her hat and placed it on a log, then took a seat next to it "I never imagined I'd be working with both a wolf and a vampire""When we find a way to kill Vlad you can come hunt us all you want ok?" Clair said drinking from her tumbler.Villa licked her lips making Claire lift her eyebrows "You want some?""If I'm allowed""Wait!" Skyler said "What do you mean 'she can come hunt us' when we're done here?""Its in everyone's best interest to get Vlad down for the count, we all are in danger from him, well, maybe except you" Claire said."I'm planning to rip his throat out, he should see me as his enemy""Or maybe his countess""Never"Villa drank a sip of her whiskey first then took out her phone "Yes, you said Vlad is out?""Yes""How did you know?""Uh...""Lex, the one who told you is probably an enemy""It was Tina""Kill her""Phone back in five"Villa placed the phone only on her l
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To the cave of wolves
"The first hybrid, that's where the laws where brought in about hybrids being illegal" Villa said sipping her whiskey "My father was the first, his name was Allan, and he was the one who first stood up to Vlad, or should I say, all the nobles""Even the kings?""Yes, he fears they all will one day turn on us, us being man and wolf, so he rebelled, feeling he was the only one capable of doing it""Does this mean you're a hybrid?" Claire asked."My mother was still human, I'm a mix of the three, more human than anything though" Villa said and smiled "I'm an abomination so to speak""Don't talk shit, it only now makes more sense why youre so good" Claire said."What's a hybrid?" Skyler asked."Doesn't that word atleast ring some bells? A mix between a vampire and a werewolf" Claire said."Is that even possible?"Claire held her hand to Villa "She's a mix of all three"Villa looked at her with a worrysome frown then looked down."Wh
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I need proof
"When was the last time you went on a proper hunt?" Muraco asked Tala when they returned to camp."I never really hunted, normally""What do you mean?""I hunted humans before, but not elk""Humans hey?" Muraco said chuckling.When they arrived in Alaska his pack was already out hunting, now they all sat around a fire, Tala felt control over herself, naturally, her being in the presence of an Alpha. Could she say it felt like a dream come true? She always wanted to be in her father's pack.Of the five with him there where two females and three males, all three impressive, and one of them sat alone, not with a female himself.Tala didn't want to make mends here, her heart still told her Ray will return here to come get her... She looked at the loner, a dark grey pelt with yellow eyes, impressive to say the least, he wasn't the biggest there but sure seemed the most dangerous."His name is Ash, for obvious reasons" Muraco said seeing her eyes on
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The new countess
Raphael finally fell into his chair, there's no place like home really, and it's finally time to catch up on his stocks.Opening his laptop he started checking the market sites, then noticed he had a few emails, scanning them he saw all the regulars accept one.He opened it and read it, but had to read it twice "Blast it!" He screamed grabbing the phone "Nel! To my office! Now!""Yes sir!" She said with a panic, he heard her run without dropping the phone, just as he placed it on the receiver down she burst in."Sir!?""Vlad is out!"***Sara sat next to Brian on the throne, watching the human servants all stand in front of them. Brian had called them up to inspect how many and who, why he did it only now she couldn't understand."Is this everyone?" He asked and they nodded."I wanted to ask, humans are only food in the eyes of vampires, why do you all serve this throne?"Annette stood with Melany's hand clutched in hers, she wor
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A plan
Annette was glad one of the other servants came to take Melany home, she was now following Vlad like a moth to a flame, partially stupefied at the fact that she's now a vampire, partially because she felt a will in her, compelling her to follow.They went down into the dungeon where the young man was shackled to a wall, Vlad wove his hand and his helpers left, now alone, Vlad didn't tell Annette to leave."Wake up" he said calmly and patted Hector on his cheek "I said awaken!" Vlad yelled as his hand delivered a harder strike.Hector woke but coughed, his larynx damaged from the choke and he couldn't heal up like vampires and werewolves, he glared at Vlad, only giving Annette a glance."Where is she?" The question came again."You know, what I'll tell you" Hector replied with a hoarse voice."Make no mistake, I do not wish to kill her, neither will I kill you, but if you don't tell me I'll reconsider my decision to spare you""Never!"Vlad bru
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First blood
The deep thick copper scent was almost nauseating even to her as a werewolf, Farah never saw it coming, never expected it to come, especially from them.She rolled to her side coughing blood but winced at the pain producing it, her entire clan wiped out, only Tika managed to flee."I would have expected more, but I guess this is also one of the reasons Vlad failed" Samantha said walking bare foot in the blood, making a subtle slow serpentine between her dead pack members."Why?" Farah asked "We aided Vlad? We still stand by his side! Your side!"Samantha smiled but Ezekiel came from behind and kicked Farah hard making her roll over to her."Vlad is, a complicated matter, you see we do agree we want to be the rulers of everything, but we want wolves in the mix as well, he wanted you all dead""Then if you want wolves!? Why attack the one pack guaranteed to aid you without question!?" Fara barked but blood spray muffled her words."We decided as long
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We're both at fault
Villa came back to the group, the phonecall was one to her organization, and unfortunately no one but her could hear what is spoken."Helga has an island of her own, and getting there will be difficult" she said."Why?" Claire asked."Its somewhere deep in the pacific, we'll have to fly to South America and take a boat from there, but that part of the ocean is a mine field of ice, so it might either be our last trip, or a one way"Skyler swallowed "One way? Last trip?""Well sink if we hit some of those bigger icebergs and according to my organization there's no docking space on that island, its a classic castle built on rocks, so if the ice don't sink us the rocks will, and to make matters worse if we manage to safely make it to the island its almost guaranteed the boat will sink, a storm conjured by magic constantly rages there, they even called the island shipwreck rock, fuck knows what Helga calls it"Skyler suddenly felt like she bit off more than
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A deal of time to think
Slowly the spoon went into the bowl of blood, routine... It was always routine, sometimes Lilith could only daydream of a life other than this, this castle in the snow, this life of cold royalty.What would she have done should Ray have decided to take her? Leave Svalbard behind to go live in that damp warm Transylvania? She wasn't fond of the heat, in any form, that's why she wants a vampire to be her beloved, sleeping against his cool body, his quiet silent chest, not thumps to make her ears twitch.The spoon came up and she sipped off the blood, her natural position in that way had her eyes on Asena who sat eating a piece of meat, to one side the butler stood with a towl over his hooked arm.Routine... This was one toned and getting worn out, she felt she wanted more from this eternity, but now with Ray clearly leaping into all but claws for that omega, she knew she stood no chance, and she didn't want any other man accept a noble..."Asena" she called over th
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"Romance can in many cases be so overbearing, boring and predictable, you pick up a book and read, the novel said its focused on love..." Vlad said as they walked into the isles of the castle.Annette patiently followed him."Rachel was a stubborn woman, a human just like you were, and for some reason she had this hold on me, asif she had cursed me, she controlled me" Vlad said looking at her "I was a conqueror, I seeked only blood, I snuffed life out like a hound, death was my constant companion and death followed me where ever I went, yet, death never came for me, never chose me, laughed at my begs for the next life"Vlad stroked his chin "But then Rachel came to me, out of the depths of a bloodbath, hiding and waiting for me to pass close enough, so she could drive that stake through my chest...  Poor girl, she had the angle right, she had the opportunity" Vlad laughed "But she was just too slow! Just too damn slow! And stupid!" He turned to Annette who watche
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A slave to life
"You so desperately ask fo something that cannot be given to you""Yes! That's why its a curse...!" He shouted with a piercing glare on her, but his face softened and stood back "Forgive me""You are... Forgiven" she didn't know why she said it, maybe just to calm him, her eyes went up to the painting of Rachel, her long curly black hair hung beyond the tips of her red coated nails, her black dress as elegant as her face, her smile true. Next to her Vlad stood with his sword, his smile..."You, look truly happy my lord"His eyes was also upwards, but on her not himself "I... Thought with her by my side, eternity doesn't seem like such a curse, I could, live with it""What happened?"His eyes closed, then came to her blood glowing red "I... staked her" Annette stood back feeling the hate in his words like an opening oven, she gasped holding her mouth, was it those words? Was it her sorrow for him? Or her sorrow for Rachel? But he!? He staked h
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