All Chapters of The Girl in the Wilderness: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 Chapters
Chapter 11 - The Basement
Well, maybe he’s just not interested in me that he didn’t ask for my name. Shaking the ridiculous thought, my eyes met Gideon’s bright blue ones.       “Are you really fine? Where have you been? I was looking for you.” We’re currently sitting here in the living room. Everyone’s looking at me like I’m some prey ready to be pounced at any moment. Heather and Izaac were also here, including Ambrose with his usual stoic face.     I remain silent, unsure of what I’ll say.      “You just disappeared after our session.” Gideon frowned.   
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Chapter 12 - A Ghost in the Balcony
The smell of blood lingered through the air mixed with the decaying smell of the corpses in here. It was just disgusting. I had to refrain myself from breathing through the nose.    “Daniel,” He didn’t stop walking towards me with a smirk plastered on his parted lips. I could see those sharp teeth peeking just above his lower lip. My knees become wobbly as I take a couple of steps backward.     “Stop!” I exclaimed with a shaky voice but he didn’t stop.    Daniel had this look in his eyes like he’s about to murder someone and I assume right now it is no other than myself. I let out a shaky breath when my
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Chapter 13 - Starless Sky
Coming here at the balcony at this time of the night is scary. The howling out in the woods made it even scarier. Why did I come here in the first place?     “Up here,” Someone said from behind me.    I turned around to see Izaac on the rooftop. I didn’t know it was safe to climb up there. If I knew that would be my new favourite spot here in the castle but there is no safe spot for Izaac, is there? The roof is too steep; it is dangerous.    “Is it safe?”     Izaac stared at me, “If I said no,
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Chapter 14 - Heat
So his name is Cassius Baltimore huh? What is the prince doing hunting in Emberton when he lives far away from our area? I’m pretty sure he has people serving him with blood and all. It’s just strange.     Maybe, I was just mistaken. The Cassius I met in the woods and the prince must’ve been two different people. It must be all a coincidence, right? But hell, the resemblance is uncanny.    “Can I come?” I asked Izaac when he mentioned they have a plan to hunt tomorrow morning.    “That’s up to Ambrose.” He clicked his tongue and smiled at me.  &nb
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Chapter 15 - Hunt
The blinding rays of the sun peeked through the white curtains. Oh, great! It hasn’t even been that long since I felt my eyelids closed. Did I even sleep? I feel like I spent hours thinking.       The sun has risen and the birds have awakened and yet here I am feeling sleepy and tired. Izaac never left my mind and I cringe at myself everytime that scene suddenly popped up in my head.       He kissed me. It felt like a dream but I know it wasn't. I wish it was just one of those nightmares. I feel bad. Izaac has a girlfriend. What would Heather think of me?      “Rise and shine, Feyre!” I heard Sage behind the door, he knocked after
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Chapter 16 - A Royal Invitation
Upon walking on an endless hall, I can’t help but to think of what happened yesterday on the hunt. My heart was beating so fast I felt like it would explode. That fear is so consuming and just frightening, it’s inevitable. Even though I am sure that Izaac won’t let something bad happen to me, I still feared him that night. What if he lost control? I would’ve been dead. Well, both of us because my blood could also kill him.    So I wanted to make a weapon for myself. No one knows what will happen in the future. I want to make sure I’ll be able to stay here without feeling anxious.    On my way to my room, I locked the door once I got in. Smiling at the dagger on my hand, I stood in front of the bathroom sink. I raised the d
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Chapter 17 - The Grand Ball
There's a lot going on today considering today is a big day for all people, dare I say vampires. It is the royal grand ball! Can you believe that? Yep. A vampire ball is a thing.    Sage bought me a formal dress to wear to the event. It is a long, white strapped dress that falls elegantly on the ankle. The tiny gems glimmer when hit by the moonlight; beautiful is an understatement. It looks simple, just the way I like it.    I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, mouth gaping in awe. I look pretty decent. I did a crown braid for my hair with little strands falling on the sides in my attempt to look a little refined.    And finally, I strapped the
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Chapter 18 - Maze of Death
“Cassius?” I mumbled out of curiosity.    The tall man turned to me and for the second time, I saw those emerald orbs again. He’s actually here. I wasn’t mistaken then? The man in the woods and the man Izaac showed me that night on the roof, they’re the same.    “Feyre,” His eyes lit up and his lips slightly parted.     He must be as surprised as I am. “You’re here.” Cassius blinked.    “Feyre, have you met my brother?” Vienna asked, eyeing us with playfulness. 
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Chapter 19 - Ashes
“Bastard,” Izaac growled.     Gallo started to laugh like crazy, running a hand over his gray, almost white hair. Those same red eyes glistened with hunger and lividness, the look of a killer.     “Izaac Lucas,” His tongue licked his lower lip, playfully.     Izaac pushed me backwards, his head fixed on the man in front of us. I took a few steps back until I hit something hard, a tree bark. My fingers were shaking as I looked down to get my dagger on my thigh.     “What do you want?” Izaac&rsq
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Chapter 20 - The Town
A sudden burst of wind came from behind. The trees swayed because of the blast of air, dead leaves flew a few feet off the ground. The forest only keeps getting darker as the sun finally disappears.     I checked his breathing and it was slow. He’s barely breathing! A sob escapes from my parted lips as I look at Izaac on my arm.     “What happened?” Asked the baritone, stern voice.     “Please help him!” I begged whoever was standing behind me.     Light footsteps came forward. My head rose and I sa
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