All Chapters of The Demon of SilverFang: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
149 Chapters
Chapter 90 Return
Monday morning I woke up, I maybe got a couple of hours rest this time. Though I kept waking up and going into our closet to let her scent surround me. Her scent in our room was already starting to dissipate, making me frantic. Now I started to understand why she would rub my old pillows on me every week. Speaking of which... I went ahead and hugged them for a bit. Just in case. Frowning I looked around the room, the omegas still came in and did the light cleaning they always do but the clothes she strewn about were still scattered over the floor. Slowly I went through and folded and hung them back up. She shouldn’t come back and see the mess still here. I wonder what time they are coming home? What will even happen? Should I throw myself at her feet and beg forgiveness? No, that sounds really awful; just apologize and expect her to forgive me? Only a sorry excuse of a man would think that would work. Maybe I should just talk to her? I
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Chapter 91 A Hint of the Truth
The next week was pure hell. Yes, my mate was here physically but not emotionally. I could tell every day she started to get a little worse, the second night she slept in her old room I went in to check on her and found the bottle of tranquillizers. She was using these to sleep every night... but the night before Lily’s ceremony I woke up with awful heartburn. I gasped, I knew what this was. Slowly I opened the door and crept over to the room she has been sleeping in. She isn’t here. Where is she? Another wave of pain ripped through me; damn it. I tried to focus on anything but the pain, to find her in my radar; she isn’t close by. I sighed and got on my training clothes and shoes, it was probably 20 degrees outside, and I grabbed some extra thick clothes for her. Stuffing a pack full I crept out of the house. In the yard the decorations for Lily’s mating ceremony were almost complete and in a few hours my parents would be here.&n
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Chapter 92 Mating Ceremony
The next morning, I woke up happy; happier than I had been in over a week. My mate was in my arms again. Well, I still had a lot of groveling to do but at least I wasn’t kept at arm’s length anymore. I smiled and hugged my love tightly, I wasn’t going to let her go again. “Let me go.” She growled as she woke up. “I... can’t... breathe!” She breathed deep as I released her, chuckling. “Damn Ben. Trying to kill me already?” She teased as she got up. “Come on, we got a lot to do!” Stretching I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes as Violet burst into our room. “Ben, I can’t find Saman...tha.” She glared at my mate. “I have been looking for you for over an hour. The guards saw you going to the north border, and you didn’t return... I’m going to kill you.” Samantha just giggled. “Why didn&rs
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Chapter 93 Delta Lily
  “Do you, Lily Rhodes, swear to protect and defend this pack for as long as you are able, and to serve in capacity as Delta Female?” Violet asked her as the full moon hung in the night sky. We were all gathered around the platform now. But, only my mate, Violet and Daren stood on it with Lily. “Yes Beta.” Lily answered. The pack bond was opened, and a new power was starting to come through. “Then step forward Lily Rhodes,” my mate started. “I, Samantha Serene Silver, Alpha of the SilverFang pack, bestow upon you the title of Delta.” A wave of power ripped through the pack, and I smiled as Lily’s aura became stronger. Me, Chris and Jake stood up and clapped. Soon the whole pack joined us and in the distance some of the guards started to howl in congratulations. Nick was beside me, fighting sleep. Too many people have given him candy and sugar today and he crashed
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Chapter 94 Fever
I kept a silent watch over the two sleeping pups while tracking my love with my radar. I felt when she climbed to the roof and ran the two lovebirds out. I was almost sure I could hear her yelling through the window, but I chuckled and went back to my show. Nick started to talk in his sleep, and I smiled as Penny turned over in the bed. Those two pups were already so close, I daresay best friends already and I could see myself and Samantha in them. Groaning I frowned. I really need to think of a way to fix things with my mate, sighing I sat back on the couch. There has to be something... it might not be as good as her real birthday, but I had to try... wait a second. I remembered something... her doll... she said her doll smelled like me before. Did I give it to her years ago? I gasped as a flash in my mind. “Happy Birthday Samantha!” “Thanks!'s not my birthday.”
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Chapter 95 Birthday
It was a very long night. She tried to escape again, this time she made it almost to the Gamma floor before I caught her. A couple of omegas looked up curiously earning themselves a jealous growl from me. Finally, I got her to sleep again before I tried to rest myself. I wrapped her in my arms and held her tightly. Every time she moved, I shot awake, ready to chase her out of the room again. But she would just mumble and fall back asleep. Around 6 in the morning I felt her start to shiver, and I ran my hand against her forehead. Her fever was gone. Finally, I sighed in relief and pulled her closer to me and finally relaxed, excited about my plans. All I had to do was get it ready... ~~~The next week and a half went by so fast! I was nearly bursting from excitement! Once Daren got back, he helped me finish up the last entries in my book and today Violet took her into town to handle some business so I could finish up the room and get r
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Chapter 96 Cabin in the Woods
“Where are we going?” She asks for the hundredth time. I chuckle as she is nearly jumping up and down in the passenger seat beside me. Behind us are a good number of guards, Violet insisted. She even took the liberty to book out the resort! But... I think there is something she isn’t tell me.  The happiness in our bond is brimming and as we pull up to the jet she is laughing happily. “Where are we going??? Tell me!!!” She beams at me, and I just shake my head.   “Right now, we are going on the jet.” I laugh as I grab our bags from the trunk before Frank runs over and takes them. I felt guilty taking him away from his mate and his newborn daughter, but he insisted, his mate nearly threw him out saying that if he didn’t go then someone else would and he would lose his position.   I glanced over as Holly talked to the pilot and copilot. The w
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Chapter 97 Strengthening the Bond
*Mature warning*  Five minutes....  Ten minutes....  Fifteen minutes....  Twenty minutes....  Goddess what is she doing in there?! I glare at the bathroom door impatiently, she didn’t fall down again, did she? I go to the door and sniff it cautiously. No, I don’t smell her hurt in there... what is taking so long? Just come on out! I know I’m sounding like a perverted horn dog, but I can’t help it!   Finally, the lock pops and I jump back to the bed, looking nonchalant. I hear her giggle slightly and I can feel her nervousness through our bond. I turn the lights down until only the fire in the bedroom’s fireplace is keeping the darkness away. She slowly opens the door and stands in the doorway; she has on a short satin bathrobe
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Chapter 98 Chopsticks
*Mature Content* Okay, insert log... wait, that’s not right. Insert two logs? I am frowning as I am trying to start another fire in the fireplace. Oh, duh. Don’t know, ask Google! I am just starting the fire when Samantha walks up behind me. “You got it going finally.” She chirps happily as she hugs me from behind. “Almost ready to go?”   “Yeah, let me get the other started then we can go.” I smiled as I stood up, my Love wants to go for a run? We’re going on a run!   Holly and Frank were already waiting for us in the living room. As soon as we walk in Holly looks up at me with her same blank expression. “I know you didn’t let her try to cook. You know she burned down the kitchen at the pack house before, right?”   “That was only one time.” She muttered. “And it'
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Chapter 99 Back to Normal
The first thing I hear is the crackle of the fire, and I raise my head to look at my sleeping mate. After round 4 we both finally passed out; too tired to make it to the bedroom, we collapsed on the rug in the living room, a small throw over us. Glancing out the window the sun was still asleep, and it should be deep in the night time hours. I started to move, the TV was still on, a forgotten TV show still playing in the background. As I went to sit up a hand wrapped around me and stopped me. “Where do you think you are going?” She smiled, her green eyes watching me curiously. “You are not tapping out, are you?” I chuckled as I hugged her close to me. “Of course not, I was just resting for a minute. And you fell asleep.” “You fell asleep first.” She said as she leaned into me, pressing herself into me. “I could hear you snoring.” I felt her t
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