All Chapters of The Demon of SilverFang: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
149 Chapters
Chapter 110 Full Moon
A week later I am waking up. She still hasn’t moved, and I haven’t heard any more mind links from her either. I am really worried, what if she never wakes up again??? My heart is tight, that can’t happen! Quickly I drive those thoughts away and look as the door opens and Violet walks in.   “Happy Birthday, Vi.” I say, forcing a smile.   She nods and turns her head. “Thanks, Ben.” Her voice was tight, and I could tell she was trying to hold it together. “I just wanted to stop by and check on you and her... see if there were any changes...”   “Not really. Sorry. But the pain is nearly gone, and she doesn’t feel as drained anymore.” I say, trying to encourage her slightly. “How are you doing? Anything you need me to do?”  Violet shook her head. “
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Chapter 111 Descendants of Bane
“So, we just heard from the Manhattan Pack, they went through their records... it turns out that they were started by a group of werewolves coming to the new land from Europe. Their old pack was destroyed but the Luna was able to escape with her unborn pup and a couple dozen of their pack members. Once they settled here, they changed their pack name to the ‘New World’ pack and the Luna gave birth to a healthy son here. Looks like this is the end of the line.” Jake started. “The Luna’s son became the alpha and over time due to marriages the original family name was changed.”   We paused from the research Jake found by Dr Banner opening the door. “Hello, I’m glad you all are here. There is something troubling I found... can you three please follow me?”   I paused and glanced at my mate, I didn’t want to leave her!  
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Chapter 112 Back in Time
“So, you buried this a long time ago?” Nick asked as he sat in Samantha’s lap and smiled when she nodded.   “Careful, Buddy. Her throat still hurts.” I say gently, I can feel the stiffness in her joints as she smiles through the pain. <Damn Love, I missed you so much.>   She looked at me apologetically. <I’m sorry... but you know how reckless I am.> She smirked.   Overhead the skies cleared and the rain stopped. “Crazy mountain weather...” I muttered, laughing as Samantha reached for the clasp again. Slowly the clasp popped and she grinned as I helped her open the lid.   The air from years ago greeted us and we all craned our necks inside to see. I laughed as Samantha squealed. “My Gundam!!!” She reached in and pressed the button on its ches
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Chapter 113 Luna Training 2
A slight movement causes me to stir, and I open my eyes to two gorgeous green orbs looking up at me. “Good morning.” She whispered, her voice was still a little strained.   I leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently. “Here.” I muttered, handing her the water bottle beside the bed. After a second, I pass her the medicine that Doc left for her. “Better?”  She nodded slightly. “Yeah, but I still feel sore and stiff everywhere.”   Slowly I get out of bed and stretch. “Yeah, I know. It happened to me too, Doc said it's because you haven’t used your joints and muscles for so long. He said walking and exercises will help.”   She groaned and reached for me. “No... why you getting up??? I wanna cuddle some more...” She pouted with large gr
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Chapter 114 Splish Splash
“Wait right here.” I smile as I sit my mate on the couch. “I’m going to run you a nice hot bubble bath. Where do you keep the bubbles?”   “Oh, it's in the cabinet. You don’t have to though if you don’t want to. I can take another shower.”   “Nonsense, I’m going to baby my baby.” I smirk as I lean down to her to kiss her but stop suddenly. “What’s wrong?”  “Don’t call me that. Please.” She sighed and averted her gaze. Oh yeah... that was her mom’s pet name for her. I frowned but still leaned in and kissed the top of her head.   “Sorry, I’ll be right back.” I whispered and set about getting the bath ready. Soon the bubbles are huge, and the water is perfect. Smiling I go back to the room. “Rea
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Chapter 115 Surprise Party
“A little to the left.”   “Here?”  “No, that’s too far to the left... hmm... you know what... I don’t like it there.” Jess sighed.   “Seriously?” Greg growled from the top of the ladder, trying to tie up the finishing touches on the surprise party we are throwing Liza. Poor Tim, he came by yesterday... a day early. Liza was born on leap day, February 29th but her parents always celebrated on the 28th. Too bad the Moon Goddess doesn’t accept early birthdays so here we are on March 1st... Penny is keeping her super busy today along with Nick, she was among the guards taking them to the nearby museum.   Tim keeps pacing back and forth, from one side of the room to the other. He ended up packing a bag this time, in case something else went wrong. Damn you would think the kid was getting married today
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Chapter 116 Judson
It seems like we blinked, and March was here! I was counting the days now... 10 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes...   Saying I was excited was an understatement. As I left the dentist’s office, I glanced up to see my mate hurrying towards me beaming. “Hey Love,” I kissed her quickly. “How was your appointment with Doc?”  “Good! He wants you though, to get some more blood.” She grabbed my hand and we started to walk down the path. “It's amazing though, I still can’t wrap my head around it! For you to be immune to wolfsbane and not know it?”   “Well, it's like my parents said, we were never exposed to it. The flower doesn’t grow around here and getting it to use for torture was too much work when we were able to get silver. And when I got you those wolfsbane tools I was extr
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Chapter 117 Foundation
“Penny get your sleeping bag and everything else you need, okay?” Samantha urged as she unlocked the Gamma suite. “I need to grab a few things for your parents and Judson but if you need any help let me know, okay?”   “Yes ma’am!” She chirped as she ran into her room with Nick behind her.   I watched Samantha open their closet and pull out three suitcases and a diaper bag. “Thank the Goddess they went ahead and packed some bags, but what the hell! Why so much???”   I just shrugged, I didn’t understand it either. “Is the baby’s room finished?”  “Yeah, they finished it last week.” I smiled as I peeked into the baby’s room, it was decorated in soft pastel yellows and greens. “Hey Love, what did we get them for the baby?”  
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Chapter 118 Dinner Meeting
“So, the werewolf world has three branches of government?” Nick asked as I sat with him while he worked on his homework. Samantha and the girls were out at the human town getting the finishing touches on their dresses for our ceremony.   “Alright and tell me what they are.” I urged.   “The Royal Family, they lead us and enact policy. The Council, they create laws and keep the packs from destroying each other. And the Judges, they ensure we are following the Goddess’ Will and they act as a balance between the Royal Family and the Council to prevent corruption.” He answered, looking through his notes. “I have to write an essay on each of them by the end of the week.” He muttered, as I got another notebook for him.   Behind us we heard Judson start to cry and I smirked as Greg groaned slightly. “When is your mama co
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Chapter 119 One Day Left
It was very late when we got back home, the last game was over, and Nick was already in bed sleeping peacefully when we checked on him. I smiled and looked on our coffee table to a stack of papers and a note from Nick and Violet.   He finished his last essay and I looked over two of them. I pointed out his misspellings and he will fix them tomorrow. The last one I’ll leave to you... by the way. UNC won. ~Violet  Like there was any doubt UNC would lose! We whooped them!   I chuckled to myself and looked to the essay they left for me. Behind me my mate was taking her hair ribbons out of her hair and taking off her jewelry. “Damn, I really hate hairspray...” She muttered and I smiled as I put the paper down and walked over to her. With her heels on she was just as tall if not slightly taller than me and I wrapped my
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