All Chapters of The Demon of SilverFang: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
149 Chapters
Chapter 130 Unexpected Allies
The Vampire dropped his grin. “Well?” He repeated, as he continued his glare. The wolf backed up slightly, fear flooded his eyes. The undead man laughed internally, he wouldn’t give this mutt the satisfaction of seeing him laugh. His thin frame towered over the wolf as his pale white face leaned down in a scowl. “Where. Is. Your. Alpha?” He spoke again, his patience was almost completely gone.   Finally, the wolf shook his head and snorted, spinning around and trotting down another path. The vampire rolled his eyes and started to follow, careful not to snag his long cloak on the hanging thorny vines.   Behind him the pawns followed, they had no choice for their lives were now tied completely to their leader, should he die so would they into a pile of ash. A cruel fate they had now. Silently they cried, prayin
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Chapter 131 Solar Eclipse
Looking around at the pack members out in the yard I grin. Ever since the sun rose this morning, I have felt incredible! Of course, this is because the solar eclipse is today; as werewolves we draw power from the moon and when the sun is closest to the moon it gives us extreme power.   According to Samantha’s stories it's because Helios is visiting Selene. Or its Apollo visiting with his brother and sister-in-law. I chuckled, she told all the pack pups this story early this morning, even Kendall and some of the adults stayed and listened in awe.   One day we should sit down and get them recorded on video for future reference. Afterall, some of these legends are integrated into the history of our pack. I barely remember years ago Victoria once showed me the really old book in the library where all of her stories were kept; hm... as Luna I am responsible
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Chapter 132 Orla
The next few days were about the same, walk the new perimeter once in the morning and once at night, checking for anything out of the ordinary. Samantha is teaching me some moves with a katana, and I am a total beginner. The first day I pulled the sword out of its sheath and nearly dropped it on my foot.    I haven’t had any more black out spells since the time I woke up in her – our oasis, but it still worried me slightly. After talking and thinking it out I decided I must have went feral, the intense energy from the solar eclipse must have triggered something in my mind.     My feral side must have wanted some alone time with my mate. I smirked knowing it was a perverted one as I imagined just what we could have been doing- a foot connected with the back of my head, and I rolled with it and went back
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Chapter 133 The Brigade Returns
“And this is the Beta’s floor.” Ron said as we followed them up the landing. “At the end is where my parents stay, the main beta suite. My room is here.” He pointed to a door close to the stairs. “I um... made you a key...” He held out a keyring with two keys on it. Orla looked at it questioningly before he continued. “And I um... that other key is for your room.”   Orla’s eyes widened. “My room?”   “Yeah, I wanted you to not feel pressured, and with your own space you have a quiet safe place to return to if you get overwhelmed....” Ron nearly whispered.   After a long moment of silence Orla finally nodded and smiled. “Thank you.”   “Oh, but if you ever need me, you can always come to my room.” Ron started rambling. “I mean
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Chapter 134 The Missing Piece!
“I can’t believe it.” Monica grinned sinisterly as the creations that her mate brought with him seemed to change overnight. Now they smelled more like wolves just like her mate did. “You there.” She pointed to one of the pawns. “Walk into the sun, let’s see what happens.” She laughed, she knew that vampires could not go into the sunlight for they would burst into flames.   But the pawn didn’t move, instead he sneered at her. He didn’t ask for any of this, he was out living his best life when he was captured by the vampire prince and turned into an undead monster. Now he was cursed again it seemed!   “You heard what the Mistress said.” Magna growled from behind her, he was new to this whole ‘mate’ business, but he had a strong desire to see every wish she wanted came true. He scoffed, a
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Chapter 135 Operation: Save the Alpha!
“No... no.” The young woman cried in her sleep, another nightmare gripping her in a desperate fight. Suddenly she shot straight up screaming waking her bedmate who grabbed her as she cried.   “Orla! Orla! Hey it's okay!!!” Ron comforted her as she cried. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”   His mate trembled in fear. “It... it felt so real... I felt his aura...” Orla cried as she gripped his chest tightly. “I... I still feel it...” Her eyes widened in fear as she hugged him tighter.   “Nothing's here, everything's....” Ron’s eyes widened. He felt something wrong as well. He glanced towards his window, it was still way too early for morning so why is there light streaming through? He got up and looked outside and gasped. Fire! Some of the houses were on fire!  
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Chapter 136 Disconnected But Not Alone!
(Earlier in Black Hill)   Gamma Rolf sat in his office talking to his sister, she lived on the west coast so the best time for them to talk was late in the evening. “No Charlotte you don’t understand! She is only a pup of 18!”   “But from what Tim says she has a good amount of common sense and judgement. That is something he lacks, I think she will help him mature faster and help him get stronger. I still can’t believe it, for her to be so strong that she outshines your power already? Are you sure you aren’t just getting old and fragile?” She laughed.   “No, you don’t get it, that whole pack is like that! Even the omegas there are crazy strong!”   “What really?! What’s the alpha like then... he is single?” His sister laughed, even
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Chapter 137 Surrounded!
“Come on we have to rendezvous with Gamma Jess!” Violet said as she started back towards the packhouse. “It's about to get... messy here.” She grinned to herself as she took aim at a rogue who was trying to catch a fleeing pack member and ended his life. “The Demon is coming.”   As she came up on the packhouse she noticed three of her pack meet her and rushed Ron and Matthew to their hiding spot. Overhead she saw the drones and flashed a thumbs up as she reached the wall. Alpha Eric would just have to forgive her for what she was about to do...  She scaled the wall as fast as she could, if she couldn’t find a handhold, she made her own by punching into the siding. Behind her she heard her mate curse again but followed her up. Soon she reached the top of the roof and looked around. She could see most of the pack’s houses burning in the distance, some of th
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Chapter 138 Clash of the Demon and the Devil!
“Everything will be alright.” The tall man said to his worried mate beside him from their vantage point high above the Earth. “They are ready, and brother is pushing the beasts as hard as he can. The eclipse will be over soon.”  “I know... I just....” She sighed as she bit her thumb again, a nervous habit that has driven her mate crazy for centuries. “There has been so much loss already... it hurts.” She brushed a tear from her cheek. So many have cried out to her in fear and pain.   “That was ingenious you know.” He chuckled. “Matching the gold-digger with that vampire.”   The woman smiled as she nodded, her plan was falling into place. “Yes, well. They cried out in their time of need, praying for anyone to help them. The least I could do was try.” She sighed, hoping against all hope that they would see the way.
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Chapter 139 The Sun and the Moon
The next part happened so fast... the creature roared in pain and fury.... my mate screaming at me to get back... the attack coming straight for me...  The feeling of getting knocked back as I looked on in horror as my mate took the full brunt of the punch that send her flying...  Her body landing in a heap and not moving...  A flash of intense heat and fury building up in my body...  And a voice saying...  Use this and unlock her true power.  I desperately tried to stay sane, I could feel my rage start to overpower me! I couldn’t go feral here.... I had to save my MATE!!! She pushed me out of the way! And now she wasn’t moving!!!   Let go! Trust in your power!   My mark started to burn, and my
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