All Chapters of The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell: Chapter 3541 - Chapter 3550
3719 Chapters
Chapter 3542 Divine Son (1)
"Haha! We succeeded... This stupid prime minister, does he really think that we can't do anything to him? Who is he? Does he really think that we are still in their era? Unfortunately, the era has changed long ago! The Prime Minister and everything else are doomed to be destroyed in front of our Unfettered Immortal Palace!""That's right. Let's start with this prime minister today and turn him into our contribution! Elder Yushu said that no matter if Prime Minister is dead or alive, there will be enough rewards and contributions! It's just that there will definitely be more rewards if the prime minister is alive... However, for the sake of insurance, it's better to kill him!""You're right! Prime Minister is cunning. I don't know what will happen if we keep him alive. To be on the safe side, it's better to kill him! Although the reward will definitely be less, it's safer! What do you think?""I think we should kill him! This prime minister is very cunning. He almost made us fail bef
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Chapter 3543 Divine Son (2)
"You!"Seeing that they were no longer hiding their wild ambitions, Chen Li suddenly flew into a rage!Wasn't that right?They had long harbored malicious intentions. This was an obvious fact.But now that they had said it so bluntly, it still made Chen Li feel very angry!Who was she?It was Chen Li!But now, she was humiliated in such a way. It was really infuriating!Unfortunately, not to mention that Chen Li was extremely weak right now, she was utterly unable to break through the barrier of the furnace.This made Chen Li even angrier!Caspian also watched coldly.Although Caspian already knew that these guys were very shameless, he had never expected that they would be so shameless."Haha! As I said, Chen Li can't be released. Otherwise, the first thing she will do is to attack us... After all, Chen Li is proud and arrogant. How could she let us have a taste of her? Now it's just right! When Chen Li completely becomes an ordinary person, we'll take her down and take tu
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Chapter 3544 Enormous Gain
Outside the furnace.Seeing that the Prime Minister was dying and that Caspian and Chen Li were unable to break out of the trap after struggling for a while, they both showed a smile of understanding!"Haha! I'm afraid we're going to make a fortune this time... Although we've lost some brothers, we can solve the hidden danger of the prime minister, deal with Chen Li and Caspian together, and gain a lot! Because didn't they just say that we're refining the royal blood now? This kind of thing can be called a natural treasure! If we can get it, we'll make a lot of money!""You're right! Originally, I just wanted to get a reward from Elder Yushu after completing the task, and then I would be satisfied! Because I'm not a greedy person... Who would have thought that the surprise would come so suddenly? The prime minister would really appear. Of course, if it weren't the prime minister but some general, it would be acceptable!""That's right, that's right. They really gave us a big surpri
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Chapter 3545 The Prince Awakens
"Humph... What Prime Minister? Is that all you can do? It's so boring!"Seeing the Prime Minister like this, they felt disinterested again!If the Prime Minister was still as arrogant as before, they might be a little interested!In any case, it would be interesting if they could humiliate the prime minister unscrupulously. After all, the prime minister used to be so arrogant.Unfortunately, the current Prime Minister was lifeless and on the verge of death!If it weren't for the higher reward for capturing the prime minister alive, they would never have allowed him to live."Oh?"All of a sudden, they discovered something... that there were even more movements coming from this furnace."The movement in the furnace... Is it about to succeed?"Someone couldn't help but say.That's right, they were all waiting for the Emperor Clan's bloodline to emerge!After all, they had learned that the task the Prime Minister had taken such a risk to complete was the bloodline.The bloodli
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Chapter 3546 Shock
"Oh... how long has it been?"The awakened prince said to himself.He remembered that he was already dead.In the war of the immortal world, he had been set as the primary target. Countless experts had attacked him. Even if he was extremely powerful, how could he defeat so many enemies?In the end, the prince died in the war of the immortal land.Later on... ... it was only now.For some reason, he woke up."Is this because someone resurrected me?"After all, a prince was still a prince. He immediately figured out the reason.Then, the prince fell silent.How was the world today?Was the force that attacked them still there?"It should be gone?"The prince said thoughtfully.That's right. If the imperial family was still alive at that time, how could they have given others a chance to resurrect him.It should be noted that the closer the era, the better.For this reason, any imperial power would be on guard against this.Therefore, now that the prince had come back to
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Chapter 3547 Supreme Elder (1)
"What, what, what... what's going on!"Zhang Cuitian was completely dumbfounded now.Why was the situation completely different from what he had imagined!"Why did the competition among gateway to immortality turn out to be like this?"Perhaps it was because someone was playing tricks earlier, but Zhang Cuitian had vaguely noticed this!No matter what, Zhang Cuitian had been in Jianghu for many years. How could he not see through this little trick!But it was different now!Now Zhang Cuitian clearly noticed that something might have happened!Unfettered Immortal Palace was a good-for-nothing?Absolutely not!Since that was not the case, but the situation had changed again. The only thing that Zhang Cuitian could think of was that something unexpected might have happened in the contest for the list of gateway to immortality!At the thought of this, Zhang Cuitian's face darkened!The reason was very simple. The current Unfettered Immortal Palace was definitely the favorite of
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Chapter 3548 Supreme Elder (2)
The Elders of Unfettered Immortal Palace present were shocked and angry!Under such circumstances, it was no exaggeration to call it the greatest shame of the Unfettered Immortal Palace.But now, it had actually happened... How could they endure this?It was simply unforgivable!"Hurry up and send someone to see what's going on... How many years has the Kingdom of Oblivion been under the control of our Unfettered Immortal Palace? Now that such a big accident has happened, it's simply a big mistake! If something really happens in the contest of the gateway to immortality list, how can we face the ancestors of the Unfettered Immortal Palace!""The ancestors of the Unfettered Immortal Palace are just the ancestors of the Unfettered Sect... But we really can't neglect this matter! I really can't imagine what will happen to the Unfettered Immortal Palace and the Immortal Realm if it really becomes like this!"“Who is responsible for this? Is it Fourth, or someone else? But it shouldn'
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Chapter 3549 Supreme Elder (3)
"Eh? This is..."All of a sudden, a terrifying aura spread out, and everyone was immediately refreshed."It's, it's the supreme elder. The supreme elder is here!""No way! The supreme elder was alerted by this matter!""Oh my god, the supreme elder has come out of seclusion! I'm afraid something bad will happen!"......Everyone was shocked.Wasn't that right?The supreme elder of the Unfettered Immortal Palace was in closed-door meditation all year round. He was an existence who did not care about worldly affairs.Now that even he had appeared, it meant that this matter was no small matter!It was definitely not as simple as they had imagined.It should be noted that the supreme Elders had been in closed-door training immediately after the battle in the immortal land was over.Although their lives were not in danger at that time, they were definitely badly hurt. It would be terrible if they continued to fight.As a result, not long after the great battle ended, they immed
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Chapter 3550 Immortal King
In this regard, the supreme elder was not surprised at all. She said, "In fact, when I knew such a thing, my reaction was not much better than yours... Next, you just need to listen to me in detail.""Yes, supreme elder!"Everyone immediately held their breath and listened to the teachings of the supreme elder."A very, very long time ago, the Immortal Realm was an even more ancient era. At that time, the ruler of the Immortal Realm was very special, very special.... If I were to say that he was an existence that followed the river of fate, then you would know how special he was."The supreme elder said slowly.As soon as these words were spoken, everyone was shocked!It was easy to imagine how special the River of Fate was!"An existence that exists in accordance with the river of destiny? Is that true? Does such an existence really exist? If it does exist, it's too terrifying! After all, such an existence is often only heard when we cultivate to our level. We didn't expect it
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Chapter 3551 Other Shore Of the Gods (1)
"However, there is one thing that is worthy of our attention..."The supreme elder suddenly changed the topic and said to the crowd.Everyone immediately pricked up their ears respectfully when they heard this. They were willing to hear the details."As long as it is the area that can be controlled by the heirs of the Immortal King, then the heirs of the Immortal Kings will be invincible within it."The supreme elder said slowly."What? Invincible?"Everyone was dumbfounded!How could this be?Was it true!"Now that you've tried, you're unable to link yourselves to the Kingdom of Oblivion again, right? It's like someone has seized control of it. Am I right?"The supreme elder said unhurriedly."That's right!"Everyone nodded repeatedly."Supreme elder, that's right! No matter how we try to join forces, there is no response! It's as if the Kingdom of Oblivion doesn't exist... But we clearly know that the kingdom of Oblivion is right here! It's right in front of us, near us!
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