All Chapters of The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell: Chapter 3551 - Chapter 3560
3719 Chapters
Chapter 3552 Other Shore Of the Gods (2)
With the appearance of the supreme elders of Unfettered Immortal Palace that they had never seen before, the audience fell into a tense and dignified atmosphere.The reason was extremely simple. Even they'd been alarmed this time, so the matter would probably not end easily!Of course, in comparison, if they were to pay a certain price to settle this matter, it would be a trivial matter.After all, they had solved the problem.Now they were afraid that even though so many powerful people had been sent out, they still couldn't solve the problem in the end, which would be ridiculous!"It's impossible! There are so many supreme elders, and it's a bit exaggerated to say that they can't handle this matter! Indeed, the bloodline of Immortal King is very scary and horrible, but our Unfettered Immortal Palace is not easy to deal with! Not to mention that we have the support of the Royal Court. I don't believe it!""That's right. You should have confidence in our Unfettered Immortal Palac
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Chapter 3553 Ancient Era's Existence
When these ancient existences were mentioned, everyone immediately revealed a headache!The reason for that was because they knew a portion of the ancient existences.It was precisely because they knew that they understood how difficult it was to stop this matter!"By the way, what on earth is the ancient existence that the supreme elder mentioned? Why have I, as an Elder of the Unfettered Immortal Palace, never heard of it or seen it before? This kind of thing shouldn't have happened! So, what on earth is it that is so powerful and terrifying?""I don't know either... Although I have experienced the war in the Immortal Realm, I am still a little younger by comparison. I don't know anything about the ancient existence. If you know, I hope you can explain it to me! Otherwise, I will be blind and know nothing!""Ancient existences... I am not too sure myself. Truth be told, I have read about them in some ancient texts. However, they are all creatures from a very, very long time ago!
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Chapter 3554 Child
"They are unlucky... They happened to participate in the selection of the gateway to immortality ranking list, and then such a thing happened! Cultivation is against the natural order. They are unlucky, and they really have no choice but to encounter this kind of thing! After all, our Unfettered Immortal Palace is now the focus of the Royal Court, and we can't make any mistakes!"Many Elders of the Unfettered Immortal Palace heaved a long sigh, lamenting that Caspian and the others were really unlucky this time. Not only did they encounter the birth of the Immortal King's son, but the birth of the immortal king's son also caused a chain reaction. As a result, those ancient existences that had been sleeping for a long time woke up one after another.These ancient existences were too terrifying and too powerful. Even the supreme elders of the Unfettered Immoral Palace and the others did not have full confidence in being able to deal with them!The supreme elders were already like this
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Chapter 3555 The Fierce Beast Awakens (1)
The Kingdom of Oblivion was actually extremely enormous, and it was even vaster than an ordinary kingdom!It was so large that it could be roughly divided into five parts, surrounding and protecting the center.Caspian and the others were in the volcano area.The one in the upper left corner was a glacier snowfield.This place was covered in endless ice. As far as the eye could see, it was covered in ice and snow. In this type of place, everything within one's body would be frozen, extremely terrifying.There were also some cultivators looking for opportunities here.After all, the Kingdom of Oblivion was so enormous that it didn't need to be hung on a tree, right?Everyone was searching for opportunities in the same place. Even if they really found them, there would be more than enough.Compared to that, it was better to look for an opportunity elsewhere!Even though these places looked extremely dangerous."Oh my god, are there really opportunities and good fortune in such
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Chapter 3556 The Fierce Beast Awakens (2)
The driven away cultivators of the Unfettered Immortal Palace were dumbfounded!The reason was extremely simple. They'd discussed it for a while before they decided to give it a try and see if they could find some good things in such a dangerous place!However, before they could start searching, they were driven away by the higher-ups of the Unfettered Immortal Palace.They did not dare to express their anger.Because they didn't even dare to be angry!Wasn't that right?They were the Elders of the Unfettered Immortal Palace, the high-level officials. How could they dare to defy the order?Not to mention that the Elders of Unfettered Immortal Palace were very powerful and horrible. If they really rebelled and went against the elders, they would be directly punished and their lives would be in danger!After all, wouldn't it be a piece of cake for the elders of the Unfettered Immortal Palace to deal with juniors like them?They didn't want to bet their lives on whether the Elder
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Chapter 3557 The Fierce Beast Awakens (3)
"Oh no... the seal is about to break!"Many Elders of the Unfettered Immortal Palace were amazed!The reason for that was because the violent trembling was proof that the seal was about to break."If the seal is really broken, it will be terrible... Because according to the current information, there is a strange species of the ancient fierce beasts buried under the trial ground! These strange species are the ones that our ancestors have spent a lot of effort to seal! Once they are revived, it will be big trouble, big trouble!""That's right. These species are all sealed, but by relying on the power of these species, they can breed terrifying beasts in this place! If you want me to make an analogy, then it's the light of the sun that can make flowers bloom... If all these species are unsealed, then we will soon face a huge disaster!""Oh my god, if that's the case, we'll be in big trouble... Because these are not the only things here. There are other places. But the seals here hav
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Chapter 3558 Making a Move to Strengthening Them (1)
These cultivators of Unfettered Immortal Palace were shocked and scared!They wanted to leave. After all, Elders had just driven them away. If they didn't leave, they would be asking for trouble.However, if something really happened, the elders would need their help. In the end, they left just like that, and then they would be held accountable. What should they do?"So, we can't just leave like this! Why don't we go back and have a look? See if there's anything we can do. If they really need our help, we'll try our best to help! If they don't need our help, we can just leave, right? Otherwise, the elders will blame everything on us and get even with us later. It's a big deal!""You're right! No matter they need or don't need our help, we just need to do what we can do. That's all right! Then everything will not be decided by us! In short, I think we still have to go back and have a look! Even if something happens, we don't need to be responsible for it, do we? Isn't that right?"
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Chapter 3559 Making a Move to Strengthening Them (2)
However, the other party was Elders. Even if the disciples had an opinion, they couldn't say it directly.Once they angered the Elders, they would have to bear the consequences!As such, the Immortal Immortal Palace disciples politely replied."Elders. We noticed that there was a sudden commotion here, so we turned around to see what happened. If there is anything we need, we will not hesitate to do it!"The disciples of Unfettered Immortal Palace replied politely.After all, the other party was their Elders.They were their senior executive, and they were in a high position. They couldn't afford to offend the elders at all."This..."Hearing this, these Elders looked at each other. They didn't expect that these disciples really came with good intentions this time!However, although they were kind-hearted, the elders could not take these things lightly.So they quickly calmed down again."Something has happened here, and the situation is a little serious. You can't help us h
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Chapter 3560 Terrifying Threat (1)
"That's right, that's right. We were just persuaded by Elders to retreat! That's why we stayed here for a while to discuss why Elders asked us to return and not to cause trouble!"Another disciple of the Unfettered Immortal Palace explained."Oh? There is such a thing... then, what happened here?"The person who came was extremely surprised.Wasn't that right?"We're in the competition of the gateway to immortality now!"However, such an uncontrollable event had occurred. If one didn't witness it with one's own eyes, then who would believe it!"That's right..."Then, they briefly explained what had happened.Their faces were still filled with disbelief when they heard this!Wasn't that right?How could they believe such a thing!This was too exaggerated, too unbelievable."What? Do you think we're lying?"Seeing the man's reaction, they were a little unhappy.After all, they told him the truth out of kindness this time, but it turned out to be like this."Humph! If you
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Chapter 3561 Terrifying Threat (2)
Although the Elders of the Unfettered Immortal Palace were somewhat helpless about the current situation, they could not do much. They could only try to strengthen the seal, lest the fierce beasts inside completely revive.Whoosh!Rumble!All of a sudden, a figure descended without warning.That's right, it was descending!The moment this figure appeared, the heaven and earth trembled!Space itself was shaking, as though it might collapse at any moment!"This, this is..."Sensing this terrifying aura, everyone was stunned.What was that?Who's that!However, when they took a closer look, they were all stunned.Because they saw clearly that it was not a man, but the prince!The prince was here!However, the prince was still the same as before, looking like a child.There was nothing he could do about it. Although Prime Minister tried his best to resurrect the prince and bring him back to this world, the prime minister was caught before he could do it perfectly!Fortunate
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