All Chapters of The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell: Chapter 3571 - Chapter 3580
3719 Chapters
Chapter 3572 Cat And Dog (2)
These demons stared at the prince, drooling!Some of them had been beaten back by human cultivators, so they could only hide in the poorest places of the immortal land.It was very difficult to track them down, and there was even a chance of being killed by them instead. Most importantly, it was even difficult to cultivate in these barren lands, let alone counterattack.It was precisely because of this that they were lucky enough to survive and develop.There were also some who directly lurked among the cultivators of the Human Race through possession!Among the cultivators of Unfettered Immortal Palace this time, some disciples were possessed!There were also some demons that had been secretly brought in by these demons!They originally thought that this trial on the ranking list of gateway to immortality was a great opportunity for them to seize blood food.At this time, even if some disciples were killed, they would be deemed to have died in the trial.After all, the compet
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Chapter 3573 Cat And Dog (3)
Zhang Cuitian was constantly running for his life, and so was Pan Bingwen.As the right-hand man of Caspian in Unfettered Immortal Palace, Pan Bingwen was also very miserable!It was all because they coveted the beauty of Pan Bingwen that they kept chasing after her.This made Pan Bingwen gnash her teeth in hatred!If these guys were greedy for her beauty, although she did not agree, she might be able to understand.But now, it was really just for money, which made her a little speechless!Don't be like this, okay?"Could it be that her beauty was not as valuable as a treasure?In fact, Pan Bingwen knew very well what to choose between money, life, and all kinds of troubles.It just so happened that these fellows liked to do business of killing and plundering!That was to say, they wanted to rob Pan Bingwen of her treasure, but they also wanted to kill her!This made Pan Bingwen speechless!"Pan Bingwen, you won't be able to escape! I suggest that you obediently allow yours
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Chapter 3574 Crushing (1)
"Oh? Why isn't the prince saying a word? He's like a mute... This is completely different from the imposing manner he was in the past! Wasn't it said that the heir of the Immortal King had just awakened and had already caused a huge uproar? Why does he seem to be dead now? Could it be that he's shivering and unable to speak after being intimidated by us!""Haha, that's impossible! No matter what, he's a prince! If that's the case, it's a little embarrassing! Is the prince such a shameful thing? No, no! It shouldn't be!"When these demons saw the prince remain silent, they all thought that they had intimidated him!After all, after learning about the matter of the prince, they immediately made a decision to attack in full force and kill the prince at all costs to get the blood of the Immortal King!Therefore, they had truly gathered all the resources and things they could mobilize here!They had already placed everything on the line!In any case, if this matter was successful, the
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Chapter 3575 Crushing (2)
"You demons want to return to the stage of the immortal land in this state? In my opinion, it's just right for them to sweep you into the garbage."The prince sneered and said.Wasn't that right?How could such a naive race still want to establish themselves in the Immortal Dimension and stand high above all the other races?Wasn't this a dream?"What? How dare you look down on us demons? Are you courting death? Do you really think you're still in the immortal world in the past? Or do you think you're still invincible? Wrong! That era is over! This is the era of humans, and next is the era of us Demons! We Demons are about to ascend to the peak of the immortal world! And the immortal world is about to be dominated by us!""The history of the immortal world might be written by you humans! But in the future, it's destined to be written by us demons! Our history will become the history of the immortal world! And you humans will become dust and be swept into a pile of garbage! No one
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Chapter 3576 Demon Emperor's Heart (1)
"Haha! You still dare to boast shamelessly in front of us now? Do you know what sort of situation this is? You really don't know what's good for you! Do you still think this is an era where your Immortal King ruled over everything? It's over! It's all over! All of you are nothing now! And you're just a stray dog! What qualifications do you have to act arrogantly in front of us?"The demons didn't think they would be killed by the prince at all.Just like they said, if it was in the past, they would be courting death by opposing the prince!However, everything had passed, no longer the era of the Immortal King!It was to the extent where even the imperial authority changed, yet in the end, the prince still thought that it was the era where the Immortal King was powerful. How naive and laughable!For a moment, they didn't know what to say!"Poor guy! He is so pitiful that I don't know what to say! It's a disaster for such a naive person to live in this world! How pitiful he is! I s
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Chapter 3577 Demon Emperor's Heart (2)
"What? Don't tell me that the blood of the immortal king is related to some mysterious secret that we demons don't know about?"The demons turned pale with fright.That's right, they came to surround the prince completely because they knew that the bloodline of the Immortal King had appeared.However, they didn't know exactly what was so special about it!Or perhaps, it could be said that there were very few records of the Immortal King in the world.Even though this was the case, the Immortal King bloodline was extremely special, and it was something everyone knew about.It was precisely because of this that when they found out that the prince had appeared, all of them were extremely excited, sparing no expense to obtain the prince and the immortal king bloodline!In the end, the strength of the prince was simply unimaginable!It was more than ten times stronger than they had expected!As a result, they were no match for the prince at all and were killed by him!This caused
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Chapter 3578 Human Emperor (1)
"Hehe..."The people of the demon clan laughed. They didn't say yes or no, but the answer was obvious!Yes, the Demon Emperor's Heart was a big gift that their Demon Clan prepared for the prince!In fact, the Demon Emperor's Heart was not so urgent.The reason was very simple... The Demon Emperor's Heart was not something that could work on any random person.The conditions to utilize the Demon Emperor's Heart were actually extremely harsh!However, if the target was the prince, it would be better to come at the right time!This object was practically custom-made for the prince!Now that they had even successfully planted the Demon Emperor's Heart in the prince's body without anyone noticing... the prince was destined to gradually be affected by the Demon Emperor's heart until his soul was devoured!"At that time, our greatest Demon Emperor can be reborn through the body of the prince... He will rule the immortal land again and lead us to fight against the Human Clan! We have
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Chapter 3579 Human Emperor (2)
"Oh? This..."As soon as he said that, many members of the Demon Clan looked at the expert.They knew very well that at this time, it was impossible for the expert to talk nonsense at such a critical moment."Do we really have a way to deal with this so-called prince? Will we demons still be the last ones to laugh?"When they thought up to here, everyone's hearts palpitated!Because capturing the prince was really very important to them!This was related to the revival of the Demon Clan!If they could take control of the prince, then their advantage would be limitless!Such an opportunity must not be missed!"That's right. With the prince's strength, if he really can't break it, it's definitely impossible... Even if I say that he can’t break it, I don't think anyone will believe me!"The expert of the Demon Clan said slowly.Everyone nodded repeatedly, agreeing with this statement."What does he mean?"The prince frowned. He could not understand what the other party was tr
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Chapter 3580 Fate (I)
"Yes, that's the Human Emperor! How can we be a match for the Human Emperor? We're doomed! We're doomed! Even if it's not the Human Emperor himself, we're no match for him!"The members of the Demon Clan collapsed. Never had they imagined that the situation would develop to such an absurd extent, and even the Human Emperor was alarmed!Now that the Human Emperor had come in person, logically speaking, they were doomed.Because the Human Emperor was the Human Emperor. It had something to do with the fact that the Human Emperor held the power of the immortal world, was protected and blessed by the immortal world!Because of this, even though going against the Human Emperor couldn't be considered to be going against the entire Immortal Dimension, it was indeed extremely difficult!Therefore, it was extremely difficult to overthrow the authority of the Immortal Dimension!Now that the Human Emperor was here, who could defeat him!"Even if the prince's the absolute Domain is invincib
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Chapter 3581 Fate (II)
"Go! Kill! Now is a good time to take the prince's life. Don't miss it!""This kid is ruthless! This kind of opportunity can't be repeated!"All the Elders of Unfettered Immortal Palace were in high spirits now. After all, they had an extremely great advantage now, and the Human Emperor was here as well. So, it would be extremely difficult for them to lose!The prince's expression was extremely unsightly, and it was simply unsightly to the extreme!Because now the prince was affected by the heart of the Demon Emperor, and his strength was further affected. If he had the power to fight and control the supreme elders of Unfettered Immortal Palace just now, he was undoubtedly no match for them now.Not to mention that the Human Emperor was here now!"Prince, just accept your fate! Today is destined to be the day of your death! You definitely won't have any chance of survival! If you admit defeat and surrender now, we will give you enough face even if we have to kill you! We won't hu
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