All Chapters of Alpha of the Peak: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
109 Chapters
Chapter 90: Missions and Blessings
???Our newest conquest in the Flowing Waters territory was very successful. The son of the Beta actually gave us the intel to take down the pack and brought many wolves over with him. This included almost half of his former pack's warriors. Though this only amounted to a dozen, they were well trained and supplied droves of information on nearby packs that have already proven useful to our cause.I can tell Teddy will prove to be a valuable member of our group. He understands our cause better than most, having been under the thumb of a stubborn Alpha and his insipid daughter his whole life. When they were kids, the Alpha and Beta expected their kids would end up mates and Teddy would take over the pack. However, when both of them came of age and neither found their mate, this plan was abruptly abandoned and his Alpha decided to try and find his daughte
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Chapter 91: Rude Awakening
PatrickPatrick’s indignation upon waking up into his new circumstances was indescribable. Not only did he find out his weak, pathetic wolf had nearly killed him and would have to be given freedoms to pacify it, but he was going to be forced to remain near his twin at all times until the situation was resolved. He wouldn’t have believed it at all when the doctors filled in what happened, but his mother reluctantly confirmed the situation to him when they left the room. She even added that Trajan was the one who saved him which is why they were making the rule about being near Moira.He still struggled to come to terms with it and argued that Moira had caused his problem by trying to manipulate him into accepting her as his Alpha and forcing Colm into his behavior. His mother looked angry at this revelation and told him that the situation in
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Chapter 92: New Reality
NarratorPatrick tried to keep away from Troi as much as he could during the earliest stages of his recovery. In the hospital he could always pretend to be tired if he didn’t want to interact and Troi would leave his room. Usually they spent time visiting with other patients or assisting with the volunteer work instead of hovering around him. He was thankful for this until he heard some of the nurses discussing how impressed they were with Troi’s interactions with some of the younger child patients. Listening to all of the gushing over his twin caused another episode they needed to save him from which ended up making him more melancholy.After almost a week he was free to return home, but was not able to go back to school yet. While he had gone several days without an episode and had started being able to shift more easily, Colm would still
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Chapter 93: The Search
TroiThe sun came up, and we couldn't smell our mate. We showered and dressed and we couldn't smell our mate. There was no mate in the kitchen or dining room or on the way to school. No mate rode with us on the bus.People spoke but we didn't listen.We walked every hallway and went through every building before going to our first class. Finally we had to accept there was no mate at school. We sat through our classes but couldn't focus. We didn't eat lunch or go to Judo practice after school.All throughout the day, random people would come up really close to us to try and get us to catch their scent. Ever since we were named heir to the Alpha of Grey Peak, people had been going out of their way to get our attention and suck up. Now it was worse as they tried to
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Chapter 94: Reconnaissance
EnvyI couldn't find fault with the security surrounding Grey Peak. Their preparations started on the border of High Valley with checks there and then again as we crossed into the Grey Peak territory. Inside there we had several more stops and directions down different roads as we were guided to a lodge or inn outside of their residential area. It must be used often for guests as the rooms were modern and well appointed with plenty of staff to assist visitors.Teddy and I had a two bedroom suite to ourselves and were told our “guard” would be staying in the barracks on the lowest floor and could be summoned through a bell system in our front room. There were large windows and a balcony outside the main room. The she-wolf who brought us to our quarters offered to bring up a late dinner or draw baths for us as we got settled in. We accepted h
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Chapter 95: Periphery
TroiWe couldn't move fast enough to get out from between Patrick and his mate. As we jumped aside, she stepped forward and slowly reached for him. He stood and took her hand gently, never breaking eye contact. There was a feeling of electricity between the two as they just stood and stared.She was about average height for a she-wolf and stood eye-to-eye with Patrick. She wasn't dressed like many of the other ladies in attendance. Many were dripping with jewels and had elaborate hairstyles and clearly spent tons on their dresses. She wore a simple dress that suited her well and her hair was in a pretty, twisted bun.We hoped these were good signs. Maybe she could help ground Patrick and encourage him to bond with Colm. Maybe she wouldn't be all tied up in expectations like our mother's and could help him b
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Chapter 96: The Morning After
PatrickI was so glad to be out of school the morning after my birthday party. As soon as I found Trisha, I couldn't imagine being away from her for a few hours, much less an entire day. Luckily mother planned ahead and had one of the guest suites ready for her. We were able to talk late into the night before I showed her around the packhouse and said goodnight. She was one floor below me, but it felt like miles as I made my way up to my own room.I couldn't sleep with all the excitement over her being so near and got up a few times to go to her room, but stopped myself before I made it out the door. As soon as the sun was up, I rushed down to escort her to breakfast. She must have had a long night too since she was already up and dressed when I knocked.She looked just as amazing in her regular clothes and
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Chapter 97: Scents
TroiOn our walk to the packhouse after school, we told the others to watch what they said in front of the guests, including Trisha. While she was our brother's mate, from what we knew she may be the sole child of an unknown Alpha. Our brother's future role within this pack was already questionable since he remained reluctant to work with us. With the possibility of him being needed to lead another pack, we should keep our own pack details away from the Flowing Waters pack members.Patrick had kept himself out of our business and Dad said he'd been avoiding any Alpha affairs just as much as before the announcement. When he first started staying home, we were slightly concerned that Mother would make sure his time would be spent working to undermine our role with Dad and the leaders. It ended up being unfounded as he'd kept to himself aside from times w
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Chapter 98: Flowing Waters
Alpha DarrenThe clock struck six and I realized I hadn’t even had lunch. Everything today seemed to have run together and taken far too long. I had hoped to get to spend lunch with Patrick and his new mate, but Fallon wanted some alone time with them. I still went running with Colm while Fallon stayed with his mate and her packmates, but we didn’t get a chance to speak with Colm behaving as agitated as he was being away from his unmarked mate.Colm was still not reaching out to Patrick. I could tell that Patrick could read his agitation, but I think he dismissed it as Colm wanting to mate and mark Trisha. Really the wolf didn’t like her being out of his sight and wanted to be there to protect her more than anything, but he just wasn’t relaying that information. The fact that Patrick left her with two unmated males actually surp
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Chapter 99: Play Acting
EnvyI never expected any of this. I don’t think I ever considered I could find my mate when I left my pack. Going all over the place to fulfill our work to eliminate the packs brought me into close contact with hundreds of wolves in the almost three years since I came of age. Strigga never responded to anyone. She didn’t even seem interested. She was happy to hunt and kill prey and otherwise be left alone.But this boy… this son of an Alpha brought her to life. I began to feel connections I had thought severed long ago when my father's eyes, so full of tears and hate, watched me leave our territory. And all the time she is begging to be closer to him and bask in his wonderful scent and feel the sparks run up our arm when we hold hands. I felt myself relaxing in his presence and listening intently to everything he said in an almost f
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