All Chapters of Alpha of the Peak: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
109 Chapters
Chapter 70: Entertaining Tyko
P.o.V. TroiBo’s party was successful. The class was fun and we all made some amazing chicken parmesan for lunch. Tyko joined in, of course, and we were a little worried Bo would be too distracted and miss out on his party like Silva had. This was unfounded though. He seemed even more focused with her there and she was always holding things out and passing ingredients without him even asking. She didn’t stay for his private lesson and he seemed a little worried to let her leave until we offered to keep her near us until they were ready to present what he was cooking.The afternoon was pleasant enough. We had always enjoyed spending time with Tyko. She had visited but only for short periods or later in the evening so had never seen the greenhouses even though she had used some of the herbs we had sold to the witches. We spent the afternoon w
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Chapter 71: The Shape of Things
P.o.V. TroiOur brain felt like it was misfiring as we tried to take in what Tyko could possibly have meant. It sounded like a prediction was involved, but did it mean we were not going to be the Alpha of Grey Peak or High Valley? Maybe it was specific to her and she was only destined to serve under us but didn’t want to wait for us to take over? We kept turning over what she said and sat completely quiet for an undetermined amount of time before she took pity on us and explained more.“As I said I am not an oracle, but sorcerers have more reach than your average magic user,” she said while shifting uncomfortably. “I only know two things for sure. YOU will be my Alpha. And something big is coming that I need to help you prepare for. So I do not see a point in waiting. I am mated to one of your pack members and will not be reject
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Chapter 72: Settling In
P.o.V. Narrator Tyko and Bo set their bonding ceremony for the weekend before the end of their school semester. Tyko was not tied to staying in the coven and wanted to move into pack territory as soon as possible so that they didn’t have to be apart as much. Her aunt had no problems with it, but Tyko did request housing of her own until Bo reached eighteen, so that he was of age in her culture when they began staying together. Bo was upset at the idea of being apart from her every night for almost a year, but she would not be talked around. He was slightly jealous of Chris and Silva who were planning on completing their mating ceremony over the break as well, but after the ball so that some of Silva’s extended family could come. They had already arranged to have shared lodgings in both packs while they finished school.
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Chapter 73: A Study of Lycans
P.o.V. TykoThe lycans were always an interesting group to spend time with. It started as curiosity after hearing so much about them from class. When a group of them was interested in spending time with other species, I could not resist the opportunity to get a closer look. Over time I grew fond of their quirky behavior and openness with each other and those they considered friends. I realized that they did not recognize how they treated those outside of their group differently.As a whole the werewolves would keep to their own kind in the hallways and lunch rooms. Anywhere where large groups gathered. But when they were in smaller groups, especially on their own, they would form their own mini-packs. It didn’t seem to matter if those in it were also werewolves. They were In and everyone else was Out. Being on the outside did not mean anything ba
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Chapter 74: Tying Bonds
P.o.V. BoBo’s bonding ceremony with Tyko was held in the coven’s territory. They claimed it was so that they could more easily complete her side of it, but that wasn’t entirely true. With Coven Mistress Caldwell performing the ceremony and knowing in advance she could have made alterations and preparations to hold it at Grey Peak. The reason she insisted that they hold it at the coven’s territory was so that Tyko could be bound to Troi as an Alpha without anyone noticing. Apparently mistress Caldweell was concerned about the possible reaction when the channel between them opened and didn’t want to risk anyone at Grey Peak finding out.Tyko was worried that he would not be willing to go along with the request when she spoke with Bo about it, but he was encouraging. More than anything he was just happy to complete their mat
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Chapter 75: Clean Sweep
P.o.V. Envy We got our first view of the young Alpha girl a couple of weeks ago. Knowing she was more involved with the patrols and watchtowers, we got some of our people into the territory quietly. Working hard to mask their scent as much as possible. They were newly freed from their pack bonds and had not developed the smell of rogues so it was easier to coverup if they could keep downwind and at a distance. Only one was caught, but the other two managed to get some good pictures of the girl. The trucker confirmed that was our target and got to continue living well for his usefulness. Newer activity in the witches’ coven was intriguing. Clearly they were planning something big so I had a few of my people watch them. One of the younger witches kept returning smelling of wolves from Grey Peak. As the activities began to revolve more and more around h
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Chapter 76: Maintained Silence
P.o.V. Alpha GeraldThe rogues had been particularly quiet since the disappearance of the driver we believe was passing them information. The only times they made pushes into the territory were seemingly for supplies, though occasionally they would take people. A few times, those who vanished when the rogues attacked were later discovered among their numbers. Apparently turned toward their cause. So far we have been unable to question any of them as they either joined the rogues in retreating or died fighting rather than allow themselves to be captured.We were still able to gather information from some of those captured who were not originally from High Valley. Apparently the orders have changed since the trucker vanished and they were no longer told to attack the leadership directly, just get supplies and get out with as many as possible. Some on our
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Chapter 77: Clean as a Whistle
P.o.V. TroiIt took ages to get cleaned up after the battle with the rogues. Between being careful over wounds and simply getting the blood and dirt and everything out of our hair, the process seemed never-ending. We didn’t realize exactly how bad we looked until Luna Martha met us in the hall and nearly fainted. Though most of it was dry by the time we made our way into the packhouse, there were still patches that got on her and Alpha Gerald when we made contact, and that alone was enough to warn us of the mess we were going to find when we got to the mirror.Since coming to High Valley, we know we have come to care for Luna Martha and Alpha Gerald and they have grown fond of us. We didn’t realize the extent until tonight where they were faced with the real prospect of losing us and responded with more concern and affection than our mother
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Chapter 78: Influx
NarratorTroi was excited to complete the pack bond with Tyko and begin exploring what possible feats they would be able to accomplish as a pair. As the bonding was completed and they began to feel the link, the difference between that and others was clear. Where others were like a phone line that was present but needed to be dialed, Tyko felt like a wide open tunnel. It took less than a thought to establish Tyko's state of wellbeing and proximity. Linking her was almost as easy as Moira and Trajan talking.They were exploring the link further to see if they could figure out how power would be transferred through it when an alert went up from outside that a nearby village was being hit but they were sending some warriors. Bo didn't seem to sense it and Tyko and the Coven Mistress wouldn't have been able to, but Troi could hear the warriors instructions. This wa
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Chapter 79: Gossiping Washerwomen
P.o.V. PatrickThe air outside was crisp and cold, but heaters around the back patio allowed for a comfortable seat outside. With what was probably the last sunny day of the year I decided to spend my time studying in the sunshine before winter really set in. I had brought out a few books and my computer and was reviewing information on the different species we had treaties or trade agreements with. It was rather tedious but I didn’t want to slip up in an important meeting and cause a disagreement. Meticulousness was always better than embarrassment.“Packs, Covens, Clans, Courts, Tribes, and Populations. Werewolves, Magic Users, Vampires, Fae, Giants, and Humans,” I kept reciting to myself. “Alpha, Coven Mistress, Sire, Queen, Chief, and Mayor. Wait, that's not right. Governor or president…” I had to go back to loo
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