All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
322 Chapters
Meeting the Captain
The light faded, and Alaron's consciousness returned to the present. Watching the thin faced man put away the pearl, the prince tried to figure out where he was. The wooden room in which they were rocked slightly and then swayed the other direction. Creaks and rattles accompanied each sideways movement. He guessed they must be on board a ship. Alaron's hands were bound. He pulled his wrists apart only to cry out in pain as the knots tightened. Cafer was next to him with his hands and feet tied together as they sat on the wooden floor. The gnome took in the scene quietly. "Glad you are both awake," the man said in a friendly voice. "I was a little worried that my toy would have ruined your minds. Welcome to my humble abode." "Who are you?" Alaron said sharply. The man chuckled. "You have been asleep a while so I will forgive you, but I am the one asking questions around here. Who are you? By your tone you must be someone very important." The man rolled
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A Trip into Valiant
Tired of being cooped up in the palace, Aurora snuck into the city of Valiant to clear her head. She was very worried about Alaron, but worry rarely did anyone a bit of good. Everything was being done to find the boy, including sending Gandr out on his trail.Instead the Empress decided to focus on finding special gifts for her children for their birthday. The prince and princess had access to all the resources of the palace, so the dark-haired woman had made a tradition out of hand-selecting a thoughtful gift for them from the local merchants each year. It helped the city's economy and showed the woman's love. With the brown hood of her cloak pulled tightly around her head, Aurora made her way quietly through the streets to the marketplace.The merchants in the capital were more subdued than the rowdy callers of Obsequence. They would catch your attention with small movements or clicks of their tongue. Mixed in with the stalls were more permanent shops where owners we
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"Hanna?" Aurora could not believe what she was seeing. As the Fate reached out and touched the Empress's hand, the world slowed and froze around them. "What is happening?" "I have stopped time to speak to you." Hanna said. "You like to do things in a dramatic way. This must be important." The Empress remembered that the first time Hanna had visited, it was as part of her horrible vision. Hanna clicked her tongue. "Hush! This is serious. Not even the High Fates know I am here and Justum will be quick to bring me back to Mystic Spires when he realizes that I am gone." This was serious indeed. "I am listening." "Young Alaron did not go the mountains." She and Mairwen were right to be concerned. The Empress's heart sank. "Where did he go?" Hanna's words were barely a whisper. "To betray you. You were supposed to remove Cafer from his life…" "We thought that we had!" Aurora defended herself. "As did I, my dear. But u
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A Gift
Preparations for the birthday party filled the princess's days for over a week. Despite her hope, her twin had not returned. Mairwen was beginning to doubt that he would come back at all. "Where are you, Alaron?" She whispered as she looked out her bedroom window into the distance. "You promised that you would come home." In the meantime, Aurora and Devrim had been preparing for the prince's arrival. Once the Empress had shared the news about the Fate's visit with the Council, the castle began to mount its defense. Unlike Mairwen, the Empress and Emperor had no doubt that Alaron would come, but whether in peace or some other method remained to be seen. They hoped for the best, but prepared for the worst. The Emperor sat in the war room discussing plans with Captain Caleb, who was captain of the palace guard, a few generals, and Chief Zan. Aurora was present, but was only a passive participant in this particular conversation. Devrim pointed to the kitchen entr
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The Prince Returns
Two days before the birthday party, a messenger ran looking for the Empress. "Your Majesty, Prince Alaron's caravan was spotted entering Valiant!" Aurora stopped mid-bite and looked down the breakfast table at Devrim and Mairwen. They were equally concerned. Although the princess was unaware of all the details, she knew that Aurora had received another visit from the from the Fates and that the news was not good. She worried what her twin's return might bring. "Is his caravan with him?" Devrim asked the servant. The messenger nodded. "Yes, Sire, everything seemed to be in order." She was confused by the royals. They looked more like they were about to attend a funeral than a joyous reunion. "Tell Spymaster Brinn that we need to see her, please," Aurora requested. "Glory to the Empress." The servant bowed and exited to complete her task. Before the elf could arrive, Gandr was announced and hurried into the room. He bowed. "I am sorry fo
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A Present for the Princess
With Cafer's training in deception, deceit and double-dealing, Alaron played the dutiful son for two days. By the morning of the party, he felt the suspicion of those around him had all but disappeared. Early that morning Aurora went to visit the boy early to give him the present she had personally selected. Alaron caught her in the hallway. "You wanted to see me?" "Happy birthday! I was going to give you your gift. Could we go somewhere private?" The Empress wanted to give her son a hug, but she knew that he disliked public displays of her affection. So she held still. Alaron dismissed Warin, but when the guard was out of sight, he changed his mind. "Actually, can we do this later? I am sure we will find time in a little bit." By the look in his eyes, Aurora could see he was uncomfortable. There was some unspoken wall between them. "Oh, uh of course. There is no rush…" The Empress watched the prince turn his back on her to leave. An anxious feeling t
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Brinn watched the servant's entrance into the palace with an eagle's eye. If she were sneaking into a palace, this is where she would come. There were many unfamiliar faces and unknown names. One more would not be suspicious.Gandr was watching all the nobility at the front of the palace, and the red-headed elf had happily let him take that post. "If there is one thing worse than evil gnomes, it is self-important nobility," Brinn had said.Gandr tilted his head quizzically, "Aren't you a princess back home?"The spymaster narrowed her gaze. "So I should know!" She turned her nose up in the air, very glad that only a few knew her secret.After that they had parted ways, and now Brinn was pretending to be distracted by a roasted bird while monitoring those entering next to the kitchen. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a band of rough looking entertainers enter rowdily asking for scraps of food. The elf was instantly on alert."Can't a man
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The Party Begins
The party was well underway when Aurora and Mairwen joined the festivities. In return for her assistance, the princess had helped her mother get ready. When the Emperor saw his Empress, his heart skipped a beat. She wore in a violet gown that was form fitting to the waist before falling gently to the ground. Aurora had chosen the gown instead of one of her more fantastical dresses because today was not about her. It was about her children. But for Devrim, her simple outfit only made her more attractive. The room grew quiet as the Empress took to the musicians' platform with her daughter. Aurora scanned the crowd looking for Alaron, but he was not anywhere to be found. They would have to go on without him. "Welcome to the celebration of the Prince and Princess's sixteenth birthday. If it is acceptable to my daughter, I will allow the official celebration to commence." "It is acceptable to me," Mairwen announced proudly. "Please enjoy yourselves!" After the applause di
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The Show Must Go On
Out in the Spring Garden, much of the ground was cleared and a stage erected. Many of the guests were gathered around ready for the performers to begin. Led by a servant, Aurora and Devrim took their seats.The first act was an acrobat. His strange patchwork costume, made his tumbles interesting to watch as he moved round the stage. He was joined by a woman and the two bent their bodies in ways that were equally fascinating and horrifying.Then a group of women took the stage and showed off a variety of exotic animals. Birds flew through the air to retrieve thrown grapes, and beautiful large cats of many colors pranced around with their tamers. Aurora wondered if the cats and birds ever got accidentally mixed.That would end very poorly indeed.A fire breather with a large tattoo across his bare chest took the stage. Although the platform on which he stood was wood, he assured his audience that they were perfectly safe. Taking a swig of a clear liquid, he b
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Divide and Conquer
Anna ran up to the Aurora. "Your Majesty!" She had obviously seen the display. Her face was deathly pale. Nurlan also appeared at her side. The soldier looked so angry that he might burn the entire stage to the ground to repair the damage done to Aurora."Please get the Empress out of here," Devrim advised the other two. "Can I get you anything?" He asked his wife."I just need a moment. I will go back to my room to freshen up and compose myself. I will be fine, I promise," Aurora gave an unconvincing smile. Her heart was breaking, but she was too well trained to show her sorrow. "Please carry on as normal if you can. Everyone should be alert. I do not think this is Cafer's only move tonight." The Empress left with her escorts. The audience parted to let her through.Alone, Devrim bravely faced the crowd. Some were wisely avoiding eye contact and acting natural. Others were staring while they gossiped with their neighbor. And a few blessed souls had already forg
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