All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
322 Chapters
Glory to the Emperor
"I pledge my allegiance and devotion to the future Emperor Alaron. May he reign forever! Glory to the Emperor," the servant pressed his face to the floor, obviously trembling.He was one in a long line of castle staff that wanted to protect his life. Cafer had given the captured humans an ultimatum: pledge their undying allegiance to the new Emperor and keep their job or be put into prison. Most chose option one.At first Alaron liked the attention. He was able to look down from his throne and feel superior as each subject begged his favor. It was empowering. 'I could get used to this,' he chuckled inwardly. Over time, though, the task became tedious. Like any teenager, his mind began to drift to other things.Alaron wondered how Mairwen was doing. Had he made the right call in letting her go? Brinn had not given him a lot of choice, but he hoped that the princess would return on her own when she realized what a great ruler he was. 'She cannot stay away forever,' he comforted himself.
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The waves from the crashing pirate ships went in every direction. The impact was so large that splinters touched both banks of the river. Water poured over the wooden hulls like grasping arms until only a set of new rapids remained in the flow.One wave hit Devrim's small life boat and flipped it over. The grey-eyed man's training took over and he paddled to break the surface. He searched frantically for Mairwen and Eira, the other two people who had been with him.He was relieved when their heads bobbed to the surface. "Get back to the boat!" Devrim yelled.The two ladies struggled against their clothing and weapons to make it back to the overturned rowboat. Eira, who had not been trained to swim, relied purely on instinct to keep her alive. She almost gave up when her fingers brushed against the wooden rowboat. Grabbing it to stay afloat, three humans kicked the boat and themselves to shore.By the time they made it to the muddy bank, they were far downstream from the crash. Devrim,
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Brinn waited until long after everyone was asleep to leave Mairwen's suite. Unwilling to let Renat return to his room in the infirmary, the elf had given him one of the sitting rooms to use for a bedroom.If she could return him to the real princess, Brinn promised herself that she would. In the meantime, she would keep him close.The ladies-in-waiting had been returned to their rooms as well. The girls chatted nervously, afraid of the short men who had taken over the palace. Brinn, disguised as Mairwen, tried to settle their nerves. "It will be fine," the elf assured them. "Mind your own business and stay here as much as possible. We will figure something out.""Your Highness," a girl with long blonde locks said. "Are you alright? You sound different."Brinn gave her a princess's scowl. "This is my assertive voice. Get used to it or I will release you from your duty!""Yes ma'am," the lady responded humbly and curtsied.'Whew,' Brinn gave a silent sigh of relief until another one of
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The princess was summoned to the makeshift dining hall for breakfast the next morning. Brinn was glad that elves did not need much sleep, because she had only gotten a little rest after her nighttime excursion."Alaron has a lot of nerve ordering me around!" Brinn grumbled as she kicked angrily at the air in Mairwen's bedroom. "Who does he think he is?!"Renat sat on the chair at the large vanity. He furrowed his brow at her tantrum. "I am pretty sure he thinks he is the new Emperor. If you do not want to get caught, you should probably do what he orders.""Mairwen would never take orders from her brother!" Brinn insisted."The princess is clever. She would play along and gather information, just as you usually do. I would guess that the prince is the problem, not the mission." Renat crossed his arms. After his arm-sling was ruined by slime, the boy discovered his range of movement was good enough to do away with the bandage.The elf glared at Renat but knew he was right. She had work
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It was hard to tell how much time had passed inside the Storehouse. Based the trio's internal clocks, it had at least been overnight. Fortunately Zan had dried food and water inside his Guardian's cloak, so they were not going to die of hunger or thirst just yet.Every so often they would go down the hall to check and make sure the entrance was still blocked. Gandr had told them that he could not get through that thick of a cave-in. The glowstone was magical and very hard on his body. A thin wall was passable, but the sheer volume of magical stone was impossibly overwhelming.It was the same problem with the passage and the Storehouse. The walls there were carved out by the Fates, and no amount of magic could penetrate them. So they must sit and wait.Just now the halfling, the Guardian, and the Empress sat pensively around one of the Storehouse tables, trying to pass the time. The males knew that they should not touch any of the books or relics. They did not want the Storehouse to a
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Rescue II
The group of four grew quiet as they exited the darkened tunnel. Ithel held up his hand as he peeked out of the passage. Seeing no one, the he-elf motioned them forward.The place where they found themselves was a long clean hall with windows cut to look like flickering flames. 'We are inside the elven palace,' Aurora observed. While she was expecting it to be so, the realization was still eye-opening.Ithel pulled them into the nearest empty room. Uniforms hung along one wall. "Do you want us to look like servants?" The Empress asked.The elven prince nodded. "Although we released the…indentured servants…from their obligations, some have still stayed. The uniforms can help you blend in. Plus if anyone sees you around here looking strangely dressed and covered in dirt, you will be stopped before you go another step. You know how far reaching my parents' informants can be."Aurora looked at her clothing. She did look very out of place, and exceptionally dirty. "Very well," she agreed.
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The Empress and Crown Princess glared at each other for a moment, sizing up one another. Aurora was short but very lovely with her dark hair and mesmerizing eyes.In contrast, Calla was exceptionally tall and as beautiful as a star. Aurora believed that if she stared too long at the elf's radiance, she might actually go blind.Calla's golden skin was offset by her eyes which were the color of purple delphiniums. Her lips were drawn tight in defiance, but still, the lovely, red curve of them was plain to see. Aurora tried hard not to be jealous of the elf's stunning beauty. It seemed like Calla was harboring a different kind of jealousy.The Empress shook off her thoughts and curtsied to the monarchs. "Your Majesties," she spoke humbly. "Forgive this intrusion…""Ha! Intrusion?!" Calla broke in haughtily. "Try invasion!""My companion and I," Aurora snapped as she motioned to Gandr, "hardly constitute an invasion!"The two ladies stopped their bickering under Lanassa's icy glare. King
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"Zan?" The question hung in the air like a fog. The Queen could not believe what she was seeing. That man should have died hundreds of years ago, yet she was sure that the man before her was the one she remembered."Lanassa," Zan responded tenderly. Aurora's eyes grew to the size of her head, and Gandr finally seemed to be paying attention. The man had called the queen of the elven world by her first name and no title. There was a story here."You!" Zoltan screamed. "How dare you come back after all this time! How is this even possible? Guards! Take this man to the dungeon until we sort this out. No one is allowed to speak to him!""Please, do not hold the Empress accountable for anything I have done. She knows nothing of the past," Zan pleaded with the King and Queen. To Aurora he said, "Do what is best for humanity and do not worry about me. I will be fine," he assured her. "Do not fight them for my sake."There was a sadness in the man's eyes that broke something inside Aurora. Wha
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With a little coaxing from the servants, Aurora was ready for dinner. She changed into a sickly greenish-yellow gown that paled her skin, but the cloth itself was very fine. The Empress wondered if Princess Calla had selected the gown to make her look ill. The she-elf had hand delivered the garment."I will have to watch out for that lady," the Empress mumbled. She took one last look in the mirror and sighed. Aurora would have to put away her vanity for the sake of her Empire. It was a small price.Gandr and Alvar had not yet returned, making Aurora slightly anxious. She hoped they were simply gathering all the information before bringing it to her. She looked down the hall for them one last time before resigning herself to dinner without back up. Ithel might try to defend her if tempers rose, but that seemed like a dangerous option. Aurora would fend for herself.The Empress had not had the pleasure of eating in the banquet hall previously. It was in the same style as the rest of the
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Aurora was stunned. "How can this be true? How can Zan be the human man that left you at the altar hundreds of years ago?" Then the Empress remembered that Guardians do not age. "Was Zan already a Guardian when you knew him?""No!" Zoltan answered a little too forcefully. Then in a calmer voice he added, "Back then he was merely a human messing around in the affairs of the elves."Aurora's momentary hopes were crushed. If Zan had already been a Guardian, perhaps duty had called him away. But it was not true. Then what had happened? "May I talk with my Chief? I am sure he could shed some light on this matter." Aurora asked diplomatically.Lanassa looked ready to agree, but Zoltan shook his head. "My wife has suffered enough at the hands of that man. I will not allow him to cause the queen new problems. I require that you release him to our justice system for his crime.""But what about diplomatic immunity?" both Lanassa and Aurora asked. The answer to the question did not come.Calla,
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