All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
322 Chapters
The little old woman waved her arms about dramatically as she spoke. "Thousands upon thousands of hostile men and monsters lay siege to the fort. Those in the humble garrison began to lose heart when the Princess rallied them. 'We must fight,' she said, 'hold on until the sun rises!' Along with the general and a few imperial soldiers, Princess Mairwen shot arrows into the darkness at the coming foe. By her bow, pirate after pirate fell to the ground, and many who sought to overthrow the Empress ended their days unsatisfied."But it was not enough. The enemy overran the battlements using sturdy ladders. As they came over the wall, the pirates and monsters cackled with delight. They had succeeded and would take the fort and everyone inside!"The entertainer paused and allowed those around to boo in disgust. Satisfied that she had made her point, the old woman went continued."Mairwen, however, refused to taste defeat. She would protect her citizens at all cost. The princess was so formi
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Hunter or Hunted?
After some organizing, a tentative plan was put in place to catch the pirates that plagued the imperial group. Devrim could not help but smile at the thoughts of the other three. He was glad to be on their side and not battling against them."Let us head back to our group!" The Emperor said loudly, knowing that four someones were spying nearby.-------------The four pirates, who went simply by Angry, Shifty, One-eye, and Pungent, had been careful after two of their comrades died while they trailed the imperial troops. At first three of them had wanted to turn around and report the events to Xander, but then then Shifty reminded them that none of them had been close enough to hear the fugitives' plans.So instead they had been following the group for these past few days. The pirates had a good idea where the group was going but wanted to be absolutely sure. If they brought inaccurate news, Xander would have their heads on a platter. Shifty and the others were wary of the gnomes, and t
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Hunter or Hunted II
Pungent was the largest of the four pirates, but not the smartest. He was a skilled fighter and a hard worker, which actually made him more valuable in Xander's eyes. Pungent followed orders without question, making him an ideal minion.But now that Pungent had no one to order him around, he felt uneasy. He liked smashing heads and brawling, not wandering through the woods without a ship. He would make these people pay for crashing his home. Pungent smiled as he imagined all the ways he could kill whoever her found."Surrender!" Junayd called with a sword at the pirate's back. The general had managed to sneak silently up behind his foe.Pungent was surprised but not afraid. "You are the general. Good. I like a challenge."The large pirate turned around suddenly and pushed away the sword with his arm. A large gash appeared on the man's bicep and began to bleed, but Pungent did not seem to notice. I lost feeling in that arm a long time ago."Junayd got a sinking feeling as Pungent gave
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The Council
Back at the palace, the Council waited to meet with the future Emperor. While everyone else had been forced to swear their allegiance or be transferred to the dungeon that morning, the Council had been kept unnervingly comfortable. The room where they were held contained lovely couches and a balcony view of the city."A cage is still a cage, no matter how gilded," Nanny reminded them."I would rather have the gilding than being left in squalor like the rest," argued Councilman Meder."Our freedom is still gone. Either Cafer means to soften us up with good treatment or he plans to lull us into a false sense of security before killing us off," Ezer countered. He looked at the lush tray of leftover food on the table in the room. After much debate, they had decided to eat it, hoping that it was not poisoned."I wonder how long he will keep us here," Meder mused."However long it takes," Nanny answered with a yawn. She was used to the gnome's underhanded tricks. He would not get inside her
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His Own Path
"What do you mean the tunnel is gone?" Cafer asked when he had calmed slightly.The gnomic guard followed the advisor into a room where Xander and Baak were playing a game of chess. The two males, having only met that morning, seemed to have gotten along better than expected. Baak, who wanted to appear cultured, had allowed the pirate to teach him the 'gentleman's game' on the checkered board. They were so engrossed in the game that they barely acknowledged when Cafer entered."How did the meeting with the Council go?" Baak queried, not taking his eyes off his oponent's bishop.Xander gave the advisor only a passing glance. "By the looks of it, not well...'Baak placed his rook as he shook his head. "I told you we should just kill the Council and everyone who opposes us...""But then who would be left to serve?" Xander countered. He moved one of his pawns to punctuate his point.Baak captured it easily and nodded thoughtfully. "Fair point. We should kill the annoying ones though.""Ag
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That's What Friends are For
"We will return Ezer to the others and find out where Cafer has run off to…" Alaron said, not understanding the depth of Brinn's question. The elf nodded dutifully, knowing the soldiers were watching. They walked with Ezer back to the holding area. Alaron gave the guards at the door their new orders. Councilman Ezer would be able to leave the room with an escort. "Do you know where my advisor might be?" Alaron asked a servant. He was directed to a room down the hall. As the door swung open, Alaron and Brinn could see a small creature dressed in green suddenly disappear. King Baak, Xander and Cafer all snapped their heads toward the door as the royals entered. Something about their expressions made the prince feel uneasy. "Emperor Alaron! I was just coming to look for you. We are running behind schedule. You were expected to start receiving your loyal noblemen and citizens a half hour ago." Cafer spoke smoothly as if he was expecting to see the boy, but it was clear by the moment o
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The Beggar
'Drivel,' as Brinn called it, was exactly what awaited the pair when they reached the throne room. On each side of the throne, a set of chairs had been placed for Xander, Baak, Cafer, Ravenna, Mairwen and, most surprisingly, Ezer.Brinn wondered if Cafer was trying to exert his power over the Councilman or if Ezer had been brought in simply to keep him away from the rest of the Council. Either way, the message that Ezer was at the mercy of the new leadership was clear.Brinn took her spot closest to Alaron on his left. She directed Renat to stand along a wall so that she could make eye contact with him without drawing attention. The spymaster was relieved that Ravenna was the one sitting on her other side. Apart from Ezer, Ravenna was the least objectionable option. Other than her ruthlessness, Brinn could almost sympathize with her.The crowd of people who came to pay their respects was quite thin. The nobles who were captured inside the palace were paraded forward. They, like the se
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The Anna Rescue
After a very brief night of sleep, Brinn woke to complete her latest mission. She had needed the rest, and the elf had fallen much deeper into slumber than she intended. If not for something in her subconscious prodding her to wake, she would have blissfully remained unconscious.As her eyes focused in the darkness, the elf could tell something was off in Mairwen's room. She stretched her aching muscles and sighed."You are so determined to come that you are watching me sleep?" Brinn asked.Renat sat quietly at the princess's vanity. "You and I both know your would not have woken me.""Yeah, but watching me like that is creepy," Brinn argued, forgetting all the times she had spied on others including the Empress when they had first met. "I could have you punished for stalking the princess.""You already made everyone believe I am a eunuch…" The boy glared."Alaron said that…but if you want to give me credit I could…" Brinn stroked her chin."Don't even think about it!" Renat blanched.
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News of Anna's escape and a strange feline attack on the palace walls reached Cafer's ears early the next morning. Wondering if they were connected, the gnome wisely kept the news both from the Council and his allies. There was no need to worry yet. As long as Ezer thought that they had Anna, that was what mattered.Anyway, the gnome had other matters on his mind. He sought out Ravenna and found her watching the gnomes and servants clear and rebuild the palace. "They work so quickly," the woman in a dark blue wig said as she saw Cafer approach. "How long do you think it will be before I can move into a more permanent set of quarters?"Cafer watched the progress. "A couple of days at the most. You are anxious to get settled?""I want as much distance from the dungeon and myself as possible. His Majesty was very gracious to give me the suite I requested." Ravenna did not take her eyes off of the construction as she spoke. There was an obvious mix of magic and masonry occurring, but it w
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A Kiss
After a quick farewell to the Empress, Alvar wasted no time in climbing aboard the eagle and heading toward his elven love. The birds could move faster than even Alvar could calculate. Whether by the Fates or sheer determination, Alvar found himself entering Valiant an hour before sunset the following day.It was far easier to enter the palace than Alvar had anticipated. With all the attention on the people coming and going to pay respects to the new Emperor and the lack of recognition between the gnome and human guards (not to mention all the random pirates), no seemed to be paying him any mind. Alvar easily changed his appearance at each checkpoint to match whomever he needed.Once inside the building, Alvar tried to recall the map Aurora had drawn him before he left. He headed toward Princess Mairwen's suite of rooms while avoiding the main halls.He knocked on what he believed was the appropriate door, and was greeted by a lady-in-waiting. The girl told Alvar, who was disguised as
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