All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
322 Chapters
The Chieftain
Orhan watched the scouting party approach. He was adored with a lightweight silver cloth wrapped tightly around his head. The Cheiftain had seen the curious sand wave the day before, but was hesitant to investigate during the daylight. Whatever had caused the tsumani was very powerful, and he did not want to challenge that force.So under the cover of darkness, the Chieftain sent Officer Metehan to examine exactly what happened. He had no idea that the efforts would bring back nearly a hundred people!"What have you brought me?" Orhan asked when Metehan was within speaking distance."More victims of the desert, Chieftain." Metehan approached Orhan and fell to one knee and put his fist on his chest. The girl standing next to him curtsied. Her clear blue eyes were almost the same color as the sky."Why is this one not sleeping like the others? We do not bring people into our camp where they can find it again," Orhan scolded."A wise practice for a wise Cheiftain," Mairwen complimented h
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Gentle Hands or Viper Fangs
Devrim exited the tent and held out his hand to shield himself from the afternoon sun. He could hear Mairwen's voice, but it was not until his vision adjusted to the light that he could identify one of the other speakers. "Captain Caleb? What are you doing here?" Devrim asked, surprised. The Captain of the palace guard bowed before the Emperor. "Forgive me, Your Highness! I got caught up in the siege of the Southern Fort. I was checking on supplies and preparations to report to the Empress when everything went wrong. The gnomes attacked from below and nearly collapsed the whole fortress. We were forced into the desert and lost many soldiers to quicksand and the heat. "When we thought all was lost, these strange animals appeared like ghosts in the desert. I believe they are called camels. The Dunesmen put us to sleep and brought us here. We have been regrouping to make an attack on the fort ever since." Caleb stepped aside, and Devrim viewed the camp of the People of the Drifting Dun
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The Fate's Dilemma
Finally everyone was squared away and settled. The Emperor was clean, full and enjoying his new clothes. He was even presented with his own head covering. While he understood the function of the cloth before, seeing it in action was something new. The lightweight fabric blocked the sun from beating down on him, and he felt far more comfortable in the heat than he had wearing less clothing.As promised, Devrim met with the Cheiftain and Timur. The Emperor brought Junayd, Captain Caleb and Lieutenant Mund with him to the Cheifain's tent and Orhan had his son Timur, Metehan and a many of the elders of the Dunesman.They all reclined comfortably on cushions in a circle with a low portable table placed in the middle. In fact, it was one of the most comfortable meetings Devrim had ever attended. He wondered if they could employ similar methods at the palace.Telling Devrim the same story as he relayed to Mairwen earlier, Orhan gave those in the tent his predicament. "I must decide how best
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Back at the palace, things were coming to a head. The palace was nearly reconstructed, and that meant that Baak would be moving his "trophies" soon. There was little time to lose.Alvar had been changing his appearance often to avoid detection since his arrival. So far, no one seemed to suspect that not one, but two elves were hiding in plain sight.Brinn had decided not to tell Alaron about her beloved's arrival. The prince was surprisingly tolerant of many of her antics lately, including a heated discussion of whether to serve chocolate gnomes as the dessert for the coronation feast."Princess Mairwen" had insisted it would be fitting, but Cafer did not like the idea of people eating the heads off the little edible sculptures. In the end, Brinn prevailed, knowing that she would enjoy destroying the little chocolate beast almost as much as taking down a real one.However, the spymaster was not sure that his tolerance would extend to Alvar or to the upcoming escape of Bukuri and compa
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Prison Break
"What do you mean?" Alaron clenched his fists and leveled his gaze at the guard. He could not remember anyone ever escaping from the palace prison before. Such a thing did not happen."Are you sure?" Cafer asked nervously, forgetting the spill on his garments. "Perhaps you should check again.""I am sure. Six prisoners are missing from their cells," the guard announced with all the courage he had left."SIX?" Everyone at the table repeated. Brinn was in shock as much as anyone."Who is missing?" Alaron tried to remain calm. Maybe it was not as bad as it sounded."General Nurlan…" the man paused trying to decide how to proceed. "Uh, two of King Baak's prisoners: a horseman and the woman with him, and the three assassins that tried to kill Princess Mairwen."Everyone in the room was in an uproar for various reasons."General Nurlan is a powerful enemy. We cannot let him escape!" Cafer raised his voice and hands, ready to call all the soldiers to look."What do you mean my prisoners are
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Prison Break II
Behind the blond assassin were two more men who looked equally as dangerous. Renat recognized them immediately as the men who tried to kill Mairwen. An anger at their actions fueled a fire in his eyes, but he realized quickly that he could not act just now.A fight in the dungeon would draw unwanted attention. Anyway, the knife at his throat limited him options. He had a better idea."There you are!" he said with annoyance. "We have been looking for you. Why did you not stay by your cell and wait for us?" he turned his head ever so slightly to those behind him. "I found the other assassins. Now we can finally leave.""You were looking for us?" the second assassin asked. His intentionally bald head and hazel eyes made his age unreadable."They are assassins?" the third man asked almost simultaneously. His dark, wispy hair looped around his many earrings.Nurlan was quick to jump on the plot. He slouched slightly and sneered in a way that made him nearly unrecognizable. "You think you w
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Circle of Light
The guards surrounding them suddenly faded as ring of light engulfed the five heroes and two remaining assassins."What is happening?" Nurlan stood and drew his sword."Big magic," Bukuri said softly. "Not gnome magic." Faris gripped her tightly in his arms as she shivered.For a moment everything around them was quiet.Into the ring of light came two figures. "What is the meaning of this?!" Alaron demanded to know. His hands were formed into two circles pressed together and his eyes were fierce with hatred.The prisoners looked at him with awe and fear. 'His magic has grown,' Renat observed with terror. That amount of energy would be highly draining.The conscious assassin was being pressed to the ground by an invisible force. He was whimpering under the pressure. Alvar hit him with the butt of his sword, and he went still.Behind Alaron, Brinn, disguised as Mairwen, had followed the Prince into the light. "I can explain," she said quickly."YOU let out the assassins who tried to mur
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Turning Point
Brinn was surprised when Alaron offered his arm for her to take. Clearly he was trying to make a point.Walking past Cafer, Brinn looked over her shoulder to see his resentment and anger at his defeat. She worked to quickly hide her satisfaction and turned back to the prince.The fake Mairwen took her brother's arm and felt his weight lean into her. She pretended to need more assistance and brought her other hand to his elbow to support him further. Brinn could feel that Alaron's strength was fading. They walked quickly into the palace."That ball of light…" Brinn whispered.The boy gave a smile, but it was weak and strained. "The ball is one of my newest tricks. An extension of the sound barrier I have done before. With all the magical creatures around, I knew I needed to try to be stronger.""But its size!" The green-eyed elf still could not fathom it.Then she felt Alaron stumble and quickly steadied him, snapping her from her thoughts."Renat?" Brinn called gently to Alvar. He did
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The Final Straw
"You should have told me last night," Brinn, disguised as Mairwen, fussed quietly at the fake Renat.Alvar looked ashamed. "I was too caught up in the prince's magic and sickness. I really thought the assassin would be caught before he was able to go south."The two elves sat huddled in the corner of the prince's bedchamber. They turned and looked at the prince, who was lying on the bed. Alaron had had a fitful night, but he seemed still enough now. Satisfied, the spymaster continued her clandestine conversation."You are sure the guy--what did you call him? Hemel?-- Are you sure he has not been caught?" Brinn tried to keep her voice down. She would have preferred to have this conversation elsewhere, but the Doctor had warned her that Alaron should be monitored at all times until he was awake."I was just in the hall pretending to be worried for your safety...I mean Mairwen's safety. Do not look at me like that. I am always worried about you." Alvar ran his finger along Brinn's arm to
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"What do you mean, the final straw?" Brinn asked.The prince remained still for a long time before answering. "I had myself convinced that even with all I have done, I could still be a good Emperor. I thought in the end the good would make up for all the bad. I was wrong. All this time I was just being 'handled'. I pushed myself further into the grandeur of fame and honor and glory. All because Cafer told me I deserved it. That I was worthy. But deep down I knew: it was all a lie. I am a fraud." Alaron's voice was full of grief."You mean…" Brinn was not sure she was hearing correctly."I mean I cannot be Emperor." Alaron's tone was firm even as his eyes filled with tears. His shoulders slumped. "What am I going to do?"The spymaster patted the boy's back "There is hope for you yet, Prince Alaron," Brinn assured him. "Though you very nearly missed it.""I had good timing," Alvar smiled. "Managed to arrive in time for the battle to be over!"Brinn stared solemnly at the elf she loved.
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