All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
322 Chapters
A Father's Revelation
Devrim started in horror at the scene before him. Mairwen's dress was torn, exposing part of her leg. Her head covering was ripped and thrown to one side and a dark cloak was now draped across her shoulders. However, that was not the most disturbing part. She had her arms firmly wrapped around a handsome young man who Devrim did not not fully recognize. It was only when both Eira and Nurlan called the boy's name that recognition began to sink in."Wait, THAT is Renat?" Devrim yelled in astonishment. "B-b-but that is the servant boy who was supposed to serve the scientist," he stammered.Nurlan shook his head. "That is the scientist himself, Your Majesty. He has endured much to be here.""But the scientist is old. I am sure of it..." Those soldiers around him began to chuckle. Of course they had the courtesy to cover their grins behind coughs and yawns, but it was not enough. The Emperor turned red. "All of you knew?! Why did no one tell me?""Her Majesty was waiting for the right time
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Mirror Messages
It took some time for Devrim to receive the response to his sarcastic communication. He was beginning to wonder if he had been too harsh, but the frustration he felt made him refuse to send a second message to apologize.Nurlan and Junayd were in the Emperor's tent with him. Everyone else was too busy getting the new arrivals situated in the camp. Mairwen and Renat had gone to change and clean up in the proper areas, leaving the three men alone."Renat is a good lad, though a bit awkward." Nurlan had finished recounting the events from the palace until now. He told of the dragons leaving, prison, Brinn and Alvar and even of Alaron letting them leave. Devrim had listened closely and even wrote down a few things that he thought were of particular importance.Now that Nurlan was finished, he felt obligated to put in a good word for Renat after all his effort. "Renat has been dead-set on stopping the assassin ever since Hemel escaped the palace. He even asked me to train him so that he wo
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Mirror Messages II
Just then there was a disturbance at the flap of the tent. A servant escorted in Renat and quickly left without a word. Upon seeing the loving scene between father and daughter, the scientist averted his eyes. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. I was told you wanted to see me.""He apologizes a lot," Mairwen whispered into Devrim's ear.The Emperor hid his smile and ignored the intruder. "You should get ready for the feast tonight, Mairwen. Orhan has been curing the meat since we arrived. It should rival even the royal kitchens!"Mairwen made one last silent plea with her eyes and then sighed. Passing Renat on her way out of the tent, she made an apology of her own. "I am sorry," she said, leaving the boy as confused as ever.Renat bowed before the Emperor. "I am sorry for the ripped clothes of the princess. That was all due to the assassin. Please believe I would never..."Devrim cut him off. "I am aware of what has happened. I have received your account as well as the princess's from my sol
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A Dance or Two
Because wood was scarce in the desert, other sources of fuel were used to create the bonfires for the evening's feast. The acrid smell could not dampen the excitement of those who danced and sang in time to the music.Mairwen was clad in a dress of purple with silver trim. Orhan's wife had made it especially for the princess, and the effect was magnificent. The fire played off the silver thread, giving the girl the appearance of flickering starlight along the fitted bodice. On anyone else, the dress would have outshone the girl, but the princess rivaled its beauty in every way.The feast was meant to honor the princess and Emperor, as well as to mark the upcoming Fate's Dilemma. Orhan has spared no expense when it came to the festivities. And his people, who had graciously accepted all the extra visitors, were happy for the change. Even Timur attended with his small band of followers, but they made sure to situate themselves far enough away not to cause any trouble.Seated between Orh
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Renat chuckled softly. "Funny you should ask, because..." He was unable to finish his sentence.Like some devilish imp, the music reached its climax, causing the group to spin at a dizzying speed. Out of nowhere, Metehan's two daughters appeared with their partners and the four surrounded the princess and scientist."What--"The quartet held their scarves over Renat and Mairwen, making a cross that lowered between the couple. They spun counter to the pair wrapping their long scarves around the two until they were entwined together. It all happened so fast, that Renat did not understand what was occurring until he was pressed firmly up against the girl of his dreams. She smiled sweetly at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The song ended and those who had gatherer watched expectantly."It is customary that those caught in the web at the end of the line kiss to set themselves free," the younger sister offered. A ripple of laughter from those nearby brought the entangled pair
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"I still cannot believe he challenged you. I have half a mind to make a challenge of my own against Timur." Renat was complaining as he watched Mairwen train.The scientist had taken a break from setting up his laboratory in order to check in on his love. The past two days still felt like a dream, and Renat was afraid that if he did not seek out the princess at least a few times a day, he would wake up and find none of it had happened. This was his excuse for dropping in now."Do not waste your energy on Timur," Mairwen scolded after releasing her final shot."But did you hear him running his mouth yesterday? You would have thought he invented archery!" Renat had come close to blows when Timur had been bragging about his superior skill."He is scared. Even his few followers sense he is nervous. Why else would that one fool, Qulu, spend so much time propping up his ego?" Eira scoffed as she walked away from the pair toward the target."Exactly, we cannot let Timur or Qulu muddy our tho
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"I do not understand," Timur said as he tried to process his father's words. "Why would I have a problem if I did not do it? I am as angry as you that Princess Mairwen is hurt!""I doubt that very much. You are the one who benefits from the princess being unable to shoot her bow." Renat spat."If you did not do it, then you surely know who did," Devrim added. Although his words were calm, it was clear that his anger bubbled just below the surface.Mairwen looked at the two men with Timur. The first looked angry that the Chieftain's son had been accused, but the second was inching his way to the tent's exit. The movement was noticed by Orhan as well."Qulu!" Orhan called.The young man froze with a crooked grin. "Yes, Chieftain?"The Chieftain motioned the short man forward and furrowed his brow. "You have been very quiet. Normally you would jump to Timur's defense before he could get out a single word."Qulu became serious. Knowing all eyes were upon him, he held his nose high in the
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The Fates' Dilemma
Even from the further distance, the second arrow also landed dead center.Mairwen watched with her father from the shade of the canopy. "Well, he is a good shot. I will give him that." Her voice was calm even though her body was tense. She was glad she had not watched him practice up until this point, or her nerves might have gotten the better of her.Orhan gave a pained smile. "Timur has enjoyed archery since he was young. He is the best shot among the Dunesmen."The scientist crossed his arms defiantly "He is not as good as the princess," he said without hesitation."When she is at her best, I agree," Devrim responded."Which I most certainly am not today," Mairwen added with a wry chuckle, finishing her father's unspoken thought.Timur walked over with an outstretched arm to welcome the princess to the field. His bow was slung across his back. "It is your turn, Your Highness."The girl gave a brief nod. "So it is." Mairwen took the man's hand, and he helped her from her seat.While
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Awake Again
The light faded slowly as Brinn regained control of her senses. She had no concept of how much time had passed, but the fatigue of her muscles suggested it had been quite sometime since they had been used."Welcome back, princess…" Xander said in a silky smooth voice as he reclaimed his Merpearl and held it up. "…if that is indeed who you are."Brinn looked down to make sure that her disguise was still in place before responding defiantly. "How dare you! Of course I am the princess! Who else could I be?""The Princess's look alike or something more magical perhaps. I do not know. What I do know is that someone who looks very much like you who was an excellent archer left the palace when the dragon's attacked. I had brushed it off until Cafer and I had a frank discussion about a week ago. Then he became suspicious too."Brinn sat up in her bed quickly. Xander chuckled. "I am so glad you are feeling better. Time can do wonders for healing."Brinn saw that the pearl was still glowing fai
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The Coronation
Blue and white banners adorned the palace and flapped outside in the breeze. The balcony was the outfitted with all manner of royal finery to accept the participants in the coronation. Below, nobility and commoners waited for the ceremony to begin.Dressed in a fine gown of blue and white, Brinn, disguised as the princess, took her place in the seat on the balcony for the coronation. Earlier, the terrified ladies-in-waiting could only tell her that Alvar had been dragged from the room after being knocked unconcious and that the guards commented that he was heavier than he looked. They had no idea where he was nor how to find him. So she was forced to attend the coronation without back-up and blind to the situation.She fingered the lace of her gown idly, but really she was sizing up the two guards standing on either side of her throne. They were wide but not tall and smelled of dirt: obviously gnomes. Brinn could probably take them out and leap to the ground hoping for the best, but e
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