All Chapters of Empress of the World: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
322 Chapters
Target Practice
Back in the desert, Renat walked outside of his workshop tent to survey the work being done. In the passing weeks those who were too weak, old, or otherwise unqualified to fight had been sent to him to help with his inventions.Many people were working to make the tinted orange glasses to fight against the Merpearl. However there was ample labor, and Renat had found some other inventions that might be helpful in battle.Getting some of the materials had been tricky, but humanity was known for their creativity. Just now Renat was observing the last piece of a massive weapon being lowered into place. It was a delicate maneuver, but the scientist had made a system of pulleys to help."Careful! Slowly now." Renat told his assistants."Yes sir!" They answered as they worked the woven ropes.Being called 'sir' was a compromise the boy had made when he took on the extra help. Renat did not feel like he was worthy of the honorable title, but it caught on quickly, and even those not under his
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Clearing a Path Northward
"The resistance has been less fierce than I feared, Your Majesty," Nurlan commented as he wiped the sweat from his brow and the blood from his sword.The most recent skirmish in their northward sweep had been anticlimactic. A small band of men had tried to ambush the grey-eyed Emperor. The battalion seemed to be solely intent on killing Devrim and the Princess at the expense of their lives. Surprise had been their biggest asset.Fortunately they had been unsuccessful. A scout has told warned that the men were lying in wait, but it was decided that the imperial troop should deal with them now rather later. The more of Cafer's allies they could eliminate, the better in the end.Using himself as bait, the Emperor along with Mairwen and a dozen others rode into the high grass. They appeared to be alone."I love the ardor of our men," Devrim said to Nurlan, "but it is also nice to get away from the noise.""I understand, Your Majesty," Junayd responded woodenly. "I am also glad we left beh
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Clearing a Path Southward
Further north the magical army journeyed southward with Aurora, clearing out gnomes that had infested the towns.They had met almost no human resistance, and the appearance of the magical saviors brought cheers from the downtrodden townspeople. The poor people complained bitterly about the gnomes. Much like the Warrior Princess tales, the stories of the gnomes got more outlandish as they went. Some had even exaggerated the gnomes into ten foot tall earthquake-makers. However, Aurora always tried to listen carefully, even when their stories seemed completely far-fetched.Just now another battle had been won, but the fighting gnomes had disappeared with no casualties on their side."Those pesky gnomes are so irritating!" Brinn fussed with a curse or two that even Aurora hadn't heard before."I am sure they feel the same way about us," the Empress responded as she rode on Utku. While Zoltan had ridden back with Ithel to address the Elven troops, the two humans, Gandr and Brinn kept press
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The Fellowship
"...Zan?" the other man threw back his hood to reveal a set of silver eyes exactly matching Zan's. His hair was the color of brown oak and his face was of a man in his early thirties. Despite the fierce voice which he had used with him before, he seemed quite delighted just now. "Zan! We thought you were dead!""It is not the first time and I fear it will not be the last. The life of a Guardian is anything but peaceful, as you know." Zan laughed. Vahan stowed his sword within his brown cloak, and the two men embraced."Why did you not come and join us in the Fellowship this year?" Vahan scolded."I have just now made it this far south. I thought about dropping in now, but figured all of you would have joined His Majesty and the army already." There was a slight accusation in Zan's voice, but it did not seem to bother the other Guardian."And we intended to, but then the rumors of more and more magical creatures coming down from the land of magic reached our ears. You know we could not
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The First Reunion
The camp was abuzz as a scout returned after spotting the approaching magical army. Devrim put on the best clothes that he brought to welcome the esteemed guests. Or so he told everyone. Really, he wanted to impress his beautiful wife.Some soldiers were scrambling to get the final shine on their armor while others were cleaning up the camp to make it look as regal as possible. One recruit was getting scolded by his superior for leaving his undergarments out on the line like unholy flags.From outside the camp's headquarters, orders were being barked. "General Nurlan, have everyone who is available assemble at the north end of the camp," Devrim directed the General."Yes, Sire!""Captain Caleb, make sure my quarters are ready to receive the Empress. She is likely to be exhausted." Devrim watched the Captain smile broadly."At once, Your Majesty!""What about me, Your Majesty?" Junayd asked. He was slightly offended that others had been given tasks before him.The Emperor ignored his q
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Another Reunion
"I am so sorry! I did not know it was you all those years. Even so, I still should have freed you. Forgive me," the words ran from Gandr's mouth like water from a fountain. They would have kept coming had not his mother silenced him by covering his lips with her delicate fingers."I am here now. You are here now. That is what matters. We will not dwell on what should have been. The future will be our focus. We cannot let the past define us." Bukuri's words were salve to the halfling's aching heart. The emotional wound, which had been carrying for too long, could finally begin to heal.Gandr stood and kissed his mother on the cheek. She smiled, stepped back and used her wind magic to brush away the halfling's disguise. Under the gnomic facade, which looked mostly human, was the true form of the halfling.His ears were somewhere between rounded and pointy, as if something they were only half finished either direction. His skin was not the pasty paleness of the gnomes or the gold of the
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"I said to raise the taxes again!" Cafer screamed at the Councilman. The door to the ruler's office was closed, but the yelling could be heard clearly outside. "Why does Emperor Alaron keep you around if you cannot follow simple orders?"Councilman Meder tried to keep his cool, but the gnome was making him angry. "You are going to bleed the people dry. Already they complain about unfair treatment.""Let them complain! Humans love to grumble," the gnome was used to people always finding fault with something.Meder pinched the bridge of his nose. "You will push them too far. What does the Emperor need the money for this time?""Weapons, armor, fortifications, feeding the army… pick one. We need money for war." The King of the gnomes narrowed his eyes at the Councilman. "It does not matter in the end. His Majesty answers to no one. Meder, I let you out of confinement because I thought you would be useful, but so far you are just irritating me. Now make it happen."The Councilman swallowe
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The morning dawned and the Emperor and Empress exited their tent looking, for the first time in a long time, like the world was not resting on their shoulders."It is amazing what a good night's sleep can do," Devrim said as he wrapped his arms around his wife. "Perhaps we should go back and rest a little more, you know, to make sure we are at full strength."He tugged her slightly, and she nearly gave in. But her senses returned at the last moment and she resisted. "We need to rally and plan our attack. The New Emperor's army will come for us any day now that we are together. We cannot lose any more time on such…wonderful pursuits." The woman blushed slightly.Devrim wanted to press further, but knew he could not. He released his grip and reached for the Empress's hand instead. "Of course you are right, but at least we had one night. I know we had good men watching out for us, isn't that right, Junayd?"The General appeared from some hidden location. "Everything is in order, Your Maj
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Meeting on the Mound
The New Emperor's army arrived a few days later on the Beachy Plains and set up their lines for battle. As Aurora suspected, the gnomes and humans were kept in separate ranks, with the pirates hemming the imperial army in on the third side like a deadly triangle.If not for the fairies ability to portal, they would have been truly surrounded and stuck. After a tense night, morning dawned without either side attacking.By the early morning light, the Empress and Emperor stared hand in hand looking out at the enemy troops."Today is the day. Whatever happens, things will be different." Aurora's eyes were filled with tears. It was better to get them out now. There was no place for them on the battlefield."Are you sure you want to do this?" Devrim asked quietly. He was holding back tears of his own. He had only just gotten his wife back, and she was about to leave him alone again.Aurora nodded. "I am.""I still think that I should go with you. I am sure I can help you accomplish your go
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*Two days prior*Brinn arrived in Valiant on the back of her unicorn just as the light was beginning to dawn. Her wind magic and the unicorn's speed brought them swiftly toward their destination: the palace.Finding a safe place to stow her steed, she used her stealth to approach the fortress unobserved. 'I hope Aurora was right,' she thought as she waited for the palace gates to open for the day.Brinn's mind wandered back to the morning after arriving at the Beachy Plains where Aurora had shared her concerns with the spymaster."If Alaron is as opposed to battle as you say, then there is no way that Cafer will bring him here," the Empress had said.Brinn considered her words. "You think the gnome will leave him at the palace.""I would bet on it. Cafer needs a competent leader for the human troops to follow. If he drugs Alaron and tries to bring him along, a lot can go wrong, and his soldiers will lose faith." Aurora reasoned."So…let me guess. You want me to fetch the wayward princ
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