All Chapters of The Billionaire's Mistake: Married Too Young: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Chapter 60: It's A Mystery
"Jenna, I don't know how you do it."  Sam cries over the phone. "What do you mean?" I whisper and sit up in bed, frowning.  Trying to figure out what is wrong now, I slip from under the covers and climb out of bed before Dean wakes up. "Brad didn't come home and Nicolette has been crying all night.  You were right, I can't take care of her myself.  If he doesn't come home soon, I will have to pay someone to help me.  Or maybe you can?"   I absolutely hate it when she whines.  She sounds like a little kid who is throwing a temper tantrum.  Not to mention, I already have a headache from her constant pestering.   "Sam, I am no good with kids.  I remember my grandma had me watch one of the great grandkids when I was seventeen and that didn't turn out very well.  Of course, I think if it was my own child it would be different.  At least I hope so." "But you have to help me. 
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Chapter 61: Why Would She Do That?
"Bang""Smash""Bang"As I'm walking up to Sam's hospital room, I hear loud noises and then she screams, "Get out of here!"Hesitant, I slowly open the door and peek in before stepping in.  Brad turns around and glares at me.  Sam glances over quickly and smiles before returning her wrath to Brad and throwing a vase of roses at him.Shaking my head and wishing that I hadn't decided to visit today, I smile and say loudly, "Sam, you need to stop." She turns her attention to me and says, "He deserves everything I am giving him.  He left and now Nicolette is in foster care."I step forward and scan the room for a chair on the other side of her so I am not in the path of her destruction.  Walking by Brad, I mouth, "I'm sorry."  And then continue to the chair.  Watching this soap opera unfold, I sit back and wait for her to get done before I have a talk with her.Throwing a few more things around,
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Chapter 62: I Told You So
"You knew that she was doing drugs?"  I spit and stare at Brad vehemently as I ask. He nods and looks apologetically before I ask another question.  "How could you?" Walking around the room before answering me, he hesitantly says, "Because I have never stopped you from doing anything you wanted to, have I?  I gave you anything you ever asked for."   Thinking about that one, I realize that I can't say anything.  He really did give me anything that I asked him for.  There was never a question of it, till I asked him for a divorce and that's the only time he fought tooth and nail over anything I wanted. Glancing over to Sam, I notice that she is awfully quiet and then I figure out why.  Looking extremely guilty, she holds something in her hand.  I stand up and ask, "Can I see what you have?" She looks at me and quickly puts it away.  "What?" "Don't play stupid with me.  You know very
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Chapter 63: Never Ending
"Can you tell Brad for me that I don't want to see him right now?"  The disgust in Samantha's voice is so evident that it drips off of every word.  Right now I just want to smack the crap out of her.   Two days ago, they let her out of the hospital and now Brad is desperately trying to get Nicolette back by using all the power and money he has to influence the judge.  Thing is, Samantha doesn't want to have anything to do with him now that he won't supply her the drugs she is itching for.  When I went over there yesterday, a stranger was sitting on her couch and I could swear that he looked like a drug dealer, but I didn't say anything. I have more important things on my plate.  Yesterday, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive, of course it had to happen just when I was starting my fashion design business.  I even have connections in Milan and Rome now.   "Well, Sam you have to grow up.  I am n
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Chapter 64: Is It A Boy Or A Girl?
"Can you move over a bit?  I can't see it just yet."  "How?"  I ask as the doctor as she stares at me waiting. She points towards the wall, so I scooch my butt a few inches that direction.  "That's it!  Do you want to know the sex?" I hesitate, because looking over at Dean I wait to see what he says.  It has been 3 months since I took the pregnancy test and between the fashion design business and the whole mess with Sam and Brad, the time has flown by.  Now we are in the doctor's office and getting my first ultrasound of the baby.  So when Dean nods, I feel ecstatic. "Yes.  We do."  I practically yell because I'm so excited. Having my first baby is such a learning experience for me.  When month two hit, I started having morning sickness and never thought that it would go away.  I just figured that it would last the whole pregnancy and wondered how women for thousands of years went thr
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Chapter 65: Unfit
"You asshole!" I hear as I dodge things being thrown all over the living room at Brad.  When I walked into the room about five minutes earlier, Brad was getting screamed at and things thrown at his head, expensive things.  Things I used to own. Now she is just flinging obscenities at him like a drunken sailor.  Trying to stop her, I yell, "Sam, cut it out!" She glares at me and starts to say something, but quickly brings her attention back to Brad and screams, "You are such a complete shithead.  I want a divorce!" Dropping my mouth open, I glance between Sam and Brad.  When I look back to Sam, I realize that she has either gone completely insane or she is on drugs.  Before this moment, I thought for sure that she was just having a temper tantrum.    Now however, I am sure there is so much more to this.  I cry out, "Stop!" again and this time she does.   Sam walks towards me and put
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Chapter 66: My Man
"I just can't believe you." I scream at Dean as I enter the room. The last couple of days have been hectic because we have been trying to redecorate the babies room and now we are at my first fashion show.  Being four months pregnant, I am really starting to show, so Dean is insisting that we get married soon.  Talk about an interesting time.   To top it all off, now I find Dean sitting in the backroom with a woman on his lap.  Her hands are all over him and he doesn't seem to be trying to stop her very hard.  So much for a wedding.   The scary thing is, I actually thought he loved me and he was the one.  Afterall, I am carrying his baby and everything.  I thought we belonged together, but I guess it turns out that he is just another Brad and now I have to leave it all behind again. Crying, I dash out of the room as fast as a pregnant woman can and run straight into a very tall man in his sixties, with
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Chapter 67: Why Does Everyone Lie?
"I can't believe you lied to me!" I cry out, feeling my world crumbling from underneath me."You were supposed to be the one person I could trust and now you tell me you are my real father?"Uncle Harry or should I say dad, sits next to me on the sofa looking bewildered after he notifies me that he is not my uncle but indeed my father.  I am so confused and can't trust anyone now.  What is going on?  First, he shows up into my life on a day filled with so much anguish and now he is the one causing it."Darling, I didn't want to tell you at first because you would never understand.  I loved your mother till the day she died and your father never knew.  She only stayed with him out of duty because he loved her so much.  See, just after they got married, I came back from the military and I realized I couldn't live without her.  By then it was too late, she had already married your father that you grew up with.""But, why?&n
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Chapter 68: Not Fair
The minute they leave, I feel really bad about it.  Knowing that it will be the last time we see them for at least a while till everything cools down, I turn to Dean so I can say my piece.  Instead of talking, he picks me up and kisses me.  While his lips devour mine, he carries me to the bedroom to finish what we had started earlier before all the drama.  After he throws me down on the bed and takes my clothes off, we make love several times until we fall asleep in each other's arms.  Waking up in the middle of the night, I feel Maureen move for the first time.  It's a sort of warm feeling and then a quick little flutter, like a butterfly inside of me.  Then the kicking starts and I start to get nauseous and a bit dizzy. Running to the bathroom, she starts to kick furiously and I actually see my stomach move.  I don't pay attention to where I am going, so I end up slipping on the bathroom rug and falling face first onto t
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Chapter 69: When The Sun Rises
"Can she go home today?"  Dean says as the doctor paces around the room. "Yes, but if she starts to have difficulties bring her right back here.  Sometimes after a miscarriage this late, a woman can experience heavy bleeding.  If she does, she may need to have a hysterectomy." Startled by that, I turn quickly to face him and ask, "Doesn't that mean that I would never be able to have kids?" "Yes.  It does unfortunately."  He says in a cold tone of voice.  Horrified by that reality, I carefully weigh my options.  If I go home and start to bleed heavily, I may lose the ability to have children.  If I don't go home right away, I can catch something in the hospital and get sick.  Not to mention, if I stay here another day I may start to go slowly crazy.   Shaking my head, I say to Dean, "It will work out, things always do."  before I take his hand and kiss the back of it. When I st
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