All Chapters of Hell shaker: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
 “You are the wrong person to talk in the conversation between me and my daughter.” My mother yelled at my father. “Just as unfit for this as your outfit is.”  Of course she only started singing to this tone when my father listened to everything and then faced her with anger and started to ‘take sides’ with me. According to her although he really did not side me.  I was still wrong about my actions in his eyes but my mother was level of wrongness was in another realm entirely “I had to use this outfit because one of us was unconcerned with the reactions and the eyes that would face our child if people knew her identity, with you being present and recognized you just made your enemies, hers. That is not what any loving mother would do then again, you never did have that emotion, it was replaced with being manipulating and scheming.” My father returned
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Iris The lights were on too blight and my body felt like it had been used as a piñata in the game played by Mexican children on earth. My tongue felt dry as it stuck to the top of my mouth and the noise was alarmingly headbanging.  My head was seriously banging and people were quarreling. If I had strength, I would have performed a nasty spell on them just to get them back, they should know better than to argue in the room of someone weak. And assuming that the energy I am getting was all off, this was not my room and I would guess I was in the healing wing of the school.  I remembered falling and I hate that I do, I can just imagine what those who hated the news that my mother was queen would be saying now. That I am acting like a weak princess falling and fainting for no good reason.  Although the leaders here have to be the strongest of their race maybe I am wrong. Only a wea
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Cirdan I watched as her father’s aura whipped out again and the soul sisters, clamped their mouths shut when they realized that they made a mistake.  “What did you just call me?” He asked and that was when Iris's mother appeared beside her daughter's father and looked down from her nose at the three girls who huddled together. The adults staring at them were not only angry but also ready to deal with them.  “Nothing sir.” Viana stuttered out, more respectful this time but the damage was already done.  Three pairs of couples appeared just as Iris's mother had and they started to round upon the people who were facing their children threatening. That was until they saw Iris's mother.  “What am I not surprised that it is you?” Iris's father growled at Viana's parents just as his disguise shredded itself, it was not meant t
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Apparently, Cirdan had to leave school for almost a week after my father’s big reveal, according to the words of Finn, he had to go and pay acknowledgment to his king which was my father, he was not the only folk that went missing, in fact most of them went missing but they gradually came back. None stayed away as long as Cirdan did though. I even started to think that he didn’t want to come back and I desperately wanted him back.  Since the morning after the night when my father's disguise failed, I had had a strange feeling, one which I attributed to Cirdan being away and so I could not be blamed for my reaction when I heard that Cirdan was back.  And he really was so popular that I was not the only student who was moving to the location he was in, it was as if there was an invisible rope connecting me to him. I was gradually feeling lighter with each step I took.  Finn grumbled beside me. St
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Iris Cirdan took us to his room where we proceeded to have a long make-out session, interspaced with us talking about little things we felt each other should know and with the talking, I learnt that he was aware I was his mate since the first time we met. That was why he gave me the pendant that has always been in his family, one made for each mate of his family, mine had small modifications from his mother’s own.  At first I was hurt, wondering why he did not say anything but he said that he had been waiting for me to get my footing but it did make sense, why he placed me under his protection and was always watching me, he made an effort for me and I made things difficult for him by not talking to him.  After I had apologized and he had also, we were still getting to know each other when a knock sounded on the door.  Cirdan went to open the door and whoever he saw at the door, m
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Iris Finn was a douche, a big douche when he wants to be. Something I did not know about until he placed me in that category of people he needed to be douchy to, all because I told him to find other friends during the time I was going to spend with my mate since I cannot be with him throughout the day as we usually do before Cirdan became my mate.  I understand that I might not have gone about telling him my mind in the right ways. But I think he should understand, after all he cannot blame me. I had just seen my mate, I would blame every annoying word I said on the bond.  “Finn.” I called Finn during lunch, waving at him to tell him, I was not sitting at our usual table, surprisingly the table which had always remained empty even when we were not in the Cafeteria was full that day.  Finn continued moving as if I had not just yelled his name in the Cafeteria, and I knew he
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 I was extremely excited, bouncing on the soles of my feet as I wondered how this experience will differ from earth own, it was one of those few things that my father never explained to me and so I find the whole experience, completely new.  Cirdan watched me with an amused smile on his face, his hands in his pocket as I lead him forward, dragging him but his arms.  “What are the rides here? I wonder how the fair plans it rides, wouldn’t it be cool if magic was used instead of technology?” I asked loudly, loud enough that some other people close by looking at us.  Cirdan bent so his head was close to mine and he whispered in my ear. “You should not say things like that outside, everybody would know that you are a foreigner from another realm and not everybody likes foreigners.”  “What will they do if they think so?” I asked ba
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Cirdan  Iris is trying to act like Finn giving her the silent treatment was not getting to her but she could not hide it from me and I was willing to give the boy to get over his hurt feeling and his little crush on my mate but he still was being stupid about it all and so I decided to do something about it.  Something which I and Finn would keep between ourselves so I will not be in trouble with Iris.  “You called?” Finn said as a greeting as he entered the tour guide's office where I was waiting for him.  “And look at that, he really did come, here I thought you would choose not to since you are also mad at me.” I answered with a smile and I watched as his eyes narrowed. Good, now I would hit the point into him that just because he might be my mate’s best friend, it did not mean that could be mean to her and I will let him get away with it. “I
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Iris “If I had known that you were coming daughter, the fanfare would be much, after all it is not every day Folks gets to see their next in line royalty for the first time ever.” King Elros, my dad boomed as he walked briskly towards me and pulled me into a hug which I reciprocated just as tightly as he held me.  “Father.” My voice was soft as I rubbed my cheek against his chest, I had missed him something fierce.  He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back slightly with his hold so he could look at my face. Whatever he saw in my eyes made him frown. “Are you okay my dear?”  I pasted a smile on my face hoping to reassure him and when he shook his head to me, telling me without words that I cannot deceive him, my smile died. “I am okay father, you don’t have to worry about me.” He stated.  &ldqu
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  I was strolling down at the gardens when I noticed a pair dark eyes from the shrubbery that separated a forest and ATI staring at me.  Cold washed down my spine as I recalled Cirdan's warning of that morning about always carrying a friend with me when I walk through unfamiliar grounds. He seemed not forget that I have only one friend that I would not monopolize his time. I was not that selfish.  And from all that I have experienced in faery, I was willing to bet that whatever those are, they will not be friendly towards me. I was trying to act as calmly as possible while I still went about, this time trying to act like I was more interested at what was being seen at the side closer to ATI. I couldn’t very well turn back and start heading back to the gate which I came from, that would be a dead giveaway to whoever that owns that pair of eyes that I was running and then it would give chase. 
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