All Chapters of The single wedding photographer: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
164 Chapters
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The fire in the relationship continued that way, with the both of them, not able to get over each other, until the week, when she had to travel with the crew to the capital of the country.Charles wished he could stop her, but he also knows that allowing her be herself, was one of the things she wants, and taking that away from her, would not make her happy.She has also rejected his offer, she wants to do everything herself, and achieve everything herself, which he will try to allow her do, though there are a few things, he would have to change by force, and he has just the perfect plan for it.While he was sitting at his father's office, trying to go over some of the files brought to him by the supervisors of the other companies, he heard his father's voice, he had to get up immediately.That is the president's office, not his office, he just had to sit there, since the files, were sent to his father directly, as instructed by the new written law, and he didn't want to have them tra
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Those two cannot keep their hands off each other, even for one minute
"Hey sweet! He heard her voice, and he smiles."My love, I should have called, but I have been busy. How was your flight? He asked, robbing his eye"It was great, we just got to our amazing hotel, and Josh and Logan have been feeding me with dog food since then". "Hahahahaha. I know those two, they can't keep their hands off each other, even for a minute. What about the others?"They are all here. We are not going to do anything until night fall, so I guess I am just going to have to rest my head a bit, and since you are busy, I guess I should leave you to it". She says, and he immediately regretted his words."I can never be too busy for you my love". He tries to change what he said earlier, but that would be hard with her."I know sweet, but I still need to leave you to what you are doing"."No wait love, there is actually something I am having a little difficulty solving". "What is it? She asked, and he immediately explained to him about the file.Send a soft copy to my mail, I
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Meeting with Andre
Waking up to a brand new day, would have felt better if Rebecca was with him. As soon as he opened his eyes, he just had to look at her image on his phone, to keep him going.He has his day planned out already, he would have to pay a quick visit to Andre. The reason he wants to visit him isn't clear to him, but he still thought he should pay him a visit.It should be the first time he was seeing him since the arrest.Maybe for his closure, he just wants to know why he really did what he did to him.Maybe he just wants to know why he is still planning to hurt him, after everything.He called on to Douglas and told him where he will accompany him to, he could read from his eyes that he wanted to disapprove, but he was too scared to tell his boss that he doesn't think it was a great plan, so he just had to nod his head in agreement."You will also be meeting with Lora this evening". He heard him remind him."So she can't make it in the day? He asked him, and didn't wait for him to reply.
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jealous Lora
The next day, Charles went to see Sandra.She was looking very good, she was well cared for, and she was already looking really big. The reason she is being held is because she tried to kill Sydney. As soon as she sees Charles, she went straight in her knees."Oh Charles, I knew you would come back.Please, I didn't get a chance to apologize to you the other time, please Charles, forgive me, and don't hold my sin against me, I really didn't mean for things to get so crazy. It was Andre, I was just on my own, when he contracted me, and said that he had a job for me, he had it all planned out from day one, even though I didn't know what exactly I was supposed to do.When I got to know you, I wanted to tell you, but he wouldn't let me, he promised me things and I believed him". She seem to have said too much, as she stopped talking abruptly."It's okay, you don't have to say more, o think I have heard just too much already.I actually just wanted to know how you are feeling, and if you a
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woke up in bed, half naked with Lora.
The day finally came for Rebecca to come back.Charles have spent the evening, planning how the next day will go with Lora, at her place. As soon as the sun shone on his face, he turned to the other side of the bed, and is shocked to find a naked Lora, sleeping close to him.It seem to him like he was dreaming, he looked down at the duvet that has served as a covering to him, and he was shocked that he too, was almost naked.He still didn't want to believe the thought that was begining to firm in his mind, so he just gently sat up and searched frantically for his clothes, only to find them at different places around her room.How did he end up spending the night with Lora? He thought, then he tapped her again, and she too sprang up."Jeez Charles, what is going on? She asked, innocently, covering herself."It will really hurt me if you of all the people left in my life, have also played me, so please tell me Lora, the truth only, what happened last night? That was not how Lora had pl
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Welcome party
Rebecca called Charles before getting into the plane, for she knows that she may not get the chance to call him again, till they have landed, though she was kind of worried that since the previous night, she have been trying to reach him, but it have almost been difficult, and though she have been able to reach him in the morning, she feels something doesn't feel right.Everyone seem to be on their own, Josh and Logan looked even worse, that they had to leave her alone to a seat in the plane. She had to go to them, to try and cheer them up, thinking that something must have happened, as regards their adoption plans."What is happening guys, is it the orphanage? She asked, not wanting them to try and change what really is the problem."No, I mean yes..Logan sounded confused."I know the plans to adopt a child might not be that easy, but don't worry, I believe that they will surely grant you your request, don't worry". Logan hates to make her feel the way she was feeling for them at t
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Boss, I just lost her, but I must find her, before coming back
Rebecca could tell that something was wrong. it started from when he ordered his guards to send Lora away, and the way everyone had acted, like it was expected. She didn't want to bother, trying to find out what happened, she just waited for him, to come back to her, so he can open up to her.She peeked through the window, and sees him, speaking with Logan and Josh, they looked so shocked at what he was saying to them, that Josh even had to cover his mouth.Rebecca wanted to call Logan immediately, as she couldn't hold herself anymore. She also couldn't come out of the room to meet them for the door has been locked, she just have to sit, and wait for him.Charles, after speaking with Logan and Josh, waited for them to say something, and it took them minutes to process all he had said, before Josh replied."You are going to have to explain to her calmly, and locking her isn't the best thing to do, if she wants to walk out, allow her, I know that the fact that you are the one telling he
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search every room, city and town, just make sure you find her!
Charles was not happy about the news, but he didn't want to argue, he just tries tracking her line, but then he discovered that she had switched off her phone, that was when he became worried, he called Douglas back."How the hell did you loose her?"I am sorry boss, she went to Lora's beauty and fashion house then she went to a fuel station and parked her car there. I guess she already knows that I was following her, so she made sure she lost me"."If she left her car at a fuel station, then how did you know, she have left the station?"The station attendant, says she left on a bike"."And you didn't notice?"I am sorry". Was all Douglas could say."Don't be sorry, just find her! He commanded, then he called the head guard at his father's house, and commanded all of them to search everywhere for her.Rebecca went to a local hotel to stay, she have heard that Charles is searching for her already, when she is just few hours away from home.She switched on her other line, and decided to
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Will you Marry me?
After fucking Lora, you still want to act like I am the one at fault? He stared at her, and then he started laughing. He haven't heard her sound so raw before."I did not fuck her and you know it"."Then what did you do? She asked."Whatever I did with her was not me, so I didn't do anything, a d I am glad you confronted her already, soon she will face my wrath". He says. Soon there was only silence between them, then he came to her, and knelt down again."I am sorry I didn't listen to you, and your day didn't go as planned, I promise I will make it up to you, but just forgive me and don't give the world, something to talk about". Once again only silence could be felt between them, she looked outside and though the window was opened, she could only see darkness. Her day that started off well, have gone to almost a waste."So what was the plan for earlier? She asked."Do you think the earlier plan could still happen today?"A party is better of in the night, so I really don't mind". Sh
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Let's get married tomorrow, for only when we are married, can I make love to you".
It felt like their honey moon already.Charles was all lovey dovey. He held her by the waist all through, and he refused sitting opposite her, when they went back to the restaurant, she looked around, waiting to find the old lady she has met that day with a lovely voice."I don't want to sit opposite you, I want to sit beside you, for fear that someone might steal you away from behind". She laughed so hard, she didn't notice the beautiful chef beside her."May I take your order please? The voice was familiar, she looked her way, and instead of just giving her the order, she smiles at her, and even got up to hug her.Charles was not embarrassed, he was just shocked, he didn't know they know each other that way, but then he remembers that while he was looking at her from his window, they were both talking."This is my second day here, just give me something popular". She answers.They had left all the mouth watering meal at the party ground, and now she wants something popular, that is
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