All Chapters of The single wedding photographer: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
164 Chapters
Secret wedding
The next day, Charles woke up early, he had to cover her nakedness with a duvet, while he puts on his underpants.He really can't keep doing this, he needed her, and all of her at once. She too seem to have reached her saturation level with all of this, she wants it too and so does he, so there is only one thing to do, to make it alright.They had talked about how the wedding will go. She said the world would be expecting a loud wedding, and since they really cannot wait to be in each other's arms, they should shock the world and just have a family wedding.Charles had bought the idea immediately, and he just needed to call his parents, her mother and their friends, that is all.He called his parents and told them their plan, they would be going to court that same morning, so they could come if the wanted to witness their wedding.Since she was still sleeping, he didn't want to disturb her sleep, he had to call her mother. She too might still be in bed, but he just cannot wait, of the
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Slow down tiger, there is no rush, I am not going anywhere
After the wedding, there were loads of congratulatory messages from people around, and she wondered if she could ever have a quiet life to herself."Hello my love". She turns to face her mother, whom she hugged tightly, never to let go."Oh mother, I hope you are happy now? She asked, as she stepped away from Charles' hold."I have always been happy, and I have always known you will make me proud, I am also sure, your father is very happy wherever he is right now". She held her hands tightly, pulling her back into her arms. Now, you can both take your time and plan the church wedding, where I can invite all my friends, make sure it happens at my church". Rebecca was short of words, she hugged her, and allowed her tears to flow freely."I love you mum, and I am sorry for the times I annoyed you, today I take a new step to a new life, and I promise that I will never disappoint you"."You don't have to make any promises to me, because so far, you have never disappointed me. I love you m
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Easy baby, this is your first time, it will be painful, but pleasurable. I promise
When the two were finally stark naked, Rebecca gently placed her hand on his manhood, and it seem to rise even longer than it had been a while ago."It's yours now, officially, you can do whatever it is you like to do with it". He says, sounding seductive.She pulls him, so he kisses her, she seem to be loving his lips on hers a lot lately, but he seem to have a better idea, he always does, he sent her gently, back on the bed, and as she fell back to the bed, her firm bristol bounced, that his eye had to go to that direction, leaving her eyes, which he had been looking at, he buried his head inside her neck, which is only a passage, for him to get to the main thing. He kept kissing her neck, making her giggle, till he grabbed her left nipple, that seem to be staring at him. She let out a moan, while pointing him in the right direction, to grab the other nipple, she raised the second one and caressed it herself, and he took it from her, so while he sucks on one, he is a le to caress th
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You need to get an aphrodisiac if you are tired, because I am not!
After placing her on the bed, he decided to go and have a steam bath too, maybe that would help him calm down, since there was obviously no show for him. They have switched off their phones, so that no one distracts them, but still they didn't do what they have longed to do for so long.While they were smooching and caressing and kissing, having all the moment of their lives, it had felt like that was the right thing to do, and the only thing to do. It had felt like it would be easy, to just have h insert his manhood inside her vagina and make all her dreams come true, but he have been proven wrong, it isn't really easy, to deal with a virgin, especially if you are inlove with that virgin. He was still trying to get himself to calm down, when he heard a strange but familiar voice behind him, as it turns out, she only pretended to be sleeping, when she wasn't really sleeping."Why are you up? He asked, pretending like he isn't happy to see her awake."I feel better now, I think we sho
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I am going to make sweet love to you on my private jet
The next day, Rebecca was super exhausted, and she knows that no one will be expecting her to be up early. Not like she will be going anywhere, she is on her honey moon, therefore, she is exempted, from visiting anyone or going anywhere.Charles in his usual manner, woke up earlier, and ordered breakfast, he really should go back to his house, so that he could always have his workers, bring him things at will.At the hotel, he had to check the time, before calling room service, even though there are workers that work at night, he still feels it is awkward, calling a worker to bring specific kind of meal to him at that time of the night."Bring me some lemonade, very chill lemonade, then rice and grilled chicken with enough pepper, then loads of different sort of fruits". He tells the waitress that came to attend to him, while he went to take a quick bath, so he could go down to the finance office and check what they are doing.The food he ordered are mainly for Rebecca, while he neede
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"The day isn't over yet, so we are going nowhere".
The private jet was so private, they were alone in the jet, and he freely undressed before her, as he also undressed her, and they had a mind blowing sex right there on the jet way.She decided to go around to take a good look at the rest of the her, when he came to her, close to the rest room, and he started kissing her from the back again."Hope you are not expecting me to remove my clothes again? She says, pretending to be looking at an art work on the plane, when his baritone voice spoke into her ears."You wouldn't have to take it all off. Thank goodness it has a zip at the back, I will just unzip it, and have you from the back". She was shocked at his dirty thought, but she didn't know it could happen that way, not until he spanked her butt, then unzipped her gently, before he started caressing her butt.These are so soft, I feel like eating them all the time". He says, but she couldn't respond to him , for his hands on her butt, going from the back to the front area, was doing
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Yes I am a pervert for you
Funny enough, Charles wasn't the first person to wake up the next morning. Maybe having his manhood inside a vagina till the next day, wasn't something he was used to. Rebecca had to move him gently, so that she could get up, but thinking that would wake him up, she was surprised, that he didn't wake up. Looking at his beautiful face, she could only smile as to how fate have brought them together, she is so happy and fulfilled, that she prays that she would have so many years to enjoy with her husband. The thought of him being her husband, made her smile, she is really a married woman, the tile, in her head, made her look back at her hand, the gold and diamond ring in her finger, reminded her of what she actually is, then she got up, moved to the other side of the bed, grabbed the duvet gently from under his legs, and covered him up, then she kissed him on the cheek, and all she got in responses was a mild snore."Finally you are exhausted". She says, and laughed quietly.They are sti
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Join the family business
When they got to the estate, it felt like everyone ran away, because the estate was So quiet, but when they drew closer, to the house, they heard the sound emanating from the hall in the living room."I think we are too late for the meeting already". She says, as she pulls him by the hand so they could walk faster, but he held her back."Don't rush, a boss is never late for a meeting"."Yes a boss is never late, when his meeting only with his subject, not when he is meeting his boss". She says, trying to help him clarify things."And that his boss, just happens to be his father". He retorted, making his own point clearer."Are you saying the big boss should wait for him?"Yes". He replied simply, as he pushed the tall mahogany door opened to reveal his father and mother sitting on a throne like seat, but with people more than the number invited."Welcome son, and you my daughter"."We are sorry, we are late". Rebecca started."No you are not, you should actually be in one of the most
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That is not a way to leave your husband, after a discussion ".
Charles stood up with his hands in the air."I know what you are going to say, but I really didn't know he was going to bring that down like that. We did talk about it last night, but I told him that he should let me talk to you about it first and he agreed, but he still had to bring it in"."You also didn't know the meeting was going to be here? She asked."I knew it would be here, I just said what I said earlier, to ease you". He replied."I have my own dreams and aspirations I just can't shut that down to work with the Peterson? She says, bringing his knowledge back to the present."I don't like it when you sound like you are employed. You are my wife, and you are part of the family, my business is your business, my dream is your dream. We don't have separate dreams". There was silent between them, and after a long thought, she clears her throat, then asked."So what are you suggesting we do? "My love, just accept the Peterson offer of opening you a firm, there is a big land clos
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Marriage sure looks nice on you
Josh was surprised, but he still had to keep quiet, and allow his friend play her game.It was when she said that he sent her that the woman looked behind and noticed Josh, surely his face must ring a bell."They are not straight and one of our policies say they cants be great parents. I mean, what will they teach the girl, and to think that she also likes them already?"You said it all, you can put them on probation, if they are not doing well, you could take her back, plus, the Peterson are going to be signing an undertaken, on their behalf". Josh opened his eyes wide, for he didn't know if she should take such a decision alone."Alright then, if that is the case, they can come back with Mr Charles to sign the guarantor's form. After that, baby Clare, can go home with them". Josh couldn't hold his joy, he was so happy, but still, he found a way to keep it all in, he had to wait for them to get outside, so he could explode."Can I see baby Clare? She asked."Yeah sure, the woman repl
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