All Chapters of The single wedding photographer: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
164 Chapters
He was the one who killed her father
"It is about time we see, don't you think so?She asked, and he nodded."Can you explain to me, why you tried to kill her without at least informing me first? She looked angry at him."I haven't slept since that day. What if she opens her mouth, that would be disastrous. Everything we've worked for, would go down the drain, and we will be behind bars, and left with nothing.And you, were supposed to be helping me end her, since you started it. We could have done things differently with her, but you chose to kill her, and still you couldn't even do that well, and instead of doing a better job later, you were busy fucking around". He yelled at her, and she got up furious at how he spoke to her.At that moment, all the urge of wanting him disappeared, for she was so angry."How dare you speak to me on such a manner? She demanded, but he only threw her a glance, then showed her the envelope he was holding.She collected it and could not believe her eyes. Her sin at Springfield was s
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Scared of the dark
As soon as Charles was done with the lawyer, he gently put on his black shade, as he walked out, about to enter his red spot car, but is embarrassed by flashes of camera on his face, with no one having the ball to come close and ask him any question. He looked behind him, and that was when he remembers that he had come out of the house alone, without any guard.His father would be mad at him for leaving the house without a guard, nit after what happened the previous night, he didn't need anyone to tell him to go with a guard.He immediately got into the car. His luck is because it was tinted, so no one from the outside, could really see what he is doing.He let out a breath, and then made to start the ignition, when his phone rang."Do you still need the test done? He heard the doctor asking, but he shook his head, as if to say, he was looking at the doctor."I don't think that is necessary, since you already said that it could fail, I am using your expertise statement". "Alright the
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awwwwwww sweet heart
The next day, the internet was flooding with short video of Charles Peterson pushing Rebecca to the ground. It would have been a lovely moment for Sandra to watch, but she was preoccupied by the thought of Logan and Loretta in town.She haven't seen them, and she wish she wouldn't have to see them, but they were close indeed, and would stop at nothing, till they get everything from her.She closed her eyes, as the family kept watching the video of Charles pushing Rebecca to the side, making her fall to the ground."That is no way to behave Charles". His mother cautioned, supported by his father, who turned off the television at once."Look at what the world is saying, calling us touts! He yelled.Charles was sorry, but he didn't want anyone seeing that side of him.As soon as he pushed her away, Infront of the hospital, he regretted his actions immediately, and would have picked her up, if Josh had not come to her rescue."I need to go back to the office father ". He says, as he is ho
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Call an ambulance!
Just hearing him say that, disgusted her a lot, that she raised her hand, and it landed on his cheek. He didn't see that coming, but it wasn't a painful one, and it only made him laugh."I think I am going to enjoy my stay here. You can slap me, while I fuck you, what do you say? He was oppressing her some more, she pushed him aside, and started walking towards the room close to the pool, where she had first imagined seeing Loretta. She wanted to lock the door, but he was very fast, and he pushed the door, sending her down to the floor.Then he slapped her, but she was so shocked, when she heard another voice behind her, it was the voice of Loretta, which means, she had been on the room all along."What do you want from me? She asked, with tears in her eyes."We demanded for more money, and you are wasting time, get the billionaire to send us more billions, then, and only then, will we leave you alone". She was crying out loud now."I cannot get more money, he doesn't love me that muc
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Life support
Loretta didn't want to cry, at least not yet, but she was definitely loosing her mind, just thinking that she came with Logan, only to loose him there.They are not the ones that Peterson asked for, but they found a way, of making themselves available, so that they could threaten Sandra some more.She got up from the seat, not wanting to sit down, but pacing around, wasn't enough too, she was loosing her mind.The doctors were taking too long in there, why won't they just come out and tell her that he is dead? When minutes turned into hours, she started having a bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, he might survive, she decided not to get all worked up, she sat down, and placed her face onto her palm, praying silently for a miracle."Lord, I know you don't listen to someone like me, but I beg you, just keep him alive, please I beg you". She cried. As if her prayer was answered immediately, she saw the door open, and a tired looking doctor walked out."He was poisoned, but we have been
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Did you say he has only few hours to live?
Back at the house, Andre, boldly introduced another white man to sir Peterson."Who is he? He asked, wondering who Andre is introducing to him."This is James Logan, he is the real person, that was sent by your friend Philip". Peterson looked back, as if Logan and Loretta were standing there."What are you saying? He asked him again, not sure if he quite understand, for there is no way, he could possibly have brought in a stranger into his home."Sir Peterson, my name is Logan, and I was sent here by sir Philip, but I was robbed as soon as I got off the plane. I didn't know how to get to you. My phone and my passport, everything was taken away. I was stranded, then I managed to get to a cafe, I connected Philip, who sent me the address to your office, I went there, and that was how I met Mr Andre, he brought me back here". Peterson could not believe his ears. Seeing the shock on his face, Sandra had to speak up."I knew it, and I told you, but you said you know him and all". He raised
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Doctor Craig!
Rebecca was shocked when she got to the hospital, and didn't see Sydney there anymore.She looked around her, wondering where she had been taken to.She rushed to the doctor's office, to ask, but even he wasn't there."What is really going on? She asked herself, but there was no one insight to ask, except off course, for the nurses at the gate, she had seen them on her way in, but didn't bother asking them, and they didn't say anything to her, they just watch her walk in, since she frequent the place, and who wouldn't know her, she is that photographer, that always hangs her Camera on her neck, moving around.She have seen post on social media like that, and she knows that she is the one they are referring to.Some even called her nerd, and when she. changed her outfit, they started calling her something else.She had to go back to the reception to find the nurses, gisting."Hello! She greeted waving her hand, so she will be noticed."Hello miss". One answered."I want to see the doct
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Are you asking me to be a spy?
She didn't know if she is in trouble, or if it is a friendly welcome, but she didn't have a choice, but to try and find out, especially now that she is already in the room"Come in, have a seat". He welcomes her in, she timidly followed his hand, to where the seat is, she sat down as if she was forced on the seat. All about etiquette and manner was forgotten on a hurry. Her self esteem was lost, she couldn't quite wrap her arm around it, but she was indeed scared, just being in the presence of the man, as if to say, she haven't seen him before."How are you doing Photographer? He asked, with a sinister smile on."My name is Rebecca, and I am doing fine". She tried getting her esteem back, but anyone looking, could still tell that she is not really herself."You must be wondering why I called you in here. I just had the worse feeling, with all my years of knowledge, I mistakenly allowed someone I didn't know into my estate, and not just as far as my estate, but as close as my living r
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unmasking the masked man
She couldn't go home immediately, she went back to the hospital, and packed outside. A lot was going on in her mind.She is not sure, if she should call her her friends and tell them about the plan, or if she should just go home and think about the whole thing.She was still in her car, when a strange car drove past her, she bent down, so that she could get a clear view of the person, and also, so that the person won't see her.The person drove past the hospital's parking lot, drove somewhere else, that obviously isn't where anyone should park.She couldn't get a clear view of the person, because of where she is, but looking round her, she could see that no one was outside, and no one is likely to see him, but her.Thinking that she might be overthinking things, and that the person may mean no harm, she decided to overlook what he is doing, but then, he never left the car, unknown to her, that he had already left the car, and had started climbing, trying to get into a roof through the
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He stood frozen, seeing her
Peterson got up from his seat, and with just his hands raised, he dismissed every other guard that was standing beside him.He took the pain of going to lock the door, then he motioned to her to come sit close to him."I knew I could count on you, please who is this person that is trying to drag my family's name to the mud? He asked, stretching his hands and expecting every answer to be placed on his hands."I don't know him, but I saw his face, and he is not a known face". "And not Andre? He asked and she nodded as to say no.He released a breath, which says, he had been scared that Andre might be the one in one way or the other, and it would hurt him to send him away, but since he isn't the one, he seem happy.I guess now, I can tell Andre all about the plan, and he could also help be on the look out? He added, but Rebecca doesn't know how to tell him not to. She haven't even shown him the picture of the man she took yet, and he is already thinking of letting the world know, she wo
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