All Chapters of The single wedding photographer: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
164 Chapters
Meeting again
He didn't stand waiting for her for a long time, he just pushed her aside, and walked in, demanding from his father, what she was doing there."I invited her Charles, and that is no way to treat someone you once called a friend". He looked back and eyed her."She said bad things about me father, I actually thought we were friends, but she doesn't see me as a friend, so treating her as an enemy, would be better". He went and sat close to his father, and crossed his legs."She is a friend, I just got to know her today, and I like her already". Charles didn't say anything any more, but he could already see that she was close to tearing up, which usually break him down into million pieces.Please Rebecca, come and sit down, let us tell Charles together, what we found". He urged, but she turned, bowed her head in respect, and nodded, before speaking up."I am sorry, but I can't, I have been roaming the area for too long, I need to go home, my mum must be worried". She didn't wait for him t
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The cat is let out of the bag
She almost felt like going back, but maybe it is the time she have been waiting for, she wanted to know what have gotten him so worked up, that he is so angry with her."I can pay my own bills you know? She started off well. If he was going to mock her and disgrace her again, maybe she should be ready to face him."I know you can pay your own bills, I just felt like I should do it. Maybe that way, we could clear the air between us". She paused, looked back at the door, then she moved to the closest seat to her, but a very far sear, from where Charles was seated."So now you want to talk huh? when you have done nothing but disgrace me, fight me, insult me, and what have you?"I know, but if you were in my shoes, you would do the same. Especially hearing all that you told the cops about me". "I didn't say anything to the cops"."If you are going to keep denying what you said to the police, then I am going to just skip that part, but I want to know what you found out about the person t
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Bye Raji
Rebecca realized that her camera was not with her, when she got to Raji's office. She parked outside the office, wondering what she is going to tell him, and if she should just go in and confront him about what he said.She was in the car, when she changed her mind, and decided to play smart.She haven't told Charles anything, and that was how she wanted it.She didn't want to tell him anything, it would be better that he sees proof, than for her to just claim that she didn't say anything.She breathed hard, before adjusting herself, and stepping inside.Raji was on a meeting, when he got a message that she was there to see him.He excused himself, and rushed to meet her."Wow, you came here, to what do I owe this visit? She smiles, trying really hard not to bounce on him and tear him apart."Well, I was in the area, and so, I decided to just breeze in". She sounded as casual as possible, and that kind of got to Raji, that he whispered. "I have to dismiss the meeting, I cannot trade
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Please can I have a word with you in private?
Rebecca went home with her eyes covered with tears. When she got home, she found her mother at home, with her friend, discussing, but she knew they will soon be on their way out, since the death of her father, her mother have taken solace, in going to church."Where have you been? She heard him ask, and she shrugged her shoulder."Work". That was all she could tell her mother, while she made her way straight into her room, she listened to everything that had been recorded and her eyes welled up in tears. She wants to share her new discoveries, with her friends, but she wasn't in the mood. They would want her to come over, but she wouldn't be able to, but then she got a reminder on her phone.Soon it would be their anniversary.She covered her mouth in surprised.That was when she decided to give them a call.It was Logan that took Josh's call."I have been expecting your call all morning. What's up sugar? She tried smiling Admist her tears."It's been a long day, with so much happenin
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I can't wait to rip your clothes off.
Charles have been angry with himself, and thinking too much of late, which somehow, have led Sandra into the ready arms of Andre. They want to celebrate their wins, for when they heard that Sydney had finally passed on, they were somehow too sad for words, but since Andre is already a suspect, taking that his picture was taken at the crime scene with him leaving with a hood, it was already more than enough reason to keep the truth from him, because Peterson says so, and also, since somehow, he didn't really want Sandra for his son, and is just enduring her, also made him, not want to share that detail with Sandra, so while Charles, kept working towards nailing his uncle, Sandra had her time with Andre.In the office, in the Cafeteria, they sat down to talk."So you are just going to sit there and watch me from that end, when you were supposed to jump on me and lavish me with kisses for helping you get rid of all your problems". He says proudly, while Sandra only smiles, shaking her he
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There is no need to rush, we have all day.
The next day was busy for Logan and Josh, as they had gathered their crew, and their friends, who share the same beliefs with them, and they were there celebrating.Rebecca was the last to arrive at the Aphrodisiactic hotel, she had one or two things to take care of, with Charles leaving the country to go and see how Sydney is doing, since he got a call from them, and his father taking care of business when it came to his brother Craig.She have told her friends, about their findings, and they understand why she wasn't at the party yet. They know she will come eventually, so they continued partying.Rebecca was receiving Raji's call at the reception ground of Aphrodisiactic, for he was apologizing, while she was trying hard to get rid of him through the phone, when a red haired girl walked in, hand in hand with Andre.Rebecca immediately looked away, for she didn't want him to see her.When he took the key, and walked the lady inti the room, she turned to take a good look at them, and
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gay party
Rebecca was having fun, and though she had planned not to stay for too long, she seem to be carried away, by the activity of everyone.It was supposed to be a room party, but the people, in the room, suddenly felt more than twenty. the fun was mad, the noise was loud, and the party was lit, until it was time to gift them.Rebecca had planned that after she drops her own gift, she would find her way home, but she still couldn't just leave her friends like that, not when she knows that others will leave, and they will be left alone, as a matter of fact, she should be the last to present her gift, so she won't have any reason to want to go home, though she knows her mother would be really crossed with her, she was still willing to take the risk, after all, they are her friends, and this sort of celebration, doesn't happen all the time.She have been postponing going to church with her mother, and just this once that she accepted to go with her, she was still about to disappoint her.She
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Detective Rebecca
"Mother, I am sorry, I will definitely come, but if you feel that I am going to be late, you can start going, I will come to the church to meet you". She was still saying, when she heard yet another voice, close to her, the voice was very familiar, and she could never mistake it for another, so she looked around, thinking she would see the person, before she realized that, they were separated by a wall, and she would have to go up the hall way again, to see the face of the person.It is likely that the person won't hear her, for she was still trying to whisper, so she won't heard around the place."You travelled outside the country and you didn't tell me. I wanted to tell you, that I was going out at least to have some time for myself, after the hospital". Because of how quiet the area was, Rebecca was even able to hear the person on the other side of the call, and there is no way, it could be a coincidence, that the both have the same voice. The other person, is surely Charles."I w
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Caught red handed on camera
The receptionist was invited in, and she started apologizing to Rebecca, for she thinks that she had probably called her, to tell her never to ask her for anything again, after covering up for her."Ma'am, I am very sorry, I asked you for the tip, and thank you for covering up for me"."That is not a problem, I actually called you so that I can give you the tip in person, or do they search you whenever you close?"No, they don't, they just have cameras everywhere in the hall, so that we don't ask and we don't receive"."Alright, here you go". She handed her a few thousands, which she squeezed into her pocket immediately."Thank you so much ma, she almost knelt down.Logan and Josh were just looking, wondering what Rebecca was doing, and how her act, was going to help them know what is happening for real."I need you to do something for me". She tells her, and she got up, ready to do her bid.I will want you to bring your finest wine, don't open it, take it to this other room adjacent
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Signs from above, that they are meant to be together
I saw her, she was just outside, right outside this hall way, she was looking into her phone, so she didn't see me". Andre says, in fear, while Sandra started thinking that it must be someone in the family, that he had seen. She got up from her seat, and tried calming her down."Calm down, stop acting like this. just tell me the person you saw?He then took a deep breath and says."I saw Rebecca, apparently, the name we were hearing from the other room that were celebrating was that of Rebecca, the same one that we know. So she was the one I said I just saw, standing by the hall way". He explained."That does not call for worry, since she only saw you and didn't see me, then she cannot go saying anything". He paused and smiles. How come he didn't think of that?, before he started acting like he just saw a ghost."That is very true, I was just worried about you, and since you said that Charles says he is going to stay where he travelled to from now to the next day, don't you think we
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