All Chapters of Forbidden Heat: Chapter 401 - Chapter 410
561 Chapters
Reiner – Insistent Invitation
“I’ll take you home…” Reiner said flatly as his arm supported my waist. I was sure that there were many things that he should have said to me, but everything was left unsaid. He opened the car door for me and helped me into the passenger seat. My body was still suffering from the aftereffects of his hot and rough sex. My legs felt weak, and my insides felt like a mess. My outfit was messed up and I tried adjusting them as best as I could when I was in the car. The worse part that was messed up was my mind and my emotions. Reiner was mad and just like the last time that he was mad, we ended up doing it. The car door closed with a bang and Reiner was sitting next to me in the car. I glanced over at his stern face and his tight jaw. He didn’t look like someone who had just had wild and great sex. Before, I could think of something to say to him, Reiner started the car and started driving. Once again, he didn’t ask me where my new place was, and I didn’t feel obliged to offer the infor
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Reiner – About Us
I could sense his discomfort as he hesitated. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what he was hesitating about. He just took me raw on the side of a dark road and I could still feel the heat and stickiness of his seed inside of me. That same man was now hesitating to come to my room. I found myself smiling despite myself at the contradiction that he was. Despite everything that had happened, I still found Reiner extremely adorable. Various emotions crossed his face as he struggled to decide whether he should follow me into my room. For once, I wish that I could decide things for him. Then I decided that perhaps that was exactly what I needed to do. Quickly, I got out of the car and rounded it to his side. I tapped on his window with the tips of my fingers and urged him to open the door. Once he did, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the car.“Just come with me,” I said as I began pulling him along. Perhaps, it was time that I take the lead. It was my turn to pull him along and it was his
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Reiner – Please Stay the Night
“Are you not mad that I’ve been spying on you?” Reiner asked softly. “Should I be?” I asked, not able to resist teasing him a little. His words surprised me. He could have been worried about many things, but he was now worried about that? A smile curved my lips before I giggled a little because I found it quite funny and so like him. “You were just worried about me, right? I wouldn’t say that I liked it, but I guess I am at least a little happy that you still care for me,” I replied honestly. “I see. When you left so suddenly, I was very worried when I found out that you were gone,” Reiner admitted so truthfully that I was left speechless for a few seconds. Was he that worried about me? “If you’ve been spying on me, your agent probably told you of the times that Charles drove me back, right? Did he tell you that I never invited Charles into the building or up to my room? He’s such a gentleman too and he never asked…” I said before smiling a little at Reiner. He just nodded at m
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Reiner – Please Don’t Hold Back
Reiner’s large hands grabbed my upper arm and pulled me away from him gently. His eyes travelled down my body before his hands were tugging at my clothes. He stripped me impatiently and I let him do whatever he wanted while giving him assistance where he needed to speed up the process. I kicked my panties away from my ankle then I stood completely naked in front of him. His eyes caressed my body as he took in the sight of my nakedness. He's seen me naked before, but it has been a while and I felt a little shy at first. He pulled me into his embrace, and I felt the heat of his naked body against my breast, my chest, and my stomach. His arms wrapped around me tightly and I pressed my body closer to his. I lifted my face and our eyes met before his lips were on mine. We kissed passionately as he backed me against the bed before lowering me onto it. My back hit the softness of the bed and I lifted my arms invitingly to him. I wanted to feel the heat and weight of his body on top of mine
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Reiner – Renewed Connection
My body was a weak and quivering mess by the time that we’ve had enough of each other. Reiner withdrew his cock slowly from my hole before laying on his back by my side on the bed. I turned to hug him, and he pillowed my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me lovingly. I felt so well-loved, so exhausted, and so sleepy all of a sudden. However, when it seemed like sleep would take over me, I got so scared…“R…please stay with me. Please don’t leave…please…” I begged softly yet desperately. Reiner seemed to hesitate before agreeing to my request. His large hands stroked my head tenderly and I closed my eyes in bliss. I could hear the strong beating of his heart against my ear as I leaned my head on his heart chest. The warmth of his embrace filled my mind with ease, and it wasn’t long before I drifted into a peaceful sleep. Before my consciousness faded, I prayed that when I wake up, this reality would continue. I prayed that Reiner would still be by my side when I wake u
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Reiner – Figuring Out Our Feelings
“R…Why have you been avoiding me? You’ve been so cold…” I complained softly. Reiner did not reply but he didn’t let go of me, so I decided to continue on. The warmth of his hand on my back and waist and his embrace around my body gave me the confidence that I needed to press on. “You have no idea how lonely and lost I felt. Why do you have to be so mean to me? I’m not going to go back home; I’m staying here no matter what…” I said determinedly. If I went back home, then that would be the end of us. He does understand that, right? If that’s the case, then I’ll never go home. I felt my brows furrow as my stubborn streak quickly took over. Reiner looked at me with a concerned expression, but he didn’t say anything. It was as if he was waiting for me to say all that I had to say and I appreciated that. At least this time he was willing to listen to me and if that was the case then, I’m not going to hold back my words any more. “Are you really going to leave me and marry someone else?
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Reiner - Steps Closer
Slowly, I ran my fingertips down the side of his face before I fitted my lips against his and started kissing him. If Reiner did not like it, he didn’t push me away. I kissed him tenderly and softly before his hand found the back of my head and pushed me closer to him until my lips were crushing against his in a fervent kiss. Our kiss quickly deepened as he thrusted his hot tongue into the depth of my mouth. His tongue quickly caresses my mouth and grinded with my eager tongue. I tasted him over and over again as I moaned from the blissful pleasure. Our kiss lasted for so long and my mind was left completely intoxicated with him and my desire for him after our series of ardent kisses ended. By that time the feelings that I had been trying hard to hold in were more than ready to burst out of my chest. I hugged him close as I pressed the side of my face against his hard and broad chest. The strong beating of his heart made me so certain of my feelings towards him. “I love you, R…” I s
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Reiner - Our New Routine
Truthfully, I couldn’t stop smiling. I love him so much that it felt strange. I’ve never wanted anything or anyone so much like this. I thought that this journey would make me learn more about him, so I was more than slightly surprised that it also made me learn a lot more about myself. After gazing and getting a little lost in his beautiful blue eyes, I leaned down and kissed him squarely on the lips. We’ve kissed so many times already, but it just didn’t feel like it was enough. “You better stop doing that,” Reiner muttered as he broke our kiss and looked away from me. “Why?” I asked in confusion. “I don’t think your body can take another round right now…” Reiner muttered warningly. “Oh…” I murmured before I started blushing at his words. Unfortunately, I had to admit that he was probably right. I giggled a little at his words before rolling off of him. I cuddled his large and heavy arm in mine instead as I pressed my body up against his side. At that moment, I felt like I woul
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Reiner – Who She is
“I guess you’re right…” Reiner replied, clearly not looking forward to the dinner with the client. “Good luck with your work and don’t worry about me,” I quickly said to reassure him. “I’ll pick you up. Same place. Same time,” Reiner said a little sternly. “Sure. I’ll wait for you,” I replied with a smile. …It was an ordinary day at work and our project was making decent progress. A big thanks to Charles and his advice. That reminded me that since running into Reiner that day, I haven’t seen much of Charles. I wondered if he would turn up to the bar sometime soon. Perhaps he was just busy or perhaps that encounter with Reiner created a bigger rift between Charles and I than I had anticipated. A long sigh escaped my lips when I was forced to admit that I had to have a proper talk with Charles about everything. He didn’t exactly confess to me, but I guess after all that he’s done for me, I owed him a huge thank you along with some apologies. Honestly, I never knew that turning dow
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Reiner – A Visit from his Fiancée
“Your order will be here soon. Please enjoy your evening,” I said to her politely. “Running away?” she asked as her eyes narrowed at me. She did not just say that to me…“From what? From you?” I asked before smiling at her. Me? Running away from her? What a joke…“I’ve ordered my drink. Are you interested to know who I am now?” she asked.I guess she doesn’t know that I know who she is. Knowing and caring are two separate things, though. “I’m not sure why I should be interested but…since you did order a drink…” I said before shrugging my shoulders. “My name is Rachael,” she stated. “Hi, Rachael. You already know my name…I’m Natalia,” I said cheerfully as I stuck out a hand towards her across the bar counter. Her eyes never left my face as she stared at me. In the end, she never shook my hand. “Natalia…” I heard Kat’s familiar voice call out my name and turned to see her standing close by with a slightly confused look on her face. It was plain to see that even she knew that so
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