All Chapters of Forbidden Heat: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
561 Chapters
Reiner - An Order to Kill
“Where have you been spending your nights?” his father asked. “Why are you asking about something that you already know?” Reiner asked in reply. King’s lips curved into a smirk, and he did not avert his gaze from his son. Reiner saw no reason to justify his actions and decided to remain silent to see what his father truly wanted. “She’s not your fiancée,” King stated flatly. “Is that a problem?” Reiner asked bluntly. The smirk on King’s lips deepened before he started chuckling softly to himself. Reiner wasn’t sure what his father found so amusing about the conversation that they were having but he decided that the less he said, the better it would be. King was hard to read, and he was very unpredictable. Dealing with King had never been easy, and Reiner had figured out that staying passive was the best approach. He decided to simply wait and see. “Not at all. As long as the child is yours, I couldn’t care less who the mother is,” King replied before grinning at his son. “Is th
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Reiner - His Decision
“Protocols…” Reiner muttered as his mind raced to figure out a solution.“The mission can’t be delayed for long. I’ll give you 24 hours to figure out what you want to do. Remember, we always follow our protocols,” King stated while stressing on every word. Reiner glanced down a moment as he took in a deep breath. It was clear to King that Reiner was trying to figure something out and he was curious to see what his son would come up with in this situation. After a short moment of silence, Reiner lifted his eyes and King could see the determination in them. “I’ll take on this mission,” Reiner said without hesitation. “You?” King asked, clearly surprised. ac“Yes,” Reiner replied seriously. “Really?” King inquired. “Yes,” Reiner replied immediately. “Well, I have to say that I did not expect this,” King said followed by a smirk. “Can I have till end of Monday to complete this mission?” Reiner asked as his eyes focused on his father. “You need some time to say goodbye? Sure, I wo
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Reiner - Finally, a Date!
“Ok. See you tomorrow…if something happens, just call me,” Reiner said and for a moment he seemed overly worried.I mean, I’m just sleeping over with Kat at her place. What can possibly happen? Since that incident with Rachael, I have never seen her again and even if I did, I don’t think that she would dare hurt me again. Reiner didn’t tell me about how he settled things with her after the incident. Truthfully, I was more than slightly curious about it but I was hesitant to ask Reiner directly about it. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry too much. See you and goodnight,” I replied sweetly.“Goodnight,” Reiner said before hanging up. I clutched my phone to my chest like it was something precious and rare. Tomorrow, I’m finally going on a date with Reiner. Suddenly everything seemed to be going well and smooth. Carrying Kat to her bed in her drunken state seemed like such an easy task in comparison to other things that I’ve been through. …11AM was just around the corner and Kat was still fa
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Reiner - At the Beach
The beach was empty, and we were the only ones there. When I raced forward onto the sand, I could feel the soft and fine sand underneath my feet. I turned around to wave and call out to Reiner for him to follow me. Reiner didn’t seem so excited so maybe I was the one who was acting childish about all this. “R, come over here! The sea is so beautiful!” I called out to him again. Reiner came over to me after dumping all our bags and stuff onto the sandy beach nearby. Seeing him in casual clothes was such a refreshing change. The way his white t-shirt hung loosely around his muscular body looked so attractive. I flashed him a smile before lifting my shirt over my head to take it off and then my mini skirt followed. “Strip, R. Let’s get in!” I said energetically as I stood in front of him in my white sunflower pattern bikini. I could feel his eyes travelling down my body and I had nothing to hide from him. Reiner smiled at me before his began stripping his clothes off. I watched with
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Reiner - Spoiled by Him
“Then let’s go!” I cried out happily as I began pulling on his hand again. The sparkling clear blue water was so breathtakingly beautiful. It was like everything about the scenery around us was begging to be enjoyed. The wind was blowing, and it felt cool against the bare skin of my body and face. The sun was high in the sky, yet it wasn’t scorching hot. The fine sand beneath my feet looked like gold. I have never been to or seen such an untouched and well-preserved beach before. Reiner looked a little hesitant as he followed me towards the water. I wished that he would walk faster but he wouldn’t. Considering our size difference, it wasn’t exactly possible for me to drag him at my pace. “Don’t rush. The water is probably a little cool. It isn’t as warm as it looks…” Reiner warned when we reached the edge of the water. “Is that so?” I asked curiously. Trying to keep my balance, I dipped a toe and then a foot into the sea water. I found out that Reiner was right, despite the sun s
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Reiner - Reassurance
“I love being close to you…” I whispered teasingly into his ear. It was the truth, though. Before Reiner could respond, I kissed the side of his cheek softly before pressing my own cheek against his. “You’re too honest sometimes,” Reiner commented.I laughed a little, knowing that he was only half complaining. I was sure that he was feeling lightly shy, and I couldn’t blame him. Reiner walked with me on his back deeper into the water. I wasn’t a big fan of going too deep into the sea although I could swim just fine. However, I felt very safe and reassured since I had Reiner with me. Although I knew that I had probably grown too attached and dependent on Reiner again, I just couldn’t stop clinging to him. “Do you think I’m too clingy?” I asked before I could stop myself.Reiner turned his head around to look at me with a mix of confusion and surprise on his face. I bit my lower lip at the slip of my tongue. Obviously, he must have found that question weird and out of place. “Sorry…
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Reiner - Forgotten Wish
“R…” I called his name softly without realizing it.Reiner’s attention returned to me immediately when he heard me say his name. Now that his attention was one me, I realized that I didn’t have anything to say to him. I wanted to ask him if something was bothering him, but I knew that he would probably tell me that it was nothing for me to worry about. “Umm…thank you for bringing me here, getting me the books…and everything…” I thanked him once again. “All that’s left now is for us to sunbathe together and chat…” Reiner replied as he lay down on the towel. I didn’t quite understand what he meant by that, but I decided to lay down next to him. The sun caressed our skin, and we were indeed sunbathing while we enjoyed the comfort of each other’s company. As for the chatting part, we’ve done quite a lot of that already since the date started. Reiner reached for my hand and held it firmly in his as we lay there side by side. I waited for him to explain his words from earlier, but it did
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Reiner - His Solution
Reiner carried me up to a clearing on the side of the hill and there was an impressive cave of hanging rocks behind us. I don’t think I’ve been in a cave like this before and I found everything interesting. Apart from the mysterious cave, the view of the sandy beach, the sea and the horizon that lay beyond took my breath away. “You get excited quite easily,” Reiner said like this whole thing didn’t interest him much. “I do?” I asked as I turned to smile at him. “You’re probably getting easier to please too…” Reiner said observantly. “Isn’t that good news for you?” I teased playfully. “Maybe…” he mumbled in reply before his eyes returned to the horizon. My eyes followed his towards the horizon where the setting sun had dyed the sky in a mix of blue, purple, pink, and orange. It was such an enchanting sight that I couldn’t help but sigh at the beauty and serenity of the view in front of me. The settle sun was reflected in the sea water and the effect looked very magical in my poin
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Reiner - Buying Time
Reiner doubt that this was just all about money for King. The business had been booming since he set it up. King and the company were extremely wealthy, and all their income were not taxed by any government. King’s main problem is where to store and hide his wealth and not how to acquire more wealth. “What do you really want?” Reiner asked as he slowly stood up from his seat.There was something very suspicious about the details and the timing of the client’s request; however, Reiner knew that the request was real. King wouldn’t fake up something like this no matter what he had to gain from it. The request was real and that meant that if he didn’t do something about it a very talented assassin would be assigned to the job to finish it up quickly and hopefully quietly. It didn’t help that Natalia was walking around freely on this island where the agents were based. “Nothing. As I said, I just thought that I should let you know. You are my son after all…” King replied like none of thi
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Reiner - Finding the Perfect One
“Now you see how difficult my job really is. It’s not a walk in the park to pick the perfect ring, is it?” Charm teased mercilessly before laughing loudly. Reiner shot Charm a stare before letting out a loud sigh. She was right, he hadn’t expected that choosing a ring for Natalia would be this difficult and he also never knew that there were so many options available and multiple combinations of factors to consider before he could pick out the perfect ring. “I never said that your job was easy…” Reiner retorted softly. “You always act so high and mighty about your job when you just run around shooting and killing people. So, which stone and which setting design?” Charm asked with her hands planted on the sides of her hips. Reiner stared down at the seemingly endless options of diamond stones and rings that were on displayed. He had never felt so helpless and lost before in his life. Every stone looked pretty and sparkly enough. All the rings looked fine and that only made it harde
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