All Chapters of The Hunt: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
Chapter 11: When Excitement Catches Up
The dinner kept going for hours, and Izzy had several amusing conversations with both Ethan and Ben as she enjoyed each course at the Feast of the Living. As the dinner ended and people were dispersing throughout the castle for dancing, talking, or playing card games, she realized that she was quickly getting drunk. Her wine glass was being refilled as soon as it looked more than half empty. She glanced up and smiled as yet another waiter filled her glass to the brim and nodded kindly before walking off to check on other guests. She glanced at other wine glasses on the table and noted several were empty, but hers was not. She figured the waiter must have had a notion in his head that she was particularly thirsty. Her vision was getting blurred as she surveyed the table. She looked down the row and saw Cliff turned her way. Her eyes were getting blurred so she couldn’t tell if he was looking at her or not so she raised her hand and smiled before glancing back at the peop
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Chapter 12: A Night Best Forgotten
Author's Note: Trigger warning - this chapter contains scenes of a sexually violent nature. The chapter itself isn't necessary toward understanding the storyline. If you're uncomfortable reading this, please skip this chapter. This particular chapter may not be for everyone. We do not condone violence of any form. ---------------------------------- Izzy looked at the man standing in front of her, fear coursing through her body. She glanced around the room, trying to find an escape. There had to be a way out. The door was blocked by the large man standing much too close. “You won’t get away from me,” Cliff whispered salaciously. He stalked toward her, his eyes lighting up when he realized he had caught her, finally. Her face registered her fear as she realized she was stuck, there was no way to get past him. He watched as her fear turned to desperation and her eyes searched for an escape. He laughed softly as he watched her. She stumble
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Chapter 13: The Aftermath
It was well past 1 am before Izzy stumbled broken and bleeding down the hall toward her suite. She tried to run down the hall, wrapping her arms around her body, desperate to keep the torn fabric together, covering her broken body. Izzy was trying not to wake anyone up, most of the occupants in this wing of the castle were sleeping, it was the day before the ball which meant only one more day until the Hunt. There was excitement in the air, but the excitement that had encompassed Izzy for the last many weeks was gone. In its place lay despair. She shuddered as she leaned against the wall, her legs weak, her core throbbing in pain. Izzy was trying to be quiet, slowly making her way down the hall toward their suite. Her slippers scuffled as she stumbled along the hall. She looked fearfully behind her, convinced he was following her to pounce on her once more. She was out of tears, there were just none left to be cried. Her eyes were filled with despair, her heart was violated.
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Chapter 14: The Morning After
Kate looked around the hall anger clouding her face, then despair. They had to get Izzy out of here. They desperately needed to talk to their dad but he wouldn't be back for almost a week. That’s because of Cliff, Kate thought bitterly. He was still traveling around the countryside on council business and Uncle Marcus was with him. Cliff had planned this perfectly. The girls had gone downstairs for breakfast, more as something to pass the time while they figured out what to do than due to hunger. The hall was filled with hundreds of people, participants of the Hunt filed in and out leisurely. They enjoyed breakfast then left through the hall toward the courtyard to participate in various challenges to prepare for the five day Hunt coming up. The ball was tonight and tomorrow was the start of the Hunt. If Izzy joined the Hunt she could be taken away from them and they didn't know what would happen to her then. Kate had to protect her. She needed to figure out how to get out o
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Chapter 15: A Plea for Empathy
Izzy's breathing kept coming in labored gasps. Kate looked around the courtyard, trying to figure out where to go to escape. She saw a Council elder across the lawn talking with a group of men. It looked like the ambassador from Ilthaliem, but she wasn't sure. She was about to head that way when a familiar face crossed her path. "Hello, Kate, how are you this morning?" Cliff said as he walked in front of Kate, pausing to talk with the girls. Amelia held onto his arm as they strolled along the path, glancing at the girls. Kate instinctively stepped in front of Izzy, pushing Izzy behind her, and Susanna stepped next to Kate, keeping one hand on Izzy's arm but blocking Cliff's view of her friend. Kate had been so intent on getting away from their mates that she hadn’t been looking for Cliff. Behind Kate and Susanna, Izzy stood shaking in fear. Her body was convulsing uncontrollably. Amelia looked at Izzy and noted how she was being guarded behind the two girls. She th
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Chapter 16: Evasive Maneuvering
Kate rushed to the great hall, searching for Susanna. If Seth could hunt her down by her scent, it was only a matter of time before Izzy's mate would hunt her down as well. Seth and Logan would both know where to find Izzy, it wouldn't be at all difficult. They needed a plan quickly. Kate glanced at the time on the clock in the hall and noticed it was 10:30, she had until 11:30 to return to Izzy. She hoped Izzy would be able to sleep. Kate rushed to the great hall and saw Susanna sitting next to Logan, they were talking softly, regret filling Logan's face. Kate slid next to Susanna on the seat and heard the end of her conversation. "Izzy is my best friend, I've known her since we were 2 years old. She, Kate, and I have been inseparable since then. She needs to go home. Kate and I need to go with her. We would come back next year after she has a break. It's just a year," Susanna's voice was pleading. "I can't let you do that, Susanna, it goes against every par
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Chapter 17: Resigned and Determined
Amelia rushed toward the Kreil wing, she knew the girls would be going to petition the council soon and she didn’t have much time. She raced toward the door where she knew Nate, Seth, and Logan were staying, knocking softly on the door. The door opened and a tired Kreil stood looking down at her. “Amelia?” Logan said with surprise. “Is Nate here?” Amelia asked softly, glancing around Logan. Logan nodded and called out behind him, “Nate? Amelia is here to talk with you.” “Logan, you and Seth, too,” Amelia said, quickly glancing up and down the hall to make sure no one else was around. The men walked to the door, looking at Amelia with curiosity. “Your mates are heading to the council at noon to petition the council to allow them to leave the Hunt this year. I thought you should know,” Amelia said quickly, moving to leave. “Wait, what?” Logan grabbed Amelia’s arm and held her in place, looking intently into her eyes.
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Chapter 18: The Evasive Plan
A light knock sounded on the door and Kate looked at Susanna in concern. They both walked to the door and cracked open the door, peeking out into the hall beyond. Amelia stood in the hallway. She leaned close and whispered to the girls, “I have a map and hiding places. Come to my room, Cliff is gone. I will show you some things. It will help. Please, let me help.” Kate looked at Susanna then glanced back at Izzy, still sleeping on the bed. Kate nodded and opened the door wide seeing Thomas still standing ijn the hall beyond. “I’d be happy to guard the door,” he said softly, smiling at Kate. She nodded in return and smiled back. “Thank you, Thomas.” The girls slipped out and followed Amelia through the castle toward the Kreil wing. Kate noticed there was a bruise forming around Amelia’s neck. She frowned as she assessed Amelia’s arms and saw arm prints along her upper arms as well. Amelia turned and gestured for the girls to walk into t
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Chapter 19: The Ball It Should Have Been
Izzy was almost feeling like a watered-down version of herself by the time they reached the ballroom, her arm wrapped around Thomas'. She noted several familiar faces and made effort to offer them a smile. It wasn't her normal cheerful smile and she could tell she was getting many confused, concerned glances. She supposed she wouldn't have to work too hard to feign sickness. Thomas smiled down at her, "I don't suppose you'd save me your first dance?" Izzy smiled back at him, "I'd be honored, Thomas." She allowed him to lead her toward the dance floor as Kate and Susanna watched with hawk eyes. "Do you think we will have to stay long?" Kate asked Susanna. "An hour maybe? Long enough to see the ambassador from Ellisvale so he can confirm we attended if it comes up later," Susanna responded. "That is a good idea. We will need to make sure he sees Izzy, too," Kate said. “Do you see him?” Susanna asked, glancing around the ballroom.
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Chapter 20: When the Glass Slipper Cracks
Izzy walked through the ballroom, her hand wrapped around the arm of her mate, Nate. She glanced up at him and felt her heart beating erratically. She saw the hungry look in his eyes and she looked away uncomfortably, not ready to explore that facet of the mate bond yet. He wasn't allowed to claim her, not until The Hunt started, but she was feeling more at ease with him. He might be willing to wait, she thought, if she asked. She looked ahead and saw Amelia walking into the ballroom on the arm of her mate, Cliff. His eyes found her almost immediately. He gazed at her hungrily and Izzy cringed in fear. His eyes gleamed in triumph as he surveyed her from top to bottom, his eyes stopping at her chest. She stepped back slightly, hiding partially behind Nate as she tried to escape from Cliff's gaze. Nate looked down at her in question. "I'm not feeling the best, maybe I should find Kate?" she said softly. Nate nodded and they worked their way around the room, looking fo
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