All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
357 Chapters
Chapter 111
Carmella nodded at once, her ears have really been itching to hear it all and she was already running out of patience especially for the fact that she had a million skeletons lurking behind her cupboard.“Whatever it is my queen please let me know, if it’s something you want me to do, I would surely do it” she said looking up at Emma’s fine face.Emma smiled “this is exactly one of the reasons I like you, you’re ever ready to do whatever it takes to make your superiors happy and comfortable but fortunately enough, I am so sure that what I am about to ask of you is something you can do that would not only benefit you but yourself, your family and the entire royal family.”Carmella’s eyes widened, she stared at the queen in confusion wondering what she was talking about.“What… what do you want me to do my lady” she asked almost stuttering.Emma smiled “I want you to marry my so
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Chapter 112
Emma summoned the servants who escorted Carmella out of her room, they closed the door behind while she paced the room slowly wearing a proud smirk at the end of her lips.Her long purple dress swept the marble floor giving much weight to her legs while she dragged the dress behind, she held up the edge still wearing an enviable smile on her lips, she ran her hand through her cheek taking a deep loud sigh, it was more like a sigh of victory as she could feel her nerves falling into relaxation.She slightly cleared her throat, her gaze fixed on the mirror standing softly in her room “Well… well it is totally obvious that Carmella isn’t interested in Terry after all, I really do not have anything to worry about, what I should actually be worried about is my son Joshua, convincing him to see reasons with me and take Carmella as a bride is what I must do, but how do I achieve that?” She thought aloud moving away from the mirror which she stood in f
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Chapter 113
Joshua grunted in anger looking totally unpleased with both himself and the thought of his mother summoning Carmella to discuss marriage plans without confronting him first, he wondered in anger if it had gotten to that extent that his mother have decided to force Carmella on him.He kicked hard on the chair he was previously sitting on looking totally unhappy with what he just discovered about Carmella “I just don’t understand why Carmella doesn’t get it, like… I don’t want her, I don’t want to marry her.”He took a deep sigh staring heavily at the chair that had fallen to the ground, he turned away from it in anger and walked straight into the house, he found himself standing in front of his mother’s  door in no time, he lifted his hand to bang at the door but then he retreated, their was no point approaching her in that fierce mode though he was boiling with rage and wanted to let her know exactly how he was feel
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Chapter 114
Emma scoffed in discomfort, she felt challenged and that feeling wasn’t something she enjoy especially when it comes from someone whom she believes is supposed to be under her. Despite the fact that Joshua being the only son of his late father have taken other leadership from his father, Emma still believes that he owes her hundred percent homage not just as his mother but as the queen of the clan and therefore nothing should and can be done without her consent. She was getting totally aggravated with each second that swam by, Joshua didn’t look willing to back out of his quest to get answers from her, he looked even eager and willing to stand there for longer hours just to get his mother to talk to him, to say exactly what he wants to hear. Emma walked closer to him staring deep at his face, he could clearly see the lines on his face, incredibly defining his handsome, for a moment she admired her son’s look and then acknowledged the fact that he was already
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Chapter 115
Emma didn’t like the way Joshua left her room and she felt totally uncomfortable that her plans of forcing Carmella on him might backfire which she couldn’t afford to allow happen but she really needed something to use against him if she wanted him to do exactly what she wanted but what could she possibly use against her own son to make him bend to her wishes.She moved over to the bed and sat on it hitting her on it over and over again, she gritted her teeth in anger feeling drenched in her own thoughts wondering how on earth she intends to achieve her goal of having Carmella as a daughter in law.Emma sprang up on her feet and paced the room for a while “now it’s no longer Terry or Carmella saying no but rather my son who is hell bent on his mission of bringing Diana back here, well I don’t care if he brings her back but an adulterous woman would never be the queen of this clan, it would never happen and I would do whatever it is within
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Chapter 116
Carmella noticed it and glared at her wondering why she reacted that way “what is it mother? Are you surprised that I and Joshua are getting married so soon even though you’re not in support of it?”Zara stood on her feet, for some reasons she felt that Carmella was really doing too much but at the same time, she didn’t send her self to the palace, the queen was actually the one that summoned her but she was sure Joshua would never support or agree to whatever plans the queen was making.”“You don’t seem happy for me mother…” Carmella said staring at her mother’s face.“I don’t understand any of this Carmella, you want me to be happy that you’re about to allow the queen make you marry someone who doesn’t love or want you but rather your younger sister?” She asked.Carmella felt provoked and hated when she heard her mother speak, she jumped to her feet in rage withou
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Chapter 117
She turned away from her mother heading straight to the kitchen “where did you say my food is?”Zara remained mute.Carmella turned around to take a glance at her and found her staring at her with her hands folded, she knew what that look meant, her mother wasn’t ready to answer any of her quest until she answers hers but what exactly was she supposed to say, what lie was she to tell that she haven’t told before and how on earth was she to convince her smart mother standing right in front of her that she was telling the truth this time around? Her mind kept jumping from one place to the other and in so doing she could hear her heart pounding really hard in her chest giving her away to guilt, she was guilty, she knew it but telling her mother she met Azora and all that was more like digging her own grave and making her plans impossible to achieve.“You aren’t saying anything…” Zara said calling back her attention,
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Chapter 118
“Their is nothing to talk about mother cause I went no where, this is one of the reasons why I wish to get married so I would leave your damn house and stop you from tormenting my life” she said in tears.Zara arched her brow “am I really tormenting your life or are you the one who have decided to be a lying and sneaky daughter?”“I don’t care what you call me mother, you can have the food, I would go to bed on an empty stomach” she struggled to stand again and this time around she succeeded, she walked past her mother heading for her room though her steps were slow.Zara sighed loudly “well let’s see what  would eventually happen by the time I tell Queen Emma that her so called daughter in law to be spent the previous night out of the walls of her home, I believe you would be glad to tell her the whole truth” she moved over to a chair in the room and sat quietly on it shaking her legs.Carm
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Chapter 119
Melanie was awake that morning, as usual she could hear the birds cawing from the roof top, she shrugged in discomfort, her body still aches from the previous day’s beating but that was the least of her worries, she was just worried on how to continue pretending that she doesn’t seem to remember whatever that happened the previous day especially now that she was aware that her best friend was having an affair with her husband, she took a deep sigh knowing it would be disastrous to let out the truth at this moment as she was still very much concerned to know why Charles has chosen to remain married to her despite hating her so much.A man who doesn’t like a woman can’t possibly continue to live with her except their is something attached to all of it, Melanie was bound to found out, she wanted to start picking up the pieces of her life, she couldn’t leave Charles now cause she doesn’t know a thing about herself or her past, she was still in
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Chapter 120
Charles drove slowly down the road, he stopped at interval at the sign of the traffic light while he wished for the days to sweep by quickly so it would be Melanie’s twenty fifth birthday and her inheritance would be handed over to her so he can finally have them all, he called it a reward for all this years of putting up with her, he just couldn’t wait for that day to come anymore but it was only few days away. His phone started ringing, she slotted the AirPod into his ear in other to pick the call, it was Rose. She was in her apartment, relaxing with a cup of coffee on her table when she recalled that the inheritance they have all been waiting patiently for would finally arrive, she picked up her phone to call Charles. “How are you doing Rose? It’s unusual to have you calling this early” he said with his eyes steady on the road. Rose shrugged “I guess I am less important for you to call on a beautiful morning like this, unlike your numerous girlfrie
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